Is this a normal thing to get against deathslinger
This is the first time I've vaulted to safety mid shot
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It's because of latency and the queue priority system. You pressed the vault button before you were shot so it queue'd it up and let you vault even though you were shot after. Latency will also effect this.
It's the same thing as when you get shocked by Doctor but still vault anyway.
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Good to know I've gotten it on doctor before I never knew that latency worked like this for deathslinger
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Completely normal, in fact thanks to this, old deadhard had the very enraging effect of making it look like survivors literally took the spear off themselves when this interaction happened, just intead of a vault a dh.
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Yup, as far as I'm aware that's how it goes. It seems like you were at the perfect distance/latency for the game to prioritize the vault over the shot even though it did look a bit weird.
It was sometime back but I've had it happen once when I was playing Slinger but it was against a really really laggy survivor. I shot them in the middle of shack and they proceeded to run and vault the window anyway. I wish I saved a clip of it as it was pretty funny watching a speared survivor just keep running without a care in the world.