SOLO-Q, survivors DC or suicide on hook very often

acharliet Member Posts: 155

Shouldnt be SOLO-Q kill switched as well lol ? Its not playable, in my 5 games in row survivor who was first downed just DC or suicide on first hook.

As SOLO-Q main survivor who loved this game, I just wanna do challenges, have little fun and go back to long que killer lobbies, play some killers while relaxing.

Cant be penalty for DC increased somehow? The games r really bad for me.


  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,433

    DC and giving up is bad and I don't support it.

    However I can see why people like to do it. Forever Legion / Plagues with good addons, Nurse with range addons, Killer who just 3-gen from start and never leaves his area with heavy slowdown / etc. All these things above are super unfun and making game take either 5 min or 30 min. Maybe something should be done about this because in the end you can't force anyone play the match if they see how bad it will go.

  • acharliet
    acharliet Member Posts: 155

    Well there r cases when SOLO-Q survivors dont have chance to win like against Plague keeping 3-gen. Well most of killers keeping 3-gen with stacked slowdown perks r broken now for sure.

    But in my games the game just start, survivor is downed and then just suicide on hook. DC or suicide on first hook became so much popular i guess.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,988

    Giving up on hook is VERY different than just disconnecting. You eat a 5 minute penalty regardless, and let's be real, the serial leavers are likely eating more than that. Just let yourself die if you want out of the game, it buys the others survivors a tiny bit of time that is robbed from them when you throw a hissy fit and rage quit.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,639

    I can’t go through one solo q match without someone dc’ing or giving up, I wanna stick to killer but the queue times are so long.