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Why is Mikey's T3 instant kill still in the game?

Xperian Member Posts: 29

You nerfed moris to require 2 hooks before killing. Pyramid head can't kill you until you're on last hook. So why do I get instant killed by Mikey on his first T3 pop, when he has 1 hook, 1 gen done, and I haven't even been downed?

What a stupid way to end the game. Yes, I understand that it takes extra time to get to T3. I understand that you can just loop him to avoid it. But when he just walks up until he's right behind you to pop it so he doesn't have to lunge, you're screwed. Game over. It's done. No more match for you. Were you in a group with friends? Have fun waiting.

BHVR, have you played your own game? Do you have a single cognizant thought between the lot of you? You changed the standards for moris so that they wouldn't be too strong and you left this garbage in the game.



  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    Despite the first survivor basically being dead without any possible counterplay as you just cant know it.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,963

    then jump in a locker assuming he has it, especially if it took him a while to get T3. Learn to accept there will be situations in the game where you are making reads on what your opponent is trying to accomplish.

  • Sandt21
    Sandt21 Member Posts: 761

    If you want to get reid of those add ons, meyers would need a complete add on pass and major buffs in his base kit. But buffing meyers is a tricky buisness, as his three tiers of his base kit perfectly match how he acts and is portrayed in his films. Go to far in one direction, and meyers loses that identity completely, which is all of his appeal to begin with.

    To buff meyers, I'd suggest focusing on all three of his tiers and make them so vastly different that it gives meyers three distinct ways to play ingame. One could argue that he already does this, but not enough to make him viable in mid tier games and top tier games. Each tier would have to be distinct and unique, but also mesh well together so strategies in game can be changed on the fly should the situation and need arise.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,963

    its not any more outdated than it ever was. If you want to talk outdated mechanics with mikey, talk about evil within limits per survivor.

    Its always been strong at catching people who don't respect it, literally the same power that DS has always had. They were even introduced in the same patch.

  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 614
    edited July 2022

    Because he is whit Pig The weakest Killer in the Game

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    You should assume that most Myers games they are using tomb stone because they do. I have played against Myers that also didn't give away they had tombstone until very late into the game. The best counter-play against Myers is just to not let him stalk and at high MMR if he using either tombstone it can take him 4-5 gens to tier 3. In the event he manages to reach tier 3 there are some obvious signs he is ready to use it the first being he wont try and stalk you immediately, but W key right for you. It is almost always the play to jump in a locker if you are the first person he is going to tier 3 against, he is a pretty weak killer, one free hook isn't going to win him the game.

    I agree that it feels cheap to die to tombstone, but there is ample opportunity and information to gather to avoid being the one taken out of the game early.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    I'm not sure DS is a good comparison, unless they changed DS to straight-up kill the killer when I wasn't looking. DS is a setback, tombstone is an insta-loss gg no re whose only counters involve permahiding or particular objects (which obviously aren't everywhere.)

    Agree the limits are dumb, though. They should recharge over time.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,963
    edited July 2022

    one DS had the power to completely change games if it happened at the right moment, and there can be up to 4 per match so I would absolutely equate them as much as an asymmetrical system allows. Saying it cant be the same because survivors can't kill the killer is a disingenuous comparison.

    They both punish the opponent hard for not respecting them. The key counterplay is to assume they're in play until proven otherwise, just like how killers wait out DSes.

  • Xperian
    Xperian Member Posts: 29

    Nobody has answered the question - why can it be done on the first interaction with a survivor? BHVR has made it clear that they don't want it to function that way for ANY other killer. So what if he's weak compared to others? His instant kill is antithetical to the direction they're trying to take the game.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,697

    I don't see him being weak a real valid excuse for it not being removed. BHVR just takes forever to address problems in the game and often they don't touch addons unless they are touching the entire kit (or items for survivors). BHVR hasn't done anything significant with Myers in years. The last time he got any changes were some really minor addon buffs when they were buffing a bunch of low usage addons across the board.

    We kind of just have to wait for whenever BHVR gets to looking at Myer's kit which iirc has been stated they plan to. But until then he's likely going to go unchanged until then.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,203

    I don't really have a problem with judith's tombstone, but tombstone piece is beyond busted and needs to go. Just completely change it into something else imo, we don't need more than 1 instakill addon.

    Btw, myers being one of the weaker killers is not justification for tombstone piece being allowed to exist.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    I guess it depends how you perceive it. For me it's always a surprise and I find it hilarious.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Maybe a fully stalked surv can be moried when T3 reached?

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024
    edited July 2022

    Idk but each time i play myers add onless and I reach tier 3 vs a SWF they jump to lockers and im like okay I guess lol.

    The most funny part on one of those game it was those surv that t bag at you at 8m of you and its like ohhh god soak me with stalk points please lol

  • MilManson
    MilManson Member Posts: 939

    Because the addons are flavour.

    Have survivors run out of things to cry about?

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,076

    So just give the killer a free down? What if they actually don't have it?

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


    But I'm also hesitant to remove it as Myers is, along with Sadako and Trapper, the worst killer in the game.

    It is massively unfun though.

    This is the key.

    Myers needs a rework. He needs...something (maybe a pallet breaker?) to help him in chase. I'd also love to see his mirror addons moved down to yellow rarity (it's how I love to play him, and it', so hard to sustain with the Prestige changes). Then rework TSP and Tombstone to be less ridiculous.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,076

    That cements that it's complete guesswork as to how much stalk he's gotten and how long he took to get it.

  • Dunkinspunkin
    Dunkinspunkin Member Posts: 191

    I don't have a problem with it. So maybe, just maybe, people who disagree with you aren't mindless and stupid. Maybe people have different opinions, and while you're welcome to voice yours, you should ask real questions instead of screaming your tantrum of why it hasn't been removed.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 489

    Nah, it's fun and there should be more unique mechanics like this, actually.

    Just rush gens and deny stalk if this is the case, most Tombstone and Judith's users can be looped for a long time because all they do is stalk.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    Is it really complete guesswork? You also factor in stuff like match time (if Myers shows up in the first 30s of the game, he's probably fresh, but if nobody's been injured and he shows up at your gen at 80s, be afraid.) Some of it is guesswork, but it can't be pure guesswork when I'd say Tombstone Piece surprises me about 30% of the time and Judith's surprises me 1%, that 1% being solely restricted to Myers getting a feast on three clueless survivors on one generator while I was somewhere else. Otherwise I find the behavior patterns of a player with tombstone are pretty telling provided I get to observe them at all before they hit T3. FWIW, they also won't lunge and want to get really close before attacking, and noticing they don't go for lunges at pallets can buy you enough time to get to a locker. And a Black Ward on a Myers game almost always signifies a tombstone.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,253

    Against good players the Myers won't be killing.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    Yes, if he's t3 you will absolutely be able to reach a locker pretty much anywhere you are.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,076

    Whatever. I'm just gonna enjoy free moris playing Myers while I can.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030

    A small built in mirror would be nice, give more of a jumpscare vibe.

  • ACleverName4Me
    ACleverName4Me Member Posts: 450

    Because it's fun, interesting and myers is meant to keep you on your toes and be unpredictable. That's why many of his addons changes how he's played.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    A good Sadako can mori you without going through hook stages.

    Take the L, go next.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,081

    The vast majority of games against Myers I escape, because he's bad. The occasional Tombstone Piece death doesn't bother me much; let the poor dude have something, because he doesn't have much. Plus I think it's kind of funny.

    And as others have said, if you see it's Myers and they are taking an eternity to level up EW, you should assume they have either the TP or FT. There no sure way to tell, but little situational awareness goes a long way sometimes.

    Now if they rework Myers to make him stronger (as they absolutely should), then you talk about removing his no hook insta kills.

  • sonata93
    sonata93 Member Posts: 418

    I think people justify his busted addons because he's a weak base-kit killer. Whilst that may be true, it doesn't justify the existence of (arguably) the most powerful killer addon in the game. Being able to mori a survivor out of the game with absolutely no hooks is not, by any measure, fair, healthy, or fun gameplay.

    I know people say "just jump in a locker", but sometimes he can catch you off guard and a lot of Tombstone Myer's bring perks like PWYF to get speed boosts. Also, you sometimes have to assume he's brought Tombstone which essentially gives him free hooks/sacrifices.

    Tombstone Piece, Judith's Tombstone, and Infinite T3 need to go when he gets reworked. Putting bandaids over a weak killer with overpowered addons is not good for the game.

  • Harold_Shipman
    Harold_Shipman Member Posts: 737

    because its absolutely hilarious to get somebody who click click clicks at shack and doesn't realise you have a 99d tombstone piece, enduring/spirit fury and bamboozled the window

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    I play since 2017 and I've been honored to die like this versus Myers only 1 time.

    Come on, nobody plays this guy, give him a break. He's the pure form of evil after all.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,156

    Myers has an excellent pick rate. Lots of people play him. Myself included.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Because its one of the most threatening, dynamic, fun and thematically appropriate mechanics in the game.

  • sonata93
    sonata93 Member Posts: 418

    That's interesting - whilst I wouldn't say I go against Tombstone Myer's 'often' persay, I see them maybe three/four times per rank reset cycle. Sure, it's not a common occurrence, but there are players out there who use Tombstone and know how to use it well. I know this thread is about that specific addon, but I go against quite a lot of infinite T3 Myers, which is another busted addon.

    Also, hasn't Myers got quite a high player base? He's not top-tier popular like Blight, Nurse, Huntress etc., but he's certainly more popular than DSlinger, Twins, Freddy, Hag, etc. I could be wrong, but I thought he had quite a high pick-rate?

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    You're probably right about the pickrate. Not a reality I've encountered but @Dwight_Fairfield was just talking about that. Thats true tho, infinite Myers is pretty frequent.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,156

    That is correct. According to Bhvr's stats. The last one they showed were for December to January. The kill rates are on the left, the pick rates on the right. As you can see Mikey is one of the more popular played killers.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,963

    at the end, yeah. You still loop him a bit, but you locker jump before getting to the point of being greedy. He's already wasted plenty of time getting to T3, and getting hooked is much less detrimental than being instant killed so learn to make the best of bad situations? have some agency.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,218

    It can be done because he was created early on in DBD when power levels were still being sorted out.. and it was BS back then too even with how strong survivor was. I like the idea behind the addon, but not how you can do it to people that you haven't stalked at all. Maybe add a minimum stalk parameter to it or that you can only use it on a survivor after first hook. That would make the addon kinda crappy but more fair than it is now.

    That said, I use it all the time. It's BS, but it's in the game.

  • FeryGEN
    FeryGEN Member Posts: 629

    I still wonder why the other killers weren't given that opportunity, at least after 2 hangings, or with the help of Rancor?

  • Gore_DeWitt
    Gore_DeWitt Member Posts: 45

    If you only repaired 1 gen before a full iridescent Myers went to T3 you are doing something wrong.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,076

    By doing what? Focusing on one survivor the whole game, and hoping they run to every activating TV and stay within range, as opposed to running out of TV range or to the turned off ones? And they never have anyone block for them and never put a tape in to take away their condemned? Let's face it: Sadako getting her instamori is complete luck and then some.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,081

    Yeah, I once had a cocky streamer (complete with Twitch shirt cosmetic) come out of the gate clicking and trying to draw aggro, their team fed me quick, caught them in the middle of shack within the first couple minutes and murdered them.

    Soooo gratifying. Cheap, but gratifying.

    Morale of the story: Myers is weak, but make sure he doesn't have the tp before you BM.

    A lot of people play him because he's Michael f'n Myers. But he's super weak.

    He really should be buffed to reflect his horror stature.