Perk Rework Idea (Survivor Only)

Perk Reworks

If the perk isn’t listed, I feel no change is absolutely necessary, but this doesn’t mean with certainty that it shouldn’t be changed. The following are some reworks for perks that I feel will benefit from a positive change (buff or nerf).

Alert: Whenever the killer destroys a pallet or breakable wall, damages a generator, or causes a survivor to scream, their aura is revealed for 3/4/5 seconds. 

Any Means Necessary: You see the aura of dropped pallets when within a 24/32/40 meter range. Start the trial with 1 token, maximum of 3.   Gain a token if you get hit 10 seconds after throwing a pallet. Press and hold the active ability button for 4 seconds when near a pallet to consume one token, resetting the pallet to its upright position. (Cooldown removed).

Autodidact: You start the trial with a 50% debuff to healing speeds when healing another survivor without a medkit. For each successful skill check completed while healing a survivor in this manner, gain a token. For each token, gain a 30/40/50% healing speed bonus when healing a survivor without a medkit. Caps your healing speed when healing yourself and others to 100% bonus speed. 

Boon; Dark Theory: All survivors gain a 7% haste effect when within the boons effective range. All other haste effects become nullified once entering the boons effective range.

Borrowed Time: Survivors you unhook benefit from the following effects; extends the duration of their endurance by 6/8/10 seconds, extends the duration of their haste by 6/8/10 seconds, removes collision of the survivor from other survivors and the killer for the duration the survivor has the endurance status effect. 

Botany knowledge: The trial now starts with 3 caches that can be studied by you. After studying a cache, your self healing speed will be increased by 50% and your altruistic healing speed will be increased by 100% for 40/50/60 seconds. The aura of a cache is revealed to you when within a 4 meter range of the cache. 

Breakdown: After unhooking a survivor, the hook becomes trapped for 60/90/120 seconds. The next time the killer attempts to hook a survivor on that hook, the hook will immediately break for 10 seconds. The hook will no longer be trapped after breaking. 

Buckle Up: When healing another survivor from the dying state to the injured state, the survivor will gain a 5/6/7% haste effect for 10 seconds and you both will see the killers aura for 6 seconds. 

Calm Spirit: Prevents Crows from being alerted by your proximity and flying off, unless they are being stepped on. Suppresses the urge to scream from pain at all times. Suppresses all noises related to unlocking chests, cleansing or blessing totems, entering and exiting lockers, and opening exit gates.

Corrective Action: You start the trial with 1/2/3 tokens and gain a token each time you succeed a great skill check, up to a maximum of 5 tokens. Each time another survivor working on any generator fails a skill check, corrective action consumes a token, and converts their failed skill check into a good skill check. Increases the chance of a skill check appearing while repairing a generator by 40%. 

Dance with me: after performing any rushed action or blinding the killer, you will not leave any scratch marks or bloodstains for 3 seconds. Has a cool down of 69/50/40 seconds. 

Decisive Strike: 5 second stun again, everything else the same. 

Deja Vu: After repairing a generator to 50% of its total progression, Deja Vu will activate on the generator. After leaving the generator and moving 24 meters away from it, Deja Vu will show the aura of the generator to you. After returning to the generator, you gain a 10/15/20% repairing speed bonus when repairing this generator until the generator is completed. 

Detectives Hunch: After crouching in the killer’s terror radius for 50/40/30 seconds, detectives hunch activates. The next time you stun the killer, the stun duration will be 2 times as long. The perk then deactivates. 

Empathic Connection: Healing speed on other survivors is now 20% higher, rest is the same. 

Fast Track: Whenever a survivor enters the dying state, fast track gains 1/2/3 tokens up to a maximum of 9/18/27 tokens.  Rest stays the same. 

Kinship: If a survivor is within 4/6/8 meters of you while you are on the hook in the struggle phase, you can unhook yourself successfully, but suffer from the broken status effect for 80 seconds. 

Left behind: when you are the last survivor remaining in the match, the aura of the hatch is revealed to you and you can open exit gates faster by 20/25/30%.

No Mither: After being hooked for the first time, no mither will activate and you will receive the broken status effect for the rest of the trial. You recover from the dying state 30/40/50% faster and can fully recover from the dying state. While injured, you left grunts of pain are reduced by 50/75/100%. You no longer leave any bloodstains.  Recovery speed is capped at 50% additional speed. 

Object of Obsession:  while crouching, you can channel Object of Obsession. You see the aura of the killer when within a 16/20/24 meter range while channeling. If the killer is within 16 meters of you while crouching, you will scream and reveal your aura to the killer for 6 seconds. If the killer can not have their aura shown, you will not scream if they are within 16 meters. Increases the chances of being the obsession. Only activates if you are the obsession. 

Poised: After a generator is completed, you will not leave any scratch marks for 30/35/40 seconds. 

Premonition: Start the trial with 1/2/3 tokens. Anytime the killer enters a 16 meter radius of you, consume one token and reveal a loud noise notification of where the killer is. Gain a token after being unhooked or unhooking yourself. 

Red Herring: No longer has a cool down.

Resurgence: After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, you can heal yourself at 50/75/100% bonus speed for 30 seconds. 

Self Aware: You walk 10/15/20% faster and can see your own scratch marks. While walking, you leave no pools of blood. 

Self Care: Allows you to self-heal without a medkit at 25/30/35% of the normal healing speed. While healing in this manner, all other healing speed debuffs will not affect you while healing. 

Self preservation: Whenever another survivor is being actively chased by the killer within 12/14/16 meters of you, your scratch marks, grunts of pain, and pools of blood are suppressed. The effect lingers for 3 seconds after the chase ends. 

Situational Awareness: While repairing a generator, your aura is revealed to all other survivors. If a survivor is downed while you are repairing a generator, all survivors see each other’s aura for 4/5/6 seconds. 

Slippery Meat: Start the trial with 3 tokens. For each survivor you fully heal, gain another token, up to a maximum of 4/5/6 tokens. When hooked for the first time, you gain an additional amount of escape attempts proportionate to the amount of tokens you have (9 maximum total possible attempts). Increases self unhook chance by 4%.

Sole survivor: When you are the last survivor alive, gain the endurance effect, a 7% haste effect, repair generators 100/150/200% faster, open the hatch instantly with the key, and have your aura be obfuscated to the killer when inside a range of 40/48/56 meters of the killer. 

Spine Chill: From a range of 16/20/24 meters, if the killer is NOT undetectable, spine chill will grow in power and get visibly brighter for every meter the killer gets closer to you.  (Like the red circle on head on). For every 4 meters the killer gets closer to you, from the furthest point spine chill can read, you gain a 0.5/1/1.5% action speed bonus to repairing, healing, and cleansing speeds. 

Stake Out: Every 15 seconds you spend in the terrors killer radius not being chased, stake out gains a token, up to a maximum of 3/4/5 tokens. Every time you stun the killer by any means, the killer will also be blinded for 3 seconds, and stake out will consume one token. 

Technician: Failing a skill check while repairing prevents the generator explosion, applies the default regression penalty, and applies an additional regression penalty of 4/3/2% Succeeding a great skill check while repairing will grant a 1% bonus to the total progression of the generator. Makes skill checks slightly smaller. 

This is not Happening: When 4/3/2 or more survivors are injured, all skill checks while repairing and healing are now considered great skill checks and apply a 0.5% additional progress to the total progression of the heal or repair. 

Up the ante: Every time you reunite with a survivor, you and the other survivor gain 5% additional luck for the rest of the trial. Has a cool down of 60/45/30 seconds. Caps at 50% additional luck.

Visionary: The auras of generators within 32 meters are revealed to you. Every 15 seconds you spend repairing a generator uninterrupted, without failing a skillcheck, gain 3/4/5% bonus repair speed when repairing without a toolbox. The effect goes away after leaving the generator. 

Windows of opportunity: Same effect, but increases vault speed by 3/4/5% as well.


  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Dont you dare touch my deja vu, that perk is fantastic as is. Practically the only way to keep solo queue teammates from 3 genning the team