Killers you love and hate going against?

Almost every player has tried to play survivor in this game. And, as a survivor, we all have our favourite killer to go against and the one we despise, hate and/or fear to see in a match going against us.
I personally hate going against a bubba, as that killer usually means that you are going to be camped.
The killer I like going against may be executioner. Chases with him have both predictable and unpredictable elements, as you know that he may use his special attack (I cannot remember its name) when you drop a pallet but you cannot say where has he got his trenches (I believe they are called trenches) in close quarters, and you will find yourself having to decide if you give him a hit or you go to a cage at some time.
That’s me
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- Legion because he's such an unimaginative killer and his power is annoying and boring, especially with the thana buff he's now guaranteed 4k in solo queue and is basically just mending simulator.
- Nemesis, way too many and the killers sounds and just his vibe in general screams try hard and they're always sweaty campers, the zombies are annoying and have downed me more in nemesis rounds than the actual killer because I've been blocked in by them and pushed off gens with DMS which is just so aggravating.
- Trickster because his power and music are both just annoying.
- Nurse because it's guaranteed 4k in solo queue her rounds are boring and just end up being a slug fest.
- Artist because her power is annoying.
- Pinhead because his power is annoying.
- Pig because she always just tunnels with the trap on and the rounds are awful.
- Wraith because they're the ultimate try hard sweats always face camp and always tunnel.
The rest I find fun to play against tho, deathslinger, trapper, hag, twins etc all very cool and interesting with fun powers.
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Killers I really like going against : Doctor, Legion, Artist
Killers I hate going against : Deathslinger, Huntress, Bubba
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Killers I hate going against:
Nurse (a given for a lot of Solos)
Trickster (almost guaranteed camping and bad manners)
Plague post-patch (freaking regression perks. Thana- miserable experience)
Pinhead: Power is absolutely shite for Solo Q. And for some reason every Pinhead I face is running the full sweat add-ons.
Killers thet I eye roll at:
Legion: Prepare for a match that lasts at least 30 mins now. Boring, annoying etc.
Wraith: I argue Wraiths camp more than Bubbas.
Killers I like facing:
Pyramid Head: Just like him entirely. Don't care if I lose to him.
Demo: Love watching Stompy McStompin' Pants
Myers: He genuinely gets a few jumpscares out of me lol.
The rest are whatever.
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Killers I love going against:
Huntress - Probably the most fun killer to play against
Myers - who doesn't like going against Myers?
Dredge - Lock those lockers!
Blight - so long as they aren't running compound 33
Billy - Very fun, if rare these days
Sadako - keeps you on edge
Trapper - You can't see his traps. If you could he'd be way too weak. He's already not strong. But removing a lot of the chase just takes the fun out of the match.
Trickster - too many knives.
Artist - can hit you from way too far through solid objects. Takes a lot of the chase out of the game
Pinhead - chain hunt is annoying.
Clown - takes a lot of fun out of the chase when the killer can just slow you down.
Nurse - I mean it's nurse. Usually with range addons.
Legion - they all rum thana now. And 3 other slowdown perks. Complete snoozefest
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Love: Billy, Demo, Ghostface, Myers, Dredge, Oni, Slinger
I enjoy versing stealth killers that can effectively surprise you, and the play of shreds/chainsaws/Demon Dashes around loops is fun. Deathslinger feels really rewarding to juke and forces me to think about loops/environmental objects differently than I do versus most killers.
Hate: Bubba, Pinhead, Legion, Nurse
Bubba camps more often than not, Pinhead and Legion games take forever and are prone to solo queue nonsense where some players utterly fail to play appropriately versus that killer, and Nurse is completely unbalanced if the player piloting her is any good.
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Love going against Spirit.
Hate going against everyone else (to an extent)
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I love everyone released until December of 2018, which basically translates to "all killers that were here when I started playing".
As for the killers I hate: Ghostface, Trickster and Blight.
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You hate Ghostface too?? Best friends :)
As for op I love going against blight and absolutely louth Ghostface. Every one else is just a mild annoyance or fine.
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Love going against: (in order) Huntress, Bubba, Blight, Pyramid Heads that use their m2 for more than zoning, Hillbilly's who use their chainsaws for more than traveling, Myers, Oni, and Average Nurse players who are decent but not gods at blinking\
Hate to go against: LEGION (especially with Thana + 3 other slowdowns + the add on that leaves you broken after mending + add on that makes mending slow) SNOOZE, Pinhead, Twins, Deathslinger, Trickster
everyone else is neutral and depends on individual playstyles of the users.
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Always have! That killer is just painful.