"Survivors DC to manipulate stats" Is a joke.
1- How can all survivors agrees do it this? In which secret headquarters they plan these things?
2- Who in the right mind would waste 3-4 hours of their day only to dc?
3- DC's isn't something new. They play against Spirit who is tunneling them early they get hit from 10 meters away then they rage dc, This isn't too uncommon.
4- Is the queue times also one of Survivoes evil plans?
I only wrote this because some Killer mains streamers started to say this. Which is stupid but im not surprised.
+ killing themselve on hooks. If u act against this terrible streamers, dont cut the important part out
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5. DC games aren't even included in the main stats lol
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Same thing. Everything i said apply on killing themselves on hook too.
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That's why you see the smart throwers throw themselves at the killer, in hopes of them hooking them, lol
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DC a 100% counts as a kill for killer, there is no other way. Since survivors are "escaped" when killer DC.
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So you know how MMR/Kills/Survivals works? Nice, where are these infos from? Can u share this?
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Just the other day a really well known streamer on the forums said the increase in hackers is survivor mains doing it as revenge. Some people are ridiculous and made really dumb stuff up.
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They have the stats on DC's, they know to exclude them in relevant figures.
If a killer DC's, that's not 4 earned escapes, those escapes tell you nothing about game balance, or how effective survivors or killers are, thus they're excluded.
Likewise if a survivor DC's, that makes the game 25% easier for the killer, which is usually a guaranteed win if it occurs early enough. This doesn't give you reliable stats either, so it's excluded.
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Yes, because it’s imposible that they dc because they’re not having fun
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I'm not talking about stats, I'm talking about getting higher mmr. If killer DC - survivors getting higher mmr, since they're escaped and got 5k bp.
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I dont wanna be rude, lets just say a big portion of survivor player base is throwing a tantrum and its spreading thanks to a negative spiral
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ReverseVelocity who you quoted, was talking about stats.
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Oops. xD
I missclicked the heck out of these quotes. Sorry. xD
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There isn't a big conspiracy for Survivors to throw games and skew statistics.
There IS, however, a massive rash of Survivors just DCing or throwing on hook because SoloQ is particularly brutal right now.
Correlation is not causation.
7 -
1- Let me introduce you to League of Legend's "Ryze Terrorism", a group of Ryze mains who throw games and have dropped his global winrate down to around 40% so that they rework/buff him. It's doable, whether organized or multiple people having the same idea.
2- Playing online since I was around 10 has taught me that a lot.. a lot of people will waste their time to ruin other people's games, even "for the lulz".
3- True but is it a coincidence that DCing and suiciding on first hook has drastically increased since the update, and how the last time that happened (to my knowledge) was when people were dcing against Spirits and Freddys so they rework them?
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I guess Tunnelers is also Survivors mains who wants to ruin Killers image.
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Same could be said about killers complaining and getting buffs every patch.
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Then why react to a post that does talk about stats in a thread who talks about stats?
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Removing the assumed motive, actually yes.
While survivor numbers have plummeted, overall player count is largely the same, which means all of those solo survivors have moved to killer.
And while it's not some big conspiracy, it is common for players to take their frustrations from one game out on another. So the "can't beat em join em" mentality is pretty prevalent.
There's not much reason for existing killer mains to tunnel more than they were before, so why is there a sudden influx of tunnellers?
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Unless you see a big portion of killers just stand afk at a corner, its not even remotely the same thing.
People are throwing tantrums in game. It would be sad but when its this widespread its still sad but also annoying. Its like being stuck in a plane with a crying baby. Sure its sad that there is a crying baby in your vicinity but the baby just wont shut up and you are stuck in the same place with it.
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I mean there was legit a discord dedicated to suiciding on hook against freddys in an attempt to get him nerfed faster so wouldn't doubt that some survivor groups are doing the same thing to revert some changes.
Basically to make it easier to understand... they've done it in the past and they wont hesitate to do it again.
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Oh yeah, who the hell gonna DC when they can simply throw the game through hook suicide.
And that can also kill three other survivors with them lul
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- Not all survivors agree to this and there are quite a bit of survivors that get annoyed at this just the same, since it also ruins their game. People aren't acting like this is some agreed upon plan by all survivors, just disgruntled people that instead of not playing are trying to ruin the game for more people to 'send a message', skewer stats, etc.
- The logic is that if they ruin the game for enough people, it will force BHVR's hand. It isn't nice, it is entitlement and it is petty but you know this is the online digital world, there are a lot of people with time to waste. This isn't something new or unheard of or anything mind blowing out of the realm or realism. Are you denying that there are more people DCing?
- That is true, but they did it then also to showcase displeasure with Spirit.
- Who attributed queue times to people dcing? Mostly anyone will agree that buffing killer without any buffs to solo survivors was not a very tactful choice by the developers. There are many players that play solo, since solo survivor became more difficult while killer more fun... maybe they swapped sides it isn't like they are bound to one side or the other due to playing in a group? Killer queues are now longer, because more people are playing it compared to survivor and most likely is directly related to the fact that playing killer is more fun now?
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I can't imagine every single game you play has someone d/c'ing. If so are you doing anything to cause them to do it, tunnelling/camping? Although, i have seen some survivors just d/c after one down, which i just don't understand at all, leaves the rest of the team at 5gens which is hard enough with a full team these days.
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It's not like they've never done it before lol
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The devs literally stated on this forum that they exclude games with DCs from kill rate stats. It was reiterated in many instances.
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Watch a killer streamer sometime and count how many people either kill themselves on first hook or DC, that should give you a idea as to why they think what they think
As for the theory itself, I'm sure a few delusional basement-dwelling survivor mains genuinely believe that they can get the devs to do something they've never done before and revert the patch by ruining the game for other people, i don't know, but personally, i haven't really seen enough evidence to suggest that there is any actual effort to mass-DC/mass-suicide to get 6.1.0 reverted
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Weird how this conspiracy started
it's bizarre
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Haha yea I saw that. Lost a little respect for that guy there.
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It's insanely aggravating to watch people, who are good enough to handle the best of players, yet for some reason (MMR being bad, preferential matchmaking, deranking whatever) only go up against absolute potatoes, gaslight the people who don't have that luxury. No, we aren't throwing a tantrum. SoloQ is beyond miserable, because tunneling the first found survivor out is by far the strongest and easiest strategy, that 9 out of 10 killer will go for now. I don't want the killer buffs undone (STBFL stacks need to go back to the old max value with the new basekit stuff, Eruption and Thana needs a nerf but that's literally it), I don't want DS to be active in the endgame, or DH to revert back to the second most rewarding bad play perk. 5 second DS stun and OTR stack with BT. That's literally it. But no, we are just whining because they took away DH and we can't bully killers. Absolutely unbelievable.
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This 100% killing yourself on hook counts towards stats unlike Dcs which Mandy confirmed so stats can be manipulated
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Right and that how the forums were, nothing but killer mains crying. Don't see much of a difference honestly.
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I visibly cringed when I saw that video and the tweet it was referencing. It's genuinely embarrassing some of the crackpot theories certain streamers are entertaining as if there's some collective shadow council of survivors / killers who's sole purpose is to manipulate the kill / escape rates. Jesus wept, talk about lazy, clickbait content.
It really isn't hard, too many changes were made at once and the "unfun" aspects of the gameplay (camping / tunnelling) were not sufficiently offset by changes to the survivor basekit, combined with further nerfs such as the DS stun reduction. Doesn't make the DC's / suicides the right thing to do or justified in any shape, but if they have instant queues and stand to gain nothing from the current match...why wouldn't someone go next?
This is what a culmination of "I don't have to care about your fun" combined with fundamental problems in the core gameplay being ignored has led to. However, that certainly isn't being helped by certain streamers giving credence to some of the stupidest takes I've seen.
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Okay so players know the devs love data. They say it in every post for patches and updates that we've looked at the data and here's what we'll do to fix it.
Survivors have done this before with old and reworked freddy. They died on first hook for several months until freddy got reworked and then they continued to do it.
Players can and have manipulated the stats doing this and dcs may or may not count but most players are just dying on first hook and if someone dcs they most likely aren't doing it more than 3 or 4 times a day.
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100% agree.
I truly believe the changes was done in a good spirit by the devs but all in all it is an overkill and nerfs solo to the ground, which was already the worst gaming experience of DbD even before the patch. It basically shows their lack of knowledge.
I can’t believe the devs didn’t address the gap between solo and swf before releasing this patch. Good swf groups will always manage, the majority of survivor players playing solo are being laughed at while they suffer.
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Happend to me yesterday. I played around 15 games in Solo-Q and out of these i had 3 normal games, in every other game there was a dc/suicide in early stage. Don't know if my Ace outfit is so uggly that it causes others to dc or it's just a low/medium mmr thing at the moment but it's hard to find enjoyment if 80% of your games don't play out as intended.
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those killer main streamers also get accused of deranking their MMR off stream but they treat that as some huge joke and laugh about how people think like that. Then they go and start some conspiracy that survivors are purposely inflating kill rates. literally nothing makes them happy
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Actually i have noticed when im able to look at the killers profiles that ive seen tunnel the majority have been survivor mains which i found to be interesting
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Ye sure and the survivors that DC are actually killer mains that wants to ruin survivors image?
This is getting ridiculous.
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It's CoconutRTS
Say his name, he's willing to profit of a video claiming or "wondering" if survivors are hacking the game to punish devs for the new update...
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You cant name and shame, but no it was not that one.
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Oh, well he just released a video saying it as well.
If he's willing to release a video publicly and spew this nonsense to his fanbase, then he deserves to get called out publicly on it too.
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There was a certain (un)popular streamer who was getting targeted by hackers several months ago, and I never saw a single other streamer ever acknowledge it or call out what was happening. It's kind of interesting to see other popular streamers now getting targeted and losing their minds. Something could have been done ages ago, but none of them spoke up when it started because it wasn't affecting them. There's literally a known discord where these hackers make plans, and use a program to put themselves into streamers lobbies. This info has been around for many many months. I first heard about it in like Jan this year.
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Is it that much better that they are not doing it to manipulate stats? You really prefer the alternative? It is just not a good look, period. But I do actually agree with you. I do not believe this is to manipulate stats. This is just how survivors are, in my experience. The problem with the patch is that it has amplified the reaction. While you might get a "DC" every few games, it is not happening literally every game.
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playing survivor is built around coordinating without communication. Why would they need a discord or bond villain superbase just to pollute statistics they disagree with?
This isn't even anything new, people have been throwing games in protest for years. The reason people come to the conclusions they do is because BHVR gives them what they want in the hope they'll stop ruining other people's games in their tantrum.
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I watched plenty of killer mains afk or throw games. Don't act like you are different from any of them. Just keep complaining on the forums though and the devs will give you what you want.
Post edited by Rizzo on2 -
Oh yes 1 in 20 to 1 in every other game is the same isnt it bud
How hard is it for you to admit survivors are throwing a massive tantrum? Very. I know im talking to a wall. I hope survivors enjoy their tantrum and when they are done we can have some actual games.
Respectfully <3
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People say all this simply because it IS the sad, pathetic truth. Entitled survivor mains have gotten their will with this tactic over and over again (Spirit got nerfed via mass DCs, Freddy got nerfed via mass DCs), so for the past several years they've been conditioned that, if they DC against something often enough, things will change.
I really hope BHVR sees through all this and hard commits on this patch. If all those "crybabies" want to quit, raise the penalty for repeatedly DCing, they will leave eventually. And that would the best thing that could ever happen to this game!
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What a nonsense.
Spirit got nerfed because she was simply dumb to go against with giving 0 information while getting all the information herself. Years ago she did not even have a vaulting animation, Killers called this a "Mindgame". She is STILL strong and she STILL has broken Add Ons.
Freddy got nerfed because his Slowdown was ridiculous (even tho it does not really concern the Devs with Legion or Plague after this Patch, and those are even worse) and in general, he was so easy to play that even my cat would get 4K with it left and right. And the main complaint about Freddy nowadays is that he is really boring to play and play against. Not his strength.
Currently, DBD as Survivor is a really miserable gameplay experience. I think I had two enjoyable games yesterday, one against a Dredge (I died) and one against a Spirit (I survived). The rest was just a bunch of camping, mass Slowdown or dumb teammates (which was the case before as well, but other problems were added on top). And if I suicide on Hook against a Nurse, I dont suicide to screw the stats to get her nerfed or the Patch reverted or DH back (which I did not even run in the first place), I did this because two Kates were teabagging each other in the Basement or that Plague decides to run a Build which let Gens take over 2 minutes to complete.
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How hard is it for your to admit that killers have been throwing a tantrum for the last few years when being killer was already easy enought to get at least 2k per match. Its very hypocritical to tell me to admit something when you wont either.
Respectfully <3