This update is bad.
They say they are aware of a tunneling and camping problem, so what do they do? they buff killer. They make tunneling and camping easier. even running anti tunnel builds if the killer wants to tunnel and camp they will. They continue to indirectly make strong killers stronger and leave solo que unbearable. How about fixing the obvious tunneling and camping problem before buffing the killer again? This has been a problem for years and it has only gotten worse.
They buff Bt, rework a new op NT tunnel perk, make an in game bt and speed boost.
Why you stillcomplaing?
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Because in the same vein they nerfed the tools that actual allowed you to avoid tunneling. The game got easier to tunnel and camp, there is no arguing otherwise.
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Honestly, my advice, just uninstall the game and save yourself the bother! I did it, my friends have done it (not in a group protest), just because theres no point complaining for something to be addressed when BHVR have proven innumerable timed they are incapable and slow.
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Is it harder or easier to tunnel if you equip both OTR and DS? It feels like it should be harder.
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They literally nerf tunnel and camp in this patch.
Have you even read the patch note before you make a post to complain?
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The real win of this patch is people saying camping and tunnelling had counterplay, which is funny because they were all saying it didn't a month ago.
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None of those stack. One hit from the killer disables all three, even if you and your team bring them all. The only thing you're left with is, at best, 15 seconds of a 'speed boost' that still has you moving slower than the killer.
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With that so much time (base speed boost,get hit speed boost, killer atk cd),if you can't even reach to a loop, it is really your problems.
Maybe try to bring a opportunity window will help you .
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It's easier than before.
New OTR doesn't come close surpassing to old DH, plus old pallet breaking speed or old speed boost on hit plus old DS.
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If you think the current OTR and DS are better than last patches DH/DS you just haven't been playing survivor. Not to mention you have nothing in end game, you are essentially dead if you are the last person chased.
Not only have I read the patch notes, I got grade 1, 4 days after the patch as survivor. Killers camp less, but they tunnel about the same, and they do it much faster.
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I think the comparision would be between DH/BT/DS and SB/OTR/DS or even DH/OTR/DS
Comparing DH to OTR seems pointless. If anything we should probably compare OTR to BT
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So you are not complaining about the camp or tunnel itself.
You are complaining about dh nerfing.
You are mad about the fact that you can't loop a killer without DH.
Then that's another topic.
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I think you should be taking into account what allowed people to avoid being killed in 30 seconds. Right now you have a fraction of what you had last patch.
I am complaining that we were promised anti-camping/tunneling baseline. Instead we got a measly baseline BT that can be countered with some average body blocking. And then with one fail swoop they deleted every tool survivors had to avoid tunneling. The funny part is you are trying to "get me" with the dead hard nerf. But, I bet you can't even tell me what makes the current dead hard worse than the old one. What the actual nail in the coffin was to it being useful in tunneling right now.
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They promised to buff anti camping /tunnel.
And they did.
So i am really confused about why are you complaining and said "they deleted every tool survivors had "
And because the only perk nerf is dh,so i guess you are mad at dh nerf ,am i wrong?
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Yeah I kind of figured you were just a "DH got nerfed get over it" andy. You don't even know why you can't run DH anymore to avoid tunneling. They promised a buff that never showed up in reality, which you would know that if you actually played survivor.
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Then do so.
It's still FAR easier to tunnel than before.
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They gave all killers buffed kicking speed, added 10 seconds to gens, ds is useless on the best killers which is all you ever see, faster recovery time on hits, made dead hard useless. And nothing they did to help with tunneling worked.
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nurse, spirit, demo, and blight can easily ignore all anti tunnel changes by speed. they ignore ds cause you cant make distance. and the poor map design leaves half the map a dead zone.
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I'm genuinely curious how you think they did anything except straight up buff camping.
The few perks that are even useful in that position would be kindred and kinship, which were completely unchanged.
But they added: 10 seconds to base gen times for less pressure to leave the hook, every base kit killer buff directly makes camping easier or more efficient, monstrous shrine now guarantees you can hook trade on scourge hooks if you camp the basement (and if you can proxy camp from farther than 24m, you are rewarded with faster hook stages).
There are changes to tunneling that could be debated, but camping was objectively buffed from multiple angles.
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They did almost nothing to stop camping and tunneling. you can still camp 0 issues. all you have to do is body block for a few seconds and its a free tunnel. dead hard helped get distance away from the killer, no other exhaustion perk can really do much against body blocking. and end game you literally have 0 help. they took almost every tool away from survivors to stop tunneling and sure ofr is good but not as good as dh was and thats all we got.
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These people want OTR to stack with basekit BT+haste and the new Dead Hard AND keep 5s DS
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OTR is miles better than old BT, DS is bad and DH is a hollow shell of its former self (thank god)
Imo its easier to tunnel off the hook but not hard tunneling is harder because an effect that protects you for 1 minute is pretty damn nice, specially with DS.
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Buffing BT actually makes tunneling easier, because no one uses BT anymore since a mini version of it became basekit. 5 seconds is easier to wait out, so the only way you're less likely to get tunneled is by running OTR
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no what we want is to be able to actually play the game. the last 5 games in a row i have played the killer gets a down and camps it for both stages. if you you get them off they just follow them for a few seconds body block then they get the kill. that shouldn't happen at 4 gens left. they need to undo all the buffs to killers attack cool down, ds nerf, kicking speed. and when off the hook you get 30 seconds of stacking endurance perks with no colision so you cant body block to force the killer to hit and they cant keep you in a bad loop.
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Honestly why not? The measly 5 seconds of endurance we have isn't enough.
Make that 5 seconds of endurance to 20, make DS 5 seconds and work on both hook states, have OTR stack with those 20 seconds as well.
Do everything to make tunneling unattractive. Anything would be better than what we currently have.
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OTR is good, for sure.
I have not had an issue with it at all, especially if you hit right off the hook. You don't really get far and your Endurance is gone with the dumb Deep Wound graphic making it hard to see.
Besides, not everyone runs OTR. People certainly don't run BT.
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Every one should be running OTR, its pretty great. There are times when i hook somebody, get into 2 seperate chases, see the first guy i hooked, attack them and proc OTR, it always amazes me how long it lasts. Probably one of the strongest defensive tools they gave to survivors so far.
Also i hope they make an exception for base BT to stack with endurance effects so hard tunneling isnt that viable.
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I mean, everyone should've been running DS, but it only had a 50% pick rate and it was definitely better than OTR.
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The really good thing about DS was it worked whether you equipped it or not.
Ironically now that its been nerfed it actually works because people actually pick you up lol.
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TBF, the new anti-tunnel perk is worse for both sides. It can be disabled if the killer tunnels hard enough, and it's more effective when used offensively against non-tunnelling killers.
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Exactly, if DS was actually a good perk, why are killers disrespecting it now?
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Because nobody is running DS.
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Because even when you do, you die about 10 seconds after. Honestly DS should be active for both hook states now (outside of endgame).
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Yet, tunnel and camp has increased in my games. before, it was about 25%, now its more than every 2. game. Why do people tunnel and camp more if it was nerfed? Do you even play the game as a solo survivor after the patch before you post comments about it?
Edit: to be fair, i didnt play survivor for some days now, because the experience before was just bad. However, that means tunneling is now in 100% of my games, because i am doing all adept-killer-achivements, and tunneling one guy out first (with 3 hooks) works most of the time.
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Try using sprint burst, also if killer is body blocking you why are you running in his direction? as long as it's not an indoor map you can easily escape, even if it's basement. Also what's the problem with using ds? There are toolboxes and perks that allow you to do generators faster, so if killer is camping you can do your objective faster, yes this is unfun but it's a way to counter it. Dh wasn't useful if someone was camping/tunneling, it was useful in a loop and it has nothing to do with camping/tunneling.
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It is a very bad update. They have given all the power to the killer and the survivors have only been given tunnels and camps
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The problem is that tunneling is not a easy thing to fix.
It should not be impossible for a killer to down a recently unhooked survivor or we go back to the survivor has a immunity shield thing old DS had
Best way imo is not to try and make tunneling harder but make it less effective.
Buff survivors when one is dead and nerf them slightly each time they are hooked will make spreading hooks more viable for example.
So long as a 3v1 is so advantagous for the killer tunneling/camping will always be the best option unless you make the survivor immune which brings it's own problems.