Is the new Mettle of Man change a good idea?

Wowie Member Posts: 566

Mettle of Man was already a weak perk. The proposed change destroys what little value it had to begin with and makes it infinitely less fun to use.

Is the new Mettle of Man change a good idea? 36 votes

No, it is not a good idea (explain)
foodieVolantConch1719Aztreonam78SblitcherSomeGuy7000musstang62sebastiann313GeneralVMrJack20252bjorksnasaeonskulElcopolloChurchofPigCrowmanPior_MorteIlliterateGenocideGuiltiiThatOneDemoPlayerAurelleAlex_ 33 votes
Yes, it is a good idea (explain)
GibberishMattie_MayhemOGViktor1853 3 votes


  • JonathanByers
    JonathanByers Member Posts: 167
    No, it is not a good idea (explain)

    The perk was already bad, it’s even worse now, cause now since the killer will be able to see your aura they will now be able to know not to chase you now while your mettle is activated, now that you have to decide between doing a conspicuous action (working on a gen etc.) or saving your mettle is just straight up dumb, for me it’s just as bad as them reducing ds stun from 5 secs to 3 secs (which I’m still kind of upset about since it’s meant to be an anti tunnel perk but now killer can easily catch up to you with the 3 secs)

  • Alex_
    Alex_ Member Posts: 143
    No, it is not a good idea (explain)

    I do not like the fact, that the killer can see your aura. I'd like to have Mettle as some ki d of secret weapon. Especially with the change that Mettle of Man now uses Endurance, which I will cover later, I do think that it would still be faire if the Killer doesn't knlw you have it. I mean, you can surprise the Killer with a For the People, Saboteur, a Styptic, you can now take a Protection Hit with DH. All these things the Killer doesn't know at first, but after the Survivor uses it once, you can, if you are good enough at the game, remember these things and play around them. I don't see why Mettle of Man would be a problem the Killer has to know in advance.

    With the Endurance change I'm mostly fine. If you use Mettle you'll run around to find the Killer chasing someone most of the time nevertheless to take the protection hits relatively quick and get Mettle more often compared to when you only take Protection Hits like you would normally, so this doesn't change that much. My only fear is that people who don't know how to use it will waste their time by being useless or wasting the Endurance on a Gen when it wasn't necessary. But in general I don't have a problem with someone just running around and protecting team mates, as long as it works (in facf that's usually me xD).

  • MrJack20252
    MrJack20252 Member Posts: 386
    No, it is not a good idea (explain)

    losing it when you start a conspicuous action + the killer can permanently see you aura is a bad idea. The killer can straight up ignore you if he see you knowing well that you have MoM and you will not do any objective untill you disappear. Bad game design, really bad.

    + You lose a lot of time trying to activate it then you lose it if you do literally anything? (gens/unhooking/sabotating/healing yourself or others) nah man this perk is not worth it anymore and the devs are insane for even thinking about this.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    I see potential in it being more useful for a sabo build.

  • MrJack20252
    MrJack20252 Member Posts: 386
    No, it is not a good idea (explain)

    sabotaging is a conspicuous action and will disable Mettle of Man

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    Correct you would use it to get hit before you sabo. But it would let you take 2 hits before you sabo every other hook. I think it has more potential than people think.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,208

    I think it's way too early to tell.

    MoM is... in a weird spot where it's not a good perk and is only useful for basically throwing the game to have a laugh with it. The list of changes it's receiving, each taken in isolation, seem... potentially okay?

    Like, lowering the number of Protection hits needed to charge it is great, totally fine. Likewise, turning it into an actual Endurance perk instead of it being this weird outlier that isn't consistent with other tools is probably fine even though it's a nerf, I doubt that the Conspicuous Actions thing is gonna be a problem since you already have to be going out of your way to use it.

    Then there's the aura reveal, and I'm... not entirely sure why it's even there? It's hard for me to say if it's better or worse to have it be active immediately instead of after a heal, because I don't know why you as a survivor would want it or not want it. To bait the killer into chasing you, it would seem like, so maybe it is better to have them see you straight away? But if they can see your aura, they're gonna think about why, so maybe it's worse?

    I'll have to see it in action, but the aura reveal is I think the main sticking point. If the perk needs future changes I'd stake my take on it being the aura reveal that needs changing most.

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 436
    No, it is not a good idea (explain)

    Agreed, the only reason they decided to change it now is that there was a known issue with the perk not working properly when you're in deep wounds or have the endurance status effect from another perk. The easy way is to make MoM an endurance perk as well. A lazy job, since the harder and more complicated thing would've been to fix the issue with the perk in combination with other survivor perks and statuses.

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 436
    No, it is not a good idea (explain)

    Given how much you need to do to get it to work, you're then getting punished by having yourself revealed and not being able to do anything, it's not worth using it compared to other perks that also give endurance.

    If the perk gave its own status effect, then it might be more worth it, but the only reason they made it an endurance perk was due to a bug. The perk having its own status effect was not working as intended in combination with other perks/survivor statuses, so I guess they couldn't get the perk to work as intended, and they made it give endurance.

  • Mewishis
    Mewishis Member Posts: 305
    No, it is not a good idea (explain)

    Make conspicuous actions not a part of this perk so it keeps its uniqueness.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,208

    Being revealed sure, but "not being able to do anything" isn't a punishment when the entire effect that you're putting in the effort to achieve only works if the killer's chasing you. Longterm Endurance isn't really a good thing for the game to have, MoM just skated by on that front for so long because nobody used it and it was kind of awful.

    The worst case scenario for this perk is that you try and use the Endurance in the same chase you take the protection hit, and while that's not good... to focus on it not being good kind of implies that it was good before, and it was not. It absolutely might be weaker after this patch, but I think it's far more likely that it's just a lateral move.

    Like I said, though, I'll have to see it in action.

  • Wowie
    Wowie Member Posts: 566
    No, it is not a good idea (explain)

    My issue with it stems from the fact that they're reducing potential combos with this change. It's now a completely one-note, still incredibly weak perk. No more funny Mettle plays, you either use it or you don't and it goes bye bye again.

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 436
    No, it is not a good idea (explain)

    Why would one use MoM for endurance when where are other perks that give the exact same status effect minus all the negative side effects? I'm looking at the perk from the perspective that there are other perks giving the same status effect without the setbacks MoM will have. New MoM won't work well with other perks that give endurance, it won't work against killers that put you in deep wounds, e.g Legion or after build in BT, in case you're getting tunneled.

    As the perk is, you need to play differently to get it to active, and it gives a different status effect that can work with other perks that give endurance, and it cannot be stopped by the deep wounds status effect.

    MoM as far as I know is the only perk right now that continues to work if you're in deep wounds. This will change, so not only will you still need to work to get it to activate, it's followed by other setbacks.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,208

    I mean, "all" in this instance is just the aura reveal, right? Which is the part I'm already pretty on the fence about, I'm totally on board for removing that from the perk.

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 436
    No, it is not a good idea (explain)

    All as in aura reveal and getting deactivated upon conspicuous action. My big issue is the endurance status effect. I would've wanted it to still have its own effect, since it's the only perk after the mid-chapter (to my knowledge) that works with deep wounds and endurance.

    Another positive to the perk as it is right now and after the update is that it works after the exit gates are powered. If after the update to the perk, it does indeed work after the exit gates are powered, it might be worth. You can keep it at 1 stack and take a protection hit after the gates are powered to activate the perk.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,208

    Well, the Conspicuous Action stipulation applies to all the other Endurance effects too, as far as I'm aware. It's just that most of them aren't really active for long enough for that to be a concern, lol.

    Agree on the endgame portion. I really think there's room for retooling MoM to just be an Endurance perk without all the extra fancy stuff it tried and failed to have before.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,740
    No, it is not a good idea (explain)

    Because it wasn't really an endurance perk before, it was just an extra hit before. This whole "We want it to line up with the other endurance perks" to me is like saying "Let's make prove thyself have endurance as part of it's kit just to line up with the other endurance perks." It wasn't really called for, it was bad how it was and now they nuked a bad perk.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 763
    No, it is not a good idea (explain)

    It makes MoM user even more useless for his team, because now he can't even progress the game and has to commit to any chase after second protection hit. Not only that, but killer also can be notified that survivor has this perk before survivor even has a chance to use it. So, yeah, a niche meme perk becomes even more niche and now can't be used in any build that requires any actions other than holding W.

    BHVR should release a guide on how to make bad nerfs no one asked for and ignore changes everyone asks for and then still have balls to say "we listen to our community". They're pretty superb at it, not gonna lie.

  • Black_Knight
    Black_Knight Member Posts: 5
    No, it is not a good idea (explain)

    It's a very bad idea and I believe most of the community already agrees on that. The perk's idea is that it rewards you for protecting your teammates by giving you protection that you can use at all times as long as you continue healing back up and not get downed (Getting downed = Resets it). You were also able to get the stacks, and then actually be useful to your teammates (Do gens, heal, etc.) while having something that could help you later on.

    With how it works now, you can't get much from it, because if you try to be useful, it goes away and you need to get the stacks again, if you aren't useful, then you're just dead weight and all you do is take one or 2 hits to protect "person A" then force your teammates ("Person B", and possibly "Person C" too) to continuously leave the gens to heal you because you can't heal yourself or it will be deactivated, which is basically more of a slowdown perk for your team than it is for the killer.

    What made MoM different is that it gave a similar effect to Endurance, without giving the downside of having your whole screen turn dark when you get hit (Deep Wound), but while having the downside of showing your aura to the killer at pretty much all times. You were also able to truly use it to take protection hits for someone who's possibly being tunnelled and heal back up on your own. Now in order to do that, you have to be a burden to your teammates by continuously wasting time mending and then wasting their time to heal you.

    MoM was nice in how it gave you a nice effect at the cost of taking 3 protection hits and it would actually help you later on when needed. Now, it might take less effort to get MoM (2 Protection hits), but what good is doing a small amount of effort to get MoM when it isn't even good, instead of doing a big effort to get something good?

    It even won't be useful if in Deep Wound as well, which is terrible cause that means that with all the downsides, there are still moments when it won't be of any good and you'll lose it after all the effort anyways. If you have DH and you are able to use it, MoM is now useless, and vice versa. This also means that against a Legion or a Slinger, MoM, after it has taken some effort and caused you to be useless to your team, won't even do anything cause their power by default gives you Deep Wound. So what? I take 2 protection hits, I become a burden to my team, and I don't help anyone with gens/healing, and I still can't even do anything with it cause "Deep Wound"? Then why would I ever use such a perk?

    In all honesty, MoM rn sounds like the new Dead Hard but without an animation and with a "script" (hack) that knows when exactly to "press E" to get DH, but also exposes your location 24/7 and requires taking 2 protection hits. With all the current downsides, I can definitely see a million reasons to why the previous MoM was so much better than the current "burden to my team" Mette Of Man.

  • ElleGreen
    ElleGreen Member Posts: 1,063
    No, it is not a good idea (explain)

    Others have went Into a lot of detail so Im just gonna say they took all the fun out of it and made it more trouble than it's worth