Calm Spirit and Iron Will nerfs aren't really that bad.

Calm Spirit sure the speed reduction to cleansing and booning isn't wonderful I just didn't add boons to my perk loadout and when I did have to cleanse a totem it really wasn't that awful unless they use thrill of the hunt or thana.

(Thrill of the hunt is barely used and thana is getting destroyed next update.)

So it really isn't that awful could it use maybe a drop of the numbers by 10 sure why not, but honestly this perk is basically the pain resonance of survivors perks as just the canceling screaming part cancels out so much

Killer powers: Pinhead's box when he picks it up screams, Hag trap screams, Doctor screams, Clown bottle screams, Stepping on a bear trap screams, and Freddy snare screams.

Perks/Add-ons: Nurse's 'Anxious Gasp' addon, Oni's 'Family Crest' addon, Plague's 'Incensed Ointment' addon, Infectious Fright, Dragon's Grip Scream, Eruption scream, Iron Maiden scream, Deathbound scream, Scourge Hook: Pain resonance, and Spies from the Shadows (the crow part of calm spirit.)

So adding onto the list of silent actions just makes it that much better, its a good perk is it niche yes, but people seriously undervalue it just because of the reduction, but it counters so many perks that people dislike.

Now onto iron will as I was running it, yes the being about to hear you slightly is sad and exhaustion deactivation is a tad bit meh, but honestly, it's still worth running in builds that don't use exhaustion perks as the 75% is still quite a lot and crouching basically helps to cancel it out, it still works against the spirit and it still helps you evade the killer it just isn't as all-powerful as it used to be. The only thing you really need to be worried about is if the killer is using perks that give exhaustion like septic touch, that one oni perk, and mind breaker, but nobody really uses these perks anyways lol.

So why are people still upset about it? Sure in iron wills case it just isn't just a free escape tool, but it still works its not the end of the world. I have been using these perks in a build and I suggest people to give it a try its really actually fun.

Distortion, Iron Will, Calm Spirit, Prove Thyself.


  • Mewishis
    Mewishis Member Posts: 305

    I don't know, but honestly, the drawback by itself isn't nearly as bad as people made it out to be in my personal opinion it is worth running as killers are starting to run a lot of perks that cause screaming. Same with distortion, but sadly the aura reading meta hasn't really taken off yet.

  • Mewishis
    Mewishis Member Posts: 305

    It's not useless, that's like saying distortion is useless, just because the effect that it gives isn't useful all the time doesn't make it useless its useful in its own ways and some games you can effectively win them with it.

  • Mewishis
    Mewishis Member Posts: 305
    edited August 2022

    People really need to get it out of their heads all perks should be active and 100% useful throughout the match all the time, playing survivor and killer is about bringing utilities that can help you win the games sure you can bring perks that always workout, but that's boring its a way better feeling playing the game with perks that it takes a bit to get to work, but when it does work its amazing.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,247
    edited August 2022

    Not disturbing crows is a decent effect, granted but it very rarely comes into play and you'd never know if it did

    Not screaming is... Okay? Helps counter a handful of killer perks and one specific killer's tracking power. Still not very significant on it's own

    And silent chest opening/totem interactions, sure. Why penalise you for using it then?

    At least Distortion tells you what addons/perks the killer has (or doesn't have). Even if Distortion doesn't trigger it gives you security in knowing the killer has no aura perks which is far more useful than all 3 of Calm Spirits effects combined imho.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,502
    edited August 2022

    This is the thing! Yeah, the +3s or whatever that the perk adds won't be winning or losing any games, but the perk was already THAT under utilized, so why not just give it the noise canceling of cleaning and opening boxes? If you would run it besides a bone hunter build, more power to you, thats one less perk for other stuff.

    So, the "nerf" part might not be that impactful, but its adding insult to injury, tuning an already severely unpopular perk ...even more unpopular?

    EDIT: and OP, please stop putting this strange ideas into other survivors heads. I am pretty happy that IW usage died down, please don't rekindle it ^_-

  • Mewishis
    Mewishis Member Posts: 305

    I will die on the hill that calm spirit is a good perk just underappreciated, it really became one of my favorite perks to run I'm not even joking, but maybe I'm just crazy I have no idea anymore. Seems like this is a bit of an unpopular opinion and I have no idea how to convince anyone it's a good perk lol.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,502

    I'll die on that hill just directly next to yours and claim that too many killers are sleeping on the pure awesomeness that is Spies in the Shadow.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,247

    Oh no you're entitled to your opinion abt the perk, I don't hate it

    I just don't think it does anything significant enough to run. The fact they had to justify giving it another effect by tacking on a speed penalty is just silly

  • Mewishis
    Mewishis Member Posts: 305

    Sorry I just have been doing a lot of experimenting with perks lately and I feel pain whenever people say a perk is useless lol, I plan on trying out renewal, wglf, and for the people after they fix the synergy.

  • Hensen2100
    Hensen2100 Member Posts: 339

    As someone who routinely finds survivors well beyond LOS because of crows, I can tell you calm spirit isn't that bad. Not screaming is also super clutch depending on the killer. It saves you from the scariest killers in the game, arguably, since they are more likely to have infectious fright.

    Iron will nerf was huge. Since spine chill got gutted, most survivors are relying on sprint burst which makes IW useless. No exhaustion perk + no spine chill sets you up for some completely uncounterable instadowns from things like Tinkerer Bubba

  • Mewishis
    Mewishis Member Posts: 305

    Maybe just part of me thinks when I get value from it like maybe simply denying screams or successfully escaping I make it seem like the perk did all the work, but I probably could have escaped without it who knows. Though I definitely agree the penality was bad, I managed to stealth cleanse a hex totem my first match of using it because the killer just walked past because he didn't hear the sounds of cleansing. So maybe that's why I now have it in my head this perk is brilliant.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,247

    Yeah that's the thing though

    As surv it's rlly hard to notice if crows are what gave you away, so even if calm spirit saved you in a situation - it'd be hard to tell.

    And as someone who used to run calm spirit to counter IF Nurse, they don't need IF anymore when floods of rage is a thing. Aura reading is just too good in the current game.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,247
    edited August 2022

    Don't let me put a damper on ur perk choices

    I'm just very opinionated on what I think an impactful perk is

    Trust me there's some niche perks I'm practically married to like Renewal for example, I swear by it even tho I have many games where I never get to use it.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,502

    I feel you. Too many people here (or basically any online game) are way too much of a meta-slave, so anything that isn't the utmost best in its class gets thrown in the garbage can with a shrug and a "why bother?".

    Nearly all my builds would be considered off-meta, but they are fun and I am quite successful with them. So yeah, use whatever you like and even try to make "garbage perks" work by building around them and see how much they can bloom, if given the right kind of attention.

  • Mewishis
    Mewishis Member Posts: 305

    I wish more killers used aura reading meta, out of all the games I played only 2 killers were running aura reading builds a death slinger with a full retribution hex build, and a Ghostface with Nurses Calling. Everyone is still distracted with the new regression perks when I just wanna get more distortion value lol.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Calm Spirit is so niche and weak they could have given the silent opening and cleansing without drawback and the perk would still be underused.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,247

    From my experience, I face a lot of Nurse/Blights using aura perks so I get mad value from it

    Sometimes midchase too, someone once procced floods of rage while I had distortion. Nurse had no clue what happened

  • Mewishis
    Mewishis Member Posts: 305

    Yeah lately all the updates to perks and changes have been my dream for a while I have been having a blast testing and trying out all these perks and I may sound crazy, but even looking at the patch everyone dislikes part of me doesn't even mind that a niche perk like mettle of a man is getting nerfed because I'm looking at that aura reading change and the hit reduction with the object of obsession in mind. It's such an evil build.. well that is until you face a killer who can utilize that aura reading lol. It could be a god-awful combo, but at the same time, I can't wait to try it out lol.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    it sucks because the 75% is only useful if you are hiding in lockers, its needs to be 100% to be useful in chases but the worse part is that now its imposible to lose a nurse without the old iron will.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,502

    The thing is that some perks value is harder to verify. If you hide in some flimsy bush and the killer walks by you and doesn't notice you because IW made you silent: you KNOW that this perk gave you a huge value right then and there.

    You are in a chase, use your exhaustion perk and zoom off - BOOM, there is your value.

    But you got a killer who knows how to read crows, what to look for and who constantly ferrets out your other team mates, but mostly lets you do gens... you will never "know" that it was because you ran Calm Spirit.

    And especially when I run Spies in the Shadows. I can't count how often I had a feeling that a survivor was around, but I couldn't find them, when suddenly a Crow notification in my back went off and there they were hiding feisty behind a stump!

  • Mewishis
    Mewishis Member Posts: 305

    Give me more of your games, I was so surprised because the aura reading change to lethal should have made it a really good pick, but nobody seems to be capitalizing it over here besides me when I play the killer. Like even the huntresses which you would for sure think would use some aura reading perks, but nope.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    I tried in another thread had several niche uses that were strong enough to be the potential differece between escaping and being killed. This was my post from another thread.

    OKI don't love playing super stealth that is where I'm coming from here as a player.

    And while I agree for a totem that's just out in the open this would be a Nerf however If the totems in a place where the killer can't always easily have line of sight on it Being able to cleanse it silently means you're less likely to be interrupted so those extra seconds may or may not matter.

    So here's a couple of examples of where this is clearly a Buff, let's say you're going against Devour hope and you've already cleansed undying so it's gone you find Devour hope. Killer is chasing someone that kind of come in range and doesn't get line of sight on you but he hears you cleansing devour hope he might drop Chase and go after you and interrupt you if he can't hear you hes not gonna drop Chase for you you might still get the cleanse. To this You might say well he won't hear me over the Chase music OK fine maybe here's another example.

    Killer gets a discordance proc Walks within range of hearing his Totem cause he wants to go after the guys on the Generator But he is making sure his Devour hope is still OK But he here's your cleansing So instead he goes after you cleansing the totem instead of the guys on the generator. Not with calm spirit. Still not enough.

    OK let's do another one, End game situation there's a hatch offering hatch is gonna be at main building killers gonna get there 1st you are near shack and a Door Both doors are close together so it's gonna be tough to win the door battle And basement is in shack You hit the chest in basement to try and get a key while the killer's doing his patrol He's not gonna hear you opening that chest, You get a key and you get Hatch.

    The point here is yes sometimes it will be seen as a nerf but there are also times where the extra stealth is going to be s buff.

    Stealth costing speed is also already a common factor, don't want to leave scratch marks walk, slower, Want to avoid hag traps or trail of torment Crouch walk, Slower, Is hide in a locker or vault without making a sound, Slower.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,502

    People keep saying that a lot, but it definitely isn't applying to all killers. I routinely lose survivors who aren't running any sound reducing perks, just because the chase music is blasting in my ears. Many surivors think that IW only brings value when its at 100% and chancels out one of the killers means of detection out completely, but there is so much going on in the game that a 75% reduction is still extremely good, but it gives the killer a fighting chance and prevents the super feisty "hiding directly next to the killer" situations, that were quite fun for the survivor, but extremely frustrating to the killer.

    It has been said in other threads, but no survivor perk should chancel out a whole gameplay mechanic 100% of the time like this. Its like if Crowd Control or Blood Favor, who take away your ability to use paletts or windows, were no hexes, but just 100% active all the time. That would royaly suck, right? But I dont wanna fight, just offering another perspective.

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,470
    edited August 2022

    Considering the fact that I cannot run Iron Will with Sprint Burst anymore, I have to disagree. Iron Will not working while exhausted was too much of a nerf. It really just needed the noise reduced from 25/50/75% and that’s it.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Not true while it wouldnt work in chase it may still work if you are repairing a gen and walk away before the killer gets there it also still works with other exhaustion perks that have more specific control on being triggered until you use them.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,502

    I think the idea was to force survivors to make a choice: stay in an area and hope that the killer doesn't notice your whimpering or use your exhaustion perk to hopefully lose them and zoom off.

    In the past you could do both, ie zoom off and then lay low in the target area, making it basically impossible for the killer to find you. You can still run exhaustion perks with IW and get away with them, if that is more beneficial, but you can't double down anymore. Granted, this might feel like it got nerfed into oblivion, getting nerfed from two ends, but that perk was just INSANELY strong in the past, and you would be surprised how many killers you can shake off with "measly 75% noise chanceling".

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    Calm Spirit nerf was completely unreasonable. And Iron Will was totally the wrong way to go. Its now useless. The only benefit a perk that meddle with sounds has is all or nothing. If the killer can hear you it doesn't matter if 75 or 25%. The moment the killer can hear you it's over.