top 10 things from 6.1.2

geni Member Posts: 150

1- I can play clown

2- I can play clown

3- I can play clown

4- I can play clown

5- I can play clown

6- I can play clown

7- I can play clown

8- I can play clown

9- I can play clown

10- I can play clown


the thana nerf is meaningless because it still a problem with Legion and Plague (the ones that have been using it) and still useless with other killers.

Pain Resonance + DMS is back because they couldn't fix a bug, duck tape bandaid.

MoM is useless because it has it effects removed after doing anything and you give 2 hits for free to the killer plus the killer know when you have it active so they can just ignore you.

Matchmaking Incentives not working and no more free bloodpoints.

What the hell man..
