I can't take this no more...

So many people, fools, have been going around complaining about the new update. Although not being any 6 years + DBD player or anything, I feel obliged to speak.
Recently, people have been complaining about the massive perk update. If you cannot recognize something that is positive from this, are you blind enough to not see that BHVR is making progress?! The fact that they reworked 40 perks is, nevertheless, a great effort already. We got great licensed characters (Resident Evil, Hellraiser, Ringu..), but all of BHVR's efforts into making these killers are forgotten as soon as the ptb comes out. No one takes the time to appreciate what work BHVR has done to consistently get new licensed chapters. Before I played DBD, I could only play on mobile, and I did. I played on DBD mobile and gained a, respectable reputation in the community (first when I was nub using NOED hehe). Playing DBD mobile already felt like a dream to me. All I ever wanted in a game was there. Dreaming of one day able to play actual DBD, I could only watch Otzdarva and Dowsey play all these cool killers while I wished Blight was released on mobile. When I finally could play DBD, I only played that game. I stuck to it. This was about when Twins came out. I had so much fun. Admittedly, the game has gotten better and worse in a lot of ways. At the end of the day, its all just a game. If you like it and have fun, keep playing it. If not, quit it, stop disturbing players who actually want to play. Stop dcing just to manipulate the stats. Stop blaming the devs for everything that they do. Stop trying to turn back the devs when you have to turn back yourselves.
People are complaining that slowdown perks make matches take too long. Multiple content creators stated that their matches went no longer than pre-update. Sure, having slowdowns feel bad. But the ultimate "fun" part of gameplay for survivors has not changed one single bit - looping. Same for killers - chasing. I hope people will start to realise how hard BHVR is trying to please the community. But whatever they do, there will always be dissatisfaction. I understand that, but quit the game if you need to. Just like your common sense says: if you've got nothing good to say then don't say anything. The devs are humans as well.
if you've got nothing good to say then don't say anything.
No. I love this game and I assume most other people here do as well. I will not be quiet about things I believe to be detrimental to the game's current and future state.
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People should express themselves if they're dissatisfied. But I doubt there's much useful feedback to take in right now. Thana gets buffed = rage. Thana gets nerfed = rage. A perk no one uses is made easier to activate with a weaker effect = the sky is falling, all the devs need to be fired. People with usually sensible opinions are behaving like street preachers, screaming that the end is nigh.
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I don't want to believe it either. Its sad how we think huh. Personally I have only gotten like 2 dcs in 30 matches, probably because I don't tunnel or camp.
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I got a bit carried away mid writing but yes. Say what is nessesary, but I would just want people to recognise the effort the devs have put in and instead of saying things like "they should give the game to someone else" or "fire the devs", make help suggestions that would politely invite BHVR to make a change.
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That is what I mean. I don't understand why the devs are blamed for everything they do. i understand people have different opinions, but a lot of things I'm seeing aren't even game-related arguments, they're just trash talk. Also a lot of arguments I saw aren't even valid. I respect valid arguments though. I have some problems with the game too.
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Good reaction, that's how I think as well.
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I don't tunnel or camp either, personally, I don't understand how that's fun for anyone, to boot up a game and then just stand there pressing and doing almost nothing. Tunnelling isn't much more enjoyable, in my opinion. Each to their own and all that, though.
I had at least 2 DC's per game, 5 games in a row last night and quit out of frustration, wasted 5 flans (not the end of the world, sure, but certainly irritating). Every day since the patch was released I've had multiple DC's, often within 30 seconds of loading in to the match.
I don't watch streamers, not everyone does and not everyone hangs on their every word, so I have no idea what Otz has said, but, I did notice a huge increase in people disconnecting directly after the patch, there were plenty of threads about that problem within days of the patch being released. I hardly think that's a coincidence. I'm am curious, does anyone know off-hand what date Otz said whatever he said?
There were threads posted on Steam within days encouraging other survivors to DC / suicide on hook in order to have the changes reverted. Some people are that petty. All anyone has to do is type in "DC" into the Steam discussion search box or this forum search box and you'll see a plethora of complaints since the patch from players on both sides complaining about an increase in survivors disconnecting.
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I was playing Freddy and Trapper (yeah).
It's probably worth mentioning that in two of those games, survivors had no idea what my build was, people DC'd before I'd even interacted with them, but:
1 game: Freddy with Call of Brine, Overcharge, Spirit Fury and Enduring with Dream Pallet addon and Dream World cooldown addon
1 game: Freddy with Brutal Strength, Enduring, Spirit Fury and Dissolution with Dream Pallet addon and Dream World cooldown addon
3 games as Trapper with: Call of Brine, Eruption, Overcharge and Thanatophobia using Wax Brick and Trapper Gloves addons
The vast majority of games I play as Trapper 1-2 gens will pop before I've seen a single survivor as I'm busy setting up, but, people will still DC. I had a game this morning as him where I hadn't hooked a single survivor and 2 gens were left due to a combination of good spawns, several toolboxes and 2 BNP's. One guy ran into one of my traps, I picked him up and he immediately disconnected. I hooked a second survivor, who immediately began struggling and suicided. This team would likely have won had they not done this. The game snowballed in my favour pretty quickly as a result and I ended up letting the last one go.
I wouldn't chalk it up to crashes or the like. Crashes have always happened, people getting tilted has always happened. I think if these were the reason for disconnects, then I wouldn't be seeing such an increase, there shouldn't really be a difference to, say a month ago. It should be about the same as it's always been.
Thanks for the link. That seems like a really silly and thoughtless post from him considering he has such a large following.