Can this not happen, thanks?

Load into a match, immediately notice there's lag, immediately check what everyone's running at, and lo and behold 200+ ping. Now, this is obviously bad, but I'm unsure of what the cause is. It would be nice to be able to dc from matches like these, penalty-free.
Yes, it's a bug with servers. It sends you to the wrong area.
I have a recording somewhere. I was playing Billy and the survivors and I all had pings in the 290s. And we were all EU. We were probably sent to the Australian server. They thought I was VPN'ing until I told them to check their ping in the tab.
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Oof. 😬
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Does it show this awful of ping in the lobby? Or is it only once you get into the map?
I usually just lobby dodge as survivor or killer if I see ping higher than around 60.
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Sounds like a typical survivor. Blames everything on the killer and can't even open their own menu. I believe this story unconditionally.
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I thought they were laggy as well because they teleported a little on my pov. Then, when they said they were EU and saw their ping, I went back and checked mine from the lobby footage and realized I had a full red bar.
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Pretty sure this has more to do with people using VPNs to play on another server than a bug with the game. You can also see ping in lobbies, I check every time and don't play over 70 ping.
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Was it still like that after a couple of seconds?
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Good to know it's a bug with the servers. Hopefully they get that fixed soonish.
Stayed like that the entire round. I usually sit at around 54ms, and have other players hovering around the same.
I suspected VPN, although I'm not sure why any killer would want to play against Australian survivors.
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Aww no, that's very unfortunate then. Hope it gets fixed asap if it's a bug!
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From what I have been told by some killers who use VPNs, they do it because if they don't they just sit in que forever.
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it's the killers lobby and they have garbage internet soo all the survivors got crap ping obvs