SOLO-Q experience - after taking 4 days break from playing survivors


Playing SOLO-Q is a bit tuff right now since the patch (second day after the patch I havent escaped in about 13 games in row). I agree with some changes and I was hoping the game ll be fun playing survivors as well as killers. While I was taking break I was playing killers and It was fun, sometimes I think I got some hooks/kills a bit easy tho, I m not saying that some killers are super OP now, but I can feel the changes playing killers for sure, and I think some changes are a bit unfair against solo-q survivors since they cant share too much info together.

Today I got to try SOLO-Q again hoping the games ll be better. I was having like 8-9 games really fun, I was lucky since only one survivor DC, even I didnt escape all games but the games was fun. Unlucky this changed early evening time CET - another games I could see again lots of DC survivors - in 4 games - 3 early DC, 1 suicide on hook and 1 survivr afk waiting in locker for nurse to be hooked, Btw in 5 games in row I was playing against 3 nurse and 2 blights, of course nurse with starstruck build couldnt miss lol. Maybe I was just unlucky, I was not playing against legion at once, mostly nurses, blights, oni and spirits.

Here are see couple known problems:

1. DC, survivors suicide to avoid penalty for DC, some afk survivors

2. Camping/tunneling - is still very strong against SOLO-Q survivors- some killers with great mobility (nurses, blights) tunneling solo-q survivors making for some players the game very unfun

3. Matchmaking - there is missing matchmaking for SOLO-Q - often I think its only some huge RNG. Sometimes getting new players to lobby as teamates, You can have thousands of hours and ur teamates might have even under 50 hours in the game, etc.

4. Survivors cant share too much info - I think couple months ago HUD/icon system was promised for solo-q, but It became forgotten, 7 year roadmap - I think theres nothing to make solo-q any better, nothing has been told during 6th year anniversary stream

5. Some killers, adons, perk builds, some killer buffs, some survivor nerfs - are just against SOLO-Q survivors a bit far

I always loved to play survivors, I have spent thousands of hours playing this game, but right now not sure if to keep playing only killers sometimes, even killers que times r longer. If I m lucky then 3 hours playing survivors I m having fun but another 3 hours is disaster. 

Reading this forum some solo-q players saying they have super fun and escaping even 80% of the games and more - seems like I m very very unlucky being a bit far from this number right now. Maybe some SWF survivors will now switch to play SOLO-Q when its so super op and very fair, very fun.

I was hoping something has changed by 4 days but I know its very short time, hopefully in future. One big step would be If the survivors would stop DC or suicide on first hook in hope the DEVS are thinking about solo-q survivors and will do something to make this game healthy and fun.