Stop bully squads?

Slan Member Posts: 357

Killers are often treated as a Jose by survivors. I am of course talking about the typical 4 Head On bully squad. These creatures will always try to stun you whenever It is possible. I know that Head On has a cooldown due to it being an exhaustion perk, but two people hiding inside two lockers that are close is simply too much sometimes, even with enduring this can be frustrating.

I believe that if the killer had a stun cooldown of 2 or 3 seconds during which they cannot be stunned will NIT affect the usual games, as you won't usually face a team that tries to stun you every second, just an occasional pallet and a Head On from time to time. But the bullies will try to stun the killer EVERY second of the match, and this meassure should put a stop to their mean intentions of ruining a fun game and turning a match into hell. This should not be an approach for any game, as the aim is to entertain and provide fun. And again, this I think would not have a huge impacto in matches unless the survivors are a swf head on bully squad.

I wanted to know if this idea is fine and if It could be improved or dumped. Or knowing other ideas from the community that would put a stop to the bullies.

Stop bully squads? 47 votes

F60_31kisfenkinMattie_MayhemOGLevitikapanakuTeabaggingGhostfaceHex_LlamaAnother_LegionMainAnchorTeaViktor1853GamerEzraCheesyBabyBoiINoLuvShrike7734SlanBigboiLeviSgtMittensJjjohnson1219qnyun 19 votes
OnryosTapeRentalsCashelP14Aven_Fallenkonchoktoxik_survivorArchAbhorOscarnatordarkcloudlinkShenshenGuiltiisyaincatfam05HaunterofShadowsAurelleEvilSerjeAlex_PyrosorcCodeDBMadEyePopoSekiSeki 27 votes
Other ideas
hailxsatanxeveryxday 1 vote


  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    As a killer, it's more satisfying when I get to kill these bully squads after they try to abuse perks like head on lol

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    So you want them doing gens instead of memeing with Head On? But then they’re toxic genrushers? So are they just now allowed to do, anything that is annoying to killer? Head On is one of the the worst if not the worst exhaustion perks in the game. If you’re losing to that it seems like the squad isint the problem it’s you.

  • Slan
    Slan Member Posts: 357
    edited August 2022

    Yeah, It does not matter when in-chase you are led to two lockers that are toghether with a person with Head On inside each. And you have no other option than going through there or else you will loose the survivor. I am talking of Dead Dawg's second floor. If you drop chase there you may loose the survivor. The "git gud" does not apply here, buddy. And take in count that SWF groups heal faster due to their coordination and perks oriented to be a pain. The result, if you try to avoid the stuns, may be endless chases while they have a guy always doing gens. And if you daré chase that Guy, another one starts repairing while the other two make sure you are in hell. This has happened to me some time ago and I could do nothing although I was trying my best. I assume you support survivor empowerment.

  • brewingtea
    brewingtea Member Posts: 275

    It hasn't ever happened to me, so it's not a problem.

    That's where you guys put the bar, remember?

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 621

    If this happened to me I would probably die laughing, but I can understand the frustration if you actually care about the kills. A 1-2 second immunity after being stunned is not too much to ask I think.

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913
    Other ideas

    This probably should have been a "No" vote, now that I think about it, but my "other idea" is just for killers to learn to adapt.

    This trick should only work once in a match. Once you know you have a team who are using this as their core tactic, you can avoid lockers, bait them out of lockers and hit them or grab them, approach lockers from the side and yank them out before they have time to react, ignore them when you see them go into a locker and go pressure gens instead, set survivors down and check lockers before you walk past them, whatever.

    Teams like this are usually easier to deal with then flashlight or toolbox squads, especially since you can usually see them coming from a mile away once you learn to recognize the patterns. They'll usually give you an easy down in a narrow hallway full of lockers or have one of their team loop you around the shack and pop out as soon as you're close to getting a hit. It'll work the first time, and then you'll know when it's coming, and you can set survivors down and go check lockers or stop mid-chase to bait them out of the lockers you know they'll probably be hiding in.

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    Or you could bait them or grab them out of the locker. After the 3rd Head On stun you should know their shtick and search the lockers before you get stunned. Now you get a free hook. Problem solved. It is most definitely a skill issue if you get stunned THAT many times.

    Take into accounts it’s a SWF odds are you’re going to loose regardless. Literally everything is buffed. Gen times, chases, coordination everything is a pain.

    Huh then I wonder why in tournaments they don’t just run Head On and chain stun the killers then and just get insta win LMFAOO. Bro you’re bad and it’s OK. SWF are pretty OP and by the sounds of it you are not a skilled killer if you’re complaining about the weakest exhaustion perk in the game. Just make post about how annoying SWF are then go about your day,

  • SekiSeki
    SekiSeki Member Posts: 516

    It's another way to enjoy the game, rather than taking offense, enjoy the gameplay. When this happens to me, I can appreciate the attempt to try and have fun with the game rather than mindlessly holding m1 on gens for blood points.

  • MaxIsBased
    MaxIsBased Member Posts: 52

    Don't walk near lockers then. Or sidewalk into one while pressing spacebar which works most of the time anyways.

  • MadEyePopo
    MadEyePopo Member Posts: 138

    I have to agree with the No crowd. I mostly play killer. I don't encounter squads like that too much but when I do, I have a good laugh and at the same time build my skill in timing grabs and the like.

    I suppose some SWFs who do that have bully or malicious intent, but most of them I feel are just wanting to have a fun time. It can be at your expense if you let them, or join in the fun and build some skills.

    Most likely they are also carrying flashlights and stunning that way too but really just play along, build some report with them, and at least they'll let you get a few hooks out of it and often one will be a volunteer sacrifice at the endgame.

    Every one wins (usually) ;)

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    Bully squads are my favorite. They never do gens and do tons of funny silly stuff.

  • VicRatlhead
    VicRatlhead Member Posts: 75

    I don't get how the player with the faster avatar and lethal abilities is the one complaining about being bullied by the non-lethal survivors. I really don't.

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    Bully squads don't exist. It's a skill issue.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 952


  • ArchAbhor
    ArchAbhor Member Posts: 847

    If you're good the bully squads you're talking about are a free win. The actual bully squads are the teams who are or act like they're in a comp setting. Can't stand that amount of sweat with no warning. Just boring at that point

  • SgtMittens
    SgtMittens Member Posts: 249

    They've ruined not only my games as killer, but as a solo survivor too. I'm sorry that they can't be alone for 30 minutes but that shouldn't be a license to act like a tool in a video game.

  • Pyrosorc
    Pyrosorc Member Posts: 202

    I'd rather face a squad having fun than a squad rushing gens