My killer queues are instant again
My killer queues are less than a minute in the mornings, and instant in the evenings, just like before the "killer sided patch". Looks like survivors realized that 10 secs added to gens isn't that big of a deal after all, and dbd hasn't suddenly become killer sided over night (never will be and never should be). So they returned or switched back to survivor.
At worst, queues were like 2-3 minutes, which is perfectly ordinary matchmaking time.
Going from 20 seconds of waiting to 60 seconds is nothing. And +10 (concurrent, not consecutive) seconds on gens is far, FAR less than people like to pretend it is.
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It was a killer sided patch in terms of what the focus was, and killer was definitely buffed more.
But one patch of buffs doesnt suddenly make the game killer sided but as always people over react.
The people who always moan about killer will always moan about killer, the people struggling always struggled.
Too many people like to think they're gods gift but when they get beat it must be nerfed when in reality that person just isnt as good as they think they are and often doesnt understand what they're even complaining about.
I'll remain a survivor main till incentives or killers in a better spot at high level to where I dont have to play mega dirty and sweaty to just try get a draw
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No it's more that a lot of killers have stopped running the slowdowns because if they do the survivors who are entitled are gonna DC and ruin the game for everyone, that's why ques were bad at the start of this is because every killer at high MMR was testing out the stacked slowdowns to see how strong they are and survivors got tired of 3 minute gens being a thing, every now and then I still see the slowdowns but most of the good killers ive faced lately havent been using them anymore because they see them as a crutch they don't want to be dependent on to play, it's more of a "I'm not a great killer" tag now when i see them because they are more in need of them and they still lose anyway most of the time , it really isnt that bad now I don't understand why people are upset still.
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You're making a lot of assumptions in this post.
Just days ago you were bragging about slowing games to a crawl, saying that if killers can't 4k and aren't using a slowdown build to stretch gens out to 3 minutes then it's their own fault if they lose, for not doing so...
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When did i say that?
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I mean, I know that many people have complained about 10+ minute queue times before the patch. I personally haven't had that bad queues either, but that doesn't mean others don't.
Maybe the Thana nerf really did help, but I am sure some people are still struggling with longer queue times. My queue times yesterday, during the evening were like 2 minutes, which is still noticeably longer than before the patch. Because there they were instant during the evening.
So I am going to guess my queues would be around 5 to 7 minutes during the day.
But maybe the Thana nerf really did help? Or more people were just curious about the changes, so more people played survivor, and the better queue times will get worse again, who knows.
I just hope the devs nerf camping and tunneling some more, and a few op slowdown perks, and I would expect queue times to go back to normal, for everyone hopefully.
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Meh when it comes to camping, tunneling, or sitting on gens for 130+ seconds, it doesn't really come down to not being good enough at all. If anything, camping and tunneling are easy ways out for killer players that aren't as good as they probably think they are.
Camping and tunneling surely still have to be nerfed, and a few slowdown perks need to be looked at as well.
Once that happens, queue times should go back to normal again, for everyone, and the player count will probably increase as well. Because then both killer and survivor has improved compared to before the patch, because both roles finally got their biggest frustrations addressed, at least to an extent.
Obviously buffing solo queue, buffing low tier killers, nerfing Blight and Nurse, taking a look at op addons and items, and rebalancing some more maps, also all need to happen to get this game in an extremely balanced state.
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Well when they have the option there's no excuse for complaining, I'm simply stating that a lot of people have stopped running them due to them being used as crutches and because survivors are DCng I have a whole community of killer mains on my friend list on steam and I play KYF with alot of them and talk about changes in the game, that's what a lot of them are telling me so I would assume that a lot of other people have this mindset because I'm not seeing them in public matches alot now, but I still stand by what I said if you don't choose to run it and you need it then it's on you , after this patch the game is more skill based than it's ever been before it's no longer in the survivors hands whether you win or lose it's up to your own ability
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Nah, thats not the issue. Survivors still dc/suicide even if the killer has no slowdown at all.
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Ah yes, suddenly everything changed. Its a miracle! ... its obvious a regional issue if this is even the truth. Like all EU players are still having long killer queues and instant survivor queues all over the day.
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Yeah, I haven’t seen as many disconnects this week as last week but I did get a game last night where three people rage quit against my Backpack Spirit for no particular reason other than that I downed them. Literally I downed some of them, got some hooks, someone rescued one of the survivors, I walked back over and the rescuer was already disconnected at the hook by the time I got there and the rescued survivor also disconnected. No idea why other than being mad I hooked them? 🤷♂️
P.S. By Backpack I mean Agitation, Mad Grit, Starstruck and Forced Penance. You know, that old meta build. 😄
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I'm not seeing it in my games anymore maybe that's a server thing? I'm on NA east servers, for a while when the patch first dropped I saw it but now that's pretty much stopped either those survivors stopped DCng or the stopped playing the game all together
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Yes, I call the build Backpack! Backpack!
BHVR should add a sound effect to that build so you can hear a voice say 'Survivors! Stop surviving!' as you hit them.
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I was directly replying to "The Krapper" in this thread, not you.
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Been playing a couple of matches with only aura reading perks on Huntress. Survivors disconnecting on Lerys and Midwich. Made absolutely no sense to me.
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Maybe you´re just lucky.
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People are really scared of nurse and overreacting (like always).
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Speaking to a few friends on Steam is hardly an accurate reflection of the opinions of the vast amount of people who play this game. How many people could you possibly have spoken to about this particular topic anyway? I don't think it's fair to assume things of others based on your experiences.
Over the years, I've noticed that generally people who call things "crutches" in this game tend to do so simply because they dislike going against whatever it is they're calling a "crutch" so attempt to apply some sort of negative "stigma" to it and will be the very same people to use those "crutches" when they play that particular side.
Regardless, it's only been two weeks since the initial patch was released, I hardly think that two weeks is enough time to make a valid assessment on what people are generally using during matches and making assumptions as to why that may be. I think we can all agree that after such a large change to the game, most players will "test" what's been changed, so why would it be a surprise to anyone that after the patch, more people were using slowdown builds than ever before?
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This. I have been recording my match making times for US EAST PC and in the early morning it's usually 3-4 minutes, 2-3 minutes in the evening, and then upwards of 5 around mid-day.
Longest queue I had was 12 minutes around 11 o'clock.
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I've been playing a lot of the "weaker" killers since the patch. I've honestly lost count of the amount of matches I've had as Trapper, Freddy, and Clown, for example and had people suicide on first hook or DC, even if the game is in their favour. It's been pretty frustrating, particularly when at times I've been waiting 10+ minutes just to get into a match.
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I've played with about twenty different people in the last week, it's usually a new group because I just hop in with whoever has an opening, and I'm absolutely allowed to form my own opinion based off of what I'm seeing in my games and what I'm hearing, I think the whole "let's test the slowdowns" has died down and it isn't there as much and the only people I've ran into using it have had obvious trouble playing killer and they could probably stand to get a little better and use it to help them, while I'll admit I'm not a fan of slowdowns i don't mind facing them I have stated numerous times I think the patch was needed but that if we're trying to create 3 min gens I would rather do an entirely different objective than gens just so I don't get bored.
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I believe that somewhere between 1 and 2 million individual players play DBD every day across all platforms. 20 individual people is nothing and not what I'd call "a lot of people". It certainly isn't enough of a metric to then apply their thoughts to everyone else.
You're absolutely allowed to form your own opinion, but applying your own opinion to everyone else doesn't really make much sense.
I agree, "let's test the slowdowns" has died down. If I was to make an assumption, my assumption would be that it's far more likely this is the reason you're seeing it less often, rather than killers seeing certain perks as "crutches" and shying away from them as a result because they feel bad about using them, regardless of their effectiveness.
I really don't think your line of reasoning makes sense - "Oh you're using strong perks which aid you in winning a game i.e. completing your objective? Obviously you're a low-skill killer who has trouble playing that role" - what?? Why don't we all just play without perks? Since all perks exist to aid in winning. Surely, if you can't win without perks, you have trouble playing killer and could probably stand to get a little better, which is why you use perks. That doesn't really add up, does it?
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That's not at all how I meant it, I said the killers I've face with slowdowns the past week have been bad, notice I said that "I've" faced , it doesn't mean every killer is bad who runs a slowdown I'm just saying the people I've faced needed it and still lost , the better killers I've faced are starting to experiment with more builds, seems like you're just finding any reason you can to argue over what "MY" game experiences are when you don't know jack ######### about how I play or how my games go, never did I say this is factual for everyone and everyone is experiencing this
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You said and I quote:
"most of the good killers ive faced lately havent been using them anymore because they see them as a crutch they don't want to be dependent on to play, it's more of a "I'm not a great killer" tag now when i see them because they are more in need of them and they still lose anyway most of the time"
You're specifically stating WHY people aren't using certain perks, not an opinion, which comes across as an assumption based on your own disdain for specific perks and I simply questioned this. Have you asked any of these killers after a match why they are or aren't using slowdowns in order to come to this conclusion? If so, how many? Note: private games with your friends do not really count. People tend to play KYF a lot more casually than they do public matches where they're a lot more focussed on winning.
Just days ago you were using the very perks you're now calling a crutch and stating come with a "I'm not a great killer tag". How are you any different to anyone else who has been using those same perks for the past two weeks? Would it be fair to assume that you're "not a great killer" because you were using them? Maybe those who aren't using them are just bored of using the same perks every game for two weeks? Maybe the novelty of the perk rework is wearing off a little and people are just going back to how they used to play the game?
That said, you don't need to get so defensive. This is a discussion board for people to share opinions and thoughts and to agree with or disagree with other people. I've done so politely at every point. I'm not seeking any kind of "argument". I wasn't arguing YOUR experiences in DBD, I was questioning you applying your reasoning/opinions to everybody else, which just seems kind of ignorant.
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Oh my bad, i didn't pay attention.
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Idk if the bad survivors have officially quit, or like you said realized it isn't that big of a deal. But my recent win streak was making me feel good at the game and clearly it was just all the survivors throwing. I've gone in two days from a win streak that was probably 99% wins for a few weeks to now I can't get a single goddamn kill. I KNEW the moment they all started playing for real again everything would go back to normal and it has, idc if it was a killer sided patch it's still a survivor sided game. Not making the leap yet but I'm close to quitting, all my IRL friends quit in the past several months and I'm the only one left and I'm hanging on by a thread.
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Kill rates have been over 50% before and I 100% am sure it's over 50% right now. So yes please tell me how it's never killer sided.
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Glad for you mate, my queue for killer is 10min+ at any time of the day
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Well there was a region where killer que weren't even instant before the patch, it largely depends on skill level of average players I suppose.
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Maybe they thought you were hacking. SInce mad grit is used so rarely, when first seeing it in action one could assume so if they don't know about the perk. You wouldn't be the first one being reported for using Mad Grit and swinging like a maniac while carrying someone xD.
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Who knows? Even if that were true it doesn’t make it any less dumb.
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Where do you see Nurses current kill rate stats? I've been dying to see any sort of recent stats that aren't self-reported.
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From what i tested yesterday in my region,
Surv queue time: 5-10 sec
Killer queue time: 2.5-3 min
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Well, one could say it's holiday season and many people drove away. Leaving their PC and everything behind for a few weeks.
They now slowly return from their vacations, also returning to play dbd.
I myself am on vacation, I only have my laptop for a bit of MC and movies. So I am off dbd for 2 weeks.
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I'll also add that I played some killer last night to work on the new rift and agree that the queue time was MUCH better. The only issue though is that a few of my lobbies seemed to be pretty laggy and the few Steam profiles I could see indicated some pretty far off countries compared to my central US area (UK, Columbia, and somewhere in Asia as well).
No clue if this was VPNs, people SWFing with friends from other countries, MMR being broken and struggling to find lobbies, or if it was just a weird coincidence.
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Oh, got it.
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Every killer got stronger with the DH nerf and 90 second gens. That means Nurse got stronger too. Unless your arguement is that the patch made all killers worse.
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I mean Nu-DH is strong against anyone, it blocks a hit. I'm convinced the only reason they even kept it in the game is because of Nurse which kinda sucks.