Trick to Dodge Survivor as Killer on Lobby

see their prestige, the higher their prestige the harder game will be. You will be looping so long.


  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    Makes no sense as prestige isnt related to skill, just to playtime.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    The one good thing about long ques is killers have been dodging a lot less lately xD

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    Don't pay attention to that stuff.

    Play and do your best.

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    I consider myself a pretty decent survivor and my highest prestige survivor is 5 because I never bothered with P3ing. I got all my survivors to level 40 for their teachables and then got all perks on my mains (Cheryl and Kate).

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Yeah no chance someone P35 has any skill. Just no correlation at all

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I never dodge lobbies. If the survivors are better than me so be it, you don't improve by playing people worse than you.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

    Idc tbh because I can take an L just fine.

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    Prestige isn't even related to playtime on that character. I've got characters that I've P3'd after the update to unlock perks on, yet I've never played a single game with them. I've just dumped BP from other killers into them. Likewise (especially on survivors), low prestige means almost nothing as well since they can have most of the perks already unlocked, and the player has hundreds or thousands of hours in other characters. That skill will translate just fine in most cases.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,317

    We most certainly do not need additional reasons to dodge. It already wreaks MMR and hurts lobby times too.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    So I have way too much time in this game. Like....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time in this game. Like....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...

    (I have 107 days, 11 hours, and 7 minutes according to my Xbox right this second)

    My highest prestiged character is level 9 with the rest of them falling between 3 and 6 for the most part

    I just never really bother to prestige but I'd like to think that I'm a pretty dang good survivor at this point...

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    If you wanted an easy game and you were given a choice between a lobby with everyone around level 45 prestige or everyone level 5 prestige which would you prefer?

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    For a while I thought so, too. But it's just dedication to a single, digital model, nothing else.

    I got all killers on P3, a couple on P9 and about half the survivors on P3. If you were to pool all that into a single character, it wouldn't make me any better at playing them.

    So while I always make a mental note of double digit prestige characters, they usually commit the same mistakes as everyone else. Just don't give a fuzz about prestige and just have fun.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    So giga chad lobby dodge move is to just close the game once he offerings are shown.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    I now want to wreck your face soooooo much! Figuratively speaking, of course, as you are one my favorite forum peronas here.

    Luuuuuv <3 *smack!*

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    Correct. I also never prestiged in 6 years. I am a threat if underestimated based on prestige.

    I am spreading the blood points to all the characters I play and have no desire to rush to 100 on anyone.