If you're worried about tunneling/ Wanna bully the killer, here's what you do...

We need to analyze exactly what our game plan is here.
So let's consider how a chase goes down. We are gonna consider an entire chase as being the distance, and time you can waste with two full health states. So it should look like this
-------------> Hit one -------------> Hit two
Chase Chase
Now the distance and time killed is going to be dependent upon your ability to run them, but this is how it should be understood.
A tunnler is trying to cash in on the fact that they can cut chase time in half by landing the first hit on an unhooker, and the unhooked is already injured and can only provide a single hits worth of chase. This is what we are going to exploit.
Off The Record, Direct Strike, Situational Awareness, Renewel
At the start of the trial, jump on a Gen somewhere in the center of the map. Use your situational awareness to bring other Survivors to you. Once a Survivor gets hit, as long as you're repairing, you will see the auras of all the survivors, so it is important you be on a Gen when this happens. Now, once the hit pops what we are gonna do, is start throwing health states at this dude and waste as much of his time as possible.
Now you should be aware that this strategy is going to most likely end with you dead by the end of the trial, you may even be the first out and get no BPs, but that's okay because we aren't aiming to win the match, we are aiming to screw up this dudes tunneling and harass him as much as possible.
Once SitAwar pops we are gonna try and bodyblock the next hit and take aggro, we want him to tunnel us. First thing you wanna do though is locate all of the survivors, especially the one that took the hit.
Now the reason we are doing it this way, letting a team mate take the first hit, is we are once again trying to extend chases out as far as possible, and throw as many health states as we can in front of them. Once you've peeled the killer, have him chase you down and hook you. Waste his time.
Remember when you checked to see where all your team mates were at? That's because you don't wanna go down and get hooked across the map from your team mates. Run the Killer away from your team mates if you can take two hits, and toward them if you can only take one because you, and this is very important, DO NOT WANT TO LOSE A HOOK STATE by hanging on the hook for to long, so don't go down somewhere a team mate isn't going to go for hook. Now, if the dude is camping, that sucks but we are prepared. Someone with full health needs to dive for the save, once you are off hook, here's where everything starts to shine. You currently, are injured. That's a one hit chase. What they don't know, is you have OTR and are prepared to lead them into a whole two hit chase. If they begin chasing you, great. Let them. If you are lucky, Renewel procs and you get healed and can now lead them into a THREE hit chase. Now, typically in my experience, a Killer is going to try and exploit any advantages they have and landing a free hit can expose an advantage, unless you have Endurance and they don't know it. At three health states (Fully Healed with Endurance) you go find killer again, hopefully bodyblock another hit but you can even force a chase by running directly into him and taking a hit. Once they begin chasing you, you have 2 full hits to run them. Do note however, WATCH your OTR meter. If you run them so successfully that you lose OTR via time, that's bad. If you start getting close to losing OTR, fall back and let them hit you so you can get your speed boost and gain ground on them. Once you finally go down again, your direct strike is waiting to lead them onto yet ANOTHER health state of chase. Go down again, preferably near other Survivors yet again.
Now, if you are interested in actually escaping, I'd recommend just chilling and working your way out of the trial at this point. If they are truly tunneling you may actually get out because unless they are stupid they won't chase you, and if they are then you guaranteed (as much as you could) some of your team gets out. If they do, guess what. Two whole health states of chase waiting for them.
There are things you can swap, the Situational Awareness will only work if you are repairing and repairing is a conspicuous action so you can only use it if you have given up on utilizing your endurance, so swapping for bond may be a better idea. It's also likely that the killer may cut their losses and never down you after unhooking, and you won't get a DS off, so you could swap it. I'm not sure what happens with renewel if you have deep wound, so you may be better off just trying to get the unhooker to heal you. Overcome is a great Exhaustion perk for this build because you are gonna get a lot of procs out of endurance hits, but you risk potentially losing the killer.
You can try this with Mettle of Man instead of OTR, but you lose the anti-aura reading, and 100% noise reduction plus you aren't looking at going down and having to get unhooked. Mettle of Man is better for combining with Break Out and saving carried survivors.
My calculations are you can get 8-9 hits out of this build, and if we can average around 30 secs in chase between hits that's 4-5 minutes of chase you can bring into the match, more than enough time for your team to get I to end game by the time you die.
The idea is sound and the build is interesting, but I think you should consider not using the phrase "bully the killer" in the title as it is bound to stir some vexation here or there.
Will give the build a try though if I get all these perks at some point !
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This is the type of thing that makes me want to jump into a Bubba or Nurse game, tbh. Punishing the killer for going on chases is exactly what encourages camping.
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I didn't read OP's wall of text but to your point about the title, i agree with you but sadly that's just marketing. A clickbait title to get people (like me) to check it out.
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Hey, some people wanna bully the Killer, especially after their buffs and if they wanna do it, here's a way to do it.
Remember, tunneling and camping are only viable strategies because they work. Take that away from them and they won't do it anymore. Next I'll be trying out how to beat camping. Think it's gonna involve Mettle of Man.
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What do you think happens when a killer goes for chases and you "bully" him for it? He'll stop going for chases and go for camping. Do you not understand cause and consequence? Is a game where killers completely stop chasing and simply camp whoever they can get the ideal scenario for you?
Plus you're not even punishing tunneling, you're literally provoking him to tunnel you. Not only that, you're proving the point that the killer buffs were completely insufficient (which admittedly I agree with you).
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Every time I see a bully squad, I just lose my will power to play fairly more and more. I'm at a point I don't even want to win. I 4ked like, twenty or so (give or take) bully squads straight recently. I'm stuck in super sweaty high mmr now and whether I win or lose it doesn't matter because the games aren't fun, and this nonsense of intentionally screwing with the killer is why.
One of my last 4k before I decided I'm taking a break for a week or so went as follows
Two neas in the same skin begin teabagging and emoting. I chase them. They aren't very good in chase at all. BUT they DO make sure to ALWAYS go down in front of a locker. Queue the headon/flashbang nonsense. They do eventually missplay and get themselves killed....after stopping me from hooking maybe 6-7 times. Instead of doing gens or playing seriously they brought a build just to do this. Intentionally abusing the game mechanics to just remove my objective from the game while ignoring theres.
The game ended with a 3k and I let the poor Michaela go who stayed on gens all game, I think she did three?
So I just gave up after that. I've beaten so many sweat squads, proved to myself I can outplay and loop up until the highest mmr and I don't care to practice enough to compete there because it's not even fun.
Every game from now on-basically because of threads with the OPs mindset and players like those two neas- I am just goign to tunnel out the first survivor I find. Either it snowballs into a win or I can punish the toxic survivors. I'm really at a point I'm just assuming AT-LEAST 80%-90% of the survivor player base don't even care about winning they just want to bully the killer and dc when they lose, or tea bag at the exit gate when their bullying tilts the killer into making mistakes.
I've really wanted to be a better more mature member of the community but with how this games player base behaves there isn't any point. Tunnel away killer mains. Turn off your inbox so you can't get the salt, thats all they want. They want to tilt you, and bully you, and if you play the same way insult you for matching their energy. More than anything- more so than escaping- they just want you to engage them in their salt and tilt.
I did six games straight yesterday where I immediately got high skill survivors teabagging and clicking. I knew I could easily get 2-3 kills if not 4. But I'm at a point if they just want to be toxic and bully the killer I said ok. Thats fine. I went and stood in a corner facing it so they couldn't get flashlight points and just went to my laptop and played vhs. They were so angry afterwards complaining how they wanted to play their match and how they had challenges. Thats nice. I wanted a nice fun game without rude players so no one got what they wanted. Thats my new phrase.
My response to survivors intentionally posting they want to be toxic and bullies? Here is the BEST way a killer can give that same energy back.
Put on lightborn/insidious/deadlock/merciless storm and a purple coin. No blind points, no boldness points, no chase points, no altruism, no anything at all. Two less chests just in case they has a chest challenge. And gloriously the game takes longer because of deadlock and merciless storm. just throwing the mmr down to get away from these toxic players and making sure they depip every time.
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Man, look "bullying" the killer isn't something you can do anymore, this build is to punish tunneling. If everyone cries about nonstop tunneling, then the survivors have to build ways to punish it. If the answer for killers is to cry and camp hooks I don't know what to tell you, maybe daddy BHVR will give you another 10% increase to everything.
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You literally tell people to provoke the killer into tunneling them. Come on man, at least be honest with your intentions.
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Yes, if the killer is going to tunnel, let it be it me, who is prepared to fight back against it. It's an anti-tunneling build.
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No, your post makes it quite clear you're to immediately go and take aggro for the killer to tunnel you. In fact your "strategy" relies on doing it at the get go, without even giving time to see if the killer intends to tunnel or not. Your goal is to bully the killer and you made it pretty clear in the OP, so why are you backpedaling and misrepresenting it now?
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Not back pedaling, your entire premise rests upon me being some sweaty SWF squadmate, I'm a miserable ol' soloq.
People DC or kill themselves after first hook because they've already decided the game was over for them. I say, no brother. Fear not. I am here. I am the martyr who will carry the burden of being first on hook.
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More evidence that killers are just clowns solely there to amuse bully squads. There is no person on the other end of the screen, there are only pixels that exist to watch survs teabag.