Camping/Tunneling is fun

NightmareKT Member Posts: 228
edited August 2022 in General Discussions

Can someone actually give a valid reason why we killers should not camp or tunnel when that's the best way to win? A reason that does not involve "cause it's not fun for the other side" nonsense like that? Why should we care about survivors fun when they always try to make us have bad experiences?

Edit: most people who commented still didn't give me a proper reason why it's bad for killers and only bad for survivors 😴😴😴

They are saying what I told them not to say which is its not fun for survivors...

Edit again: welp, some people have very good points, some didn't know what they are even talking about and just tried to be Albert Einstein of DBD. But I pretty much got the answer. Thanks to all the people who gave actually made good points and sense. And those who didn't and just raged and got salty, remember that it's just a game. Not life or death you survivor mains

Post edited by NightmareKT on


  • alunsa
    alunsa Member Posts: 61

    Most of the complaints about it in my opinion though come from a misuse of tunneling/camping accusations and misplays by survivor. Honestly though, If your wondering why and not just tryna bait the 50th argument about tunneling and camping on this forum, just go play survivor and see. Thats all there is to it. GL

  • Shenshen
    Shenshen Member Posts: 256

    The majority of people don't have an issue with tunneling when it is done correctly and as a valid strategy. If 1 or 2 generators are left then yeah, tunneling makes sense and you should do it if you want to win. On the other hand, if you go for a survivor and tunnel him out while 5 gens are still up then I don't get it. People like this probably like games where one person is hooked and three other DC.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    This is it.

    I have thousands of hours in killer. If I go for the 12 hook, quickly downing each survivor, which is infinitely more skilled than the current optimal killer gameplay (hard camping/tunneling the first hook), then I will lose many more games than if I give in and skillessly camp/tunnel first hook.

  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228

    Hmm, the only thing I got from your comment is that you don't have a reason why we shouldn't camp or tunnel 😴

  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228

    Who said I wanted to be convinced? I was just asking why it's bad, seems like you don't know either

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702
  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228

    It's only logical that 3 to 4 kills is a win for killers. If it's only to gain more BP.... Then what's the point?

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    I try not to camp or tunnel, I never facecamp. But I play based off the survivors. If they start banging out gens, I’m gonna tunnel somebody out, because simply if 1 isn’t dead before 3 gens pop, you probably aren’t gonna win. If I hook somebody and there’s survivors running proximity to that hook, and I know they aren’t on gens, I’m going to stay in the area and either force the stage 2 or get a trade. Sometimes we gotta do it to gain the upper hand.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,622

    you can do whatever you want, but personally i just find those tactics not funny... ngl those tactics are also needed and despite people hate it, they did the same thing with generators (the concept is the same: both are goals that must be accomplished so people usually abuse of those tactics because they are effective)

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Well... how long do you feel like waiting for a match after hitting that ready button? Besides that, are you really winning if you do it by camping and tunneling? The real winners are those who can 4k without doing it. Survivors don't always try to make killers have a bad experience. It happens, but it isn't every match. Even still, is the answer to your previous bad match to be toxic to the next people in the new match that you have no idea how they will play? This is why this is an endless cycle.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,622

    well yes, but actually no... i did certain matches when i did 3/4 or 4/4. playing with those tactics and earning only above 22000 bp and other matches when i didn't kill anyone but i got 30000 bp... winning isn't about bp imo (it should be in that way tho because it'll incentivize a better game, more healtier from both sides) since in certain matches is literally impossible to gain enough bp... that aspect depend only from survivors...

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    I don't know why people find camping so fun... It's super boring for both sides. You just sit there... zZzZzZz...

    Tunneling at least have chases for both sides which can be fun and for the killer it can be fun since you are... You know.. doing something rather than just sit for minutes on hooks... ZzZzZ...

  • bittercranberry
    bittercranberry Member Posts: 454
  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228

    I don't mind getting camped, I just on YouTube and watch vids... So I assume your point is also that is not fun for the survivors?

  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228

    Don't you have to be good at chase to down the survivor you are gonna camp? Do survs always want use to hook each surv 3 times? With gens being done so quickly, a 4 vs 1 is not easy

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited August 2022

    There is an If in my sentence. It was theoretically speaking.

    Again, nobody is questioning your standards of what YOU think a win means or why you do or don't Camp and Tunnel. Literally nobody.

    You, however, don't get to question people who are against it and why simply because you think that it's the best way to win. We don't need you to agree, because you've already shown that you aren't cappable enough to not be biased about 1 side.

    The game should be balanced so both parties have an equal chance of winning. Camping and Tunneling in it's present form do not provide a fair match. Simple as that.

    Like I said, keep on camping if you find it "fun". The majority does not agree with you.

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702
  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Going for 12 Hooks is impossible against good Survivors if you're not playing Nurse or Blight

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    No just difficult, not every team is seal force 6. The point is if he goes for 12 hooks and gets only say 3-4, he will understand that maybe he sucks at chases, remembering where survivors are, which gens are being worked on w/e, all the things that would have allowed him to get a lot more.

    Camping and tunneling works, they just makes you worse at the game than you would otherwise have been and when you try not camping and tunneling you'll feel like the game is impossible and incredibly survivor sided because you have no idea how to play the game.

    Its a crutch, thats what crutches do, makes you bad at the game if its the only thing you can do.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    And he asked for actual, honest reasons why he shouldnt just camp and tunnel so im providing him with one : )

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    If you're getting 12 Hooks, you're going against bad Survivors, simple as.

    Survivors don't need to play super competitively to deny 12 Hooks, just doing Generators whenever possible and getting 12 Hooks won't happen.

    Let's agree to disagree on camping and tunneling making the player "worse". It is the smarter play 90% of the time. There's no need to play harder when you can play smarter, and that's exactly what camping and tunneling are

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    If you play ''smart'' all the time you wont have any idea how to play ''hard'' when you need to : )

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    ''and when you try not camping and tunneling you'll feel like the game is impossible and incredibly survivor sided because you have no idea how to play the game.''


  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210
    edited August 2022

    Idm if the killer is pressureing only 1 surv (if it's not me, lol) and just one area of the map. I still run Kindred for a reason. If the killer camps, i do gens as i know i can still get the hatch or one of the 2 gates. I do gens and hold W anyway as it's still way too easy. And OP is right, both sides don't care about the other side having fun, it got even worse with MMR. BHVR created this. Also remember how they made better Tbag animations so it feels more "enjoyable", macro flashlights and quickswitching still works etc., etc.

    I don't see a difference in finishing a gen right in the killers face and camping/tunneling. Same with Tbagging and hitting survs on a hook.

    And at the end, it's just both sides playing their objectives as efficient as possible. Love it, or hate it. Won't change anytime soon.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited August 2022

    Actually its suppose that you should only need 8 hooks on average for that 60% kill rate.

    And yes, I only go for 8 hooks then last hook when last Gen done. Keeping my MMR low enough to have fun matches most of the time as killer. I dont need to try hard just to face against a group of 4 Ayrun then complain the game is survivor sided, because certainly my skill no where near my high MMR at that point.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Edge, lord

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    Camping is strong because they are allergic to kindred, they prefer to run around the hook instead of doing gens, same with tunneling, the fear of doing gens is real amd apparently tunneling is easy and a survivor buying time for others is also not a real thing. Complaining about tunneling and camping comes from a play of pure salt, merely.

  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228

    i do understand that getting 12 hooks is more harder. but you dont always have to sweat ur butt of and get a 12 hooks every game. getting 12 hooks every game is imposible. When there is a chance for anyone to get a 4k by camping with no punishment, Pretty sure they will take it.

  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228

    Now listen everyone, This man right here gave a very good reason not to camp. Be more like him. Giving and actual reason and not saying stuff that is pointless.

  • NightmareKT
    NightmareKT Member Posts: 228

    EXACTLY. this guy gets it. I assume the other person 4k 12 hooks with freddy