Favorite Builds?

Mekochi Member Posts: 942

Killers & Survivors, old and new, favorite perk builds? Also feel to put if it's before or after the 6.1.0 patch.

Here's a few I got for survivor;

Renewal, BT, Resurgence, and Solidarity with a purple med-kit and increased charges (before update)

Red Herring, Deception, Diversion, and Quick and Quiet (will sway for BT if needed) with no item or med-kit (post update)


  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,216

    My favorite build is definitely from before 6.1.0

    Like WAY before.

    It is this one:

    Now, this build does not work anymore, but by the Entity it was a blast in the past.

    Long story short: Mirror Myers, but FAR more fun to play as and against.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,468

    Before update i used

    • Kindred
    • Borrowed Time
    • Small Game
    • Decisive Strike

    This build is not as good anymore. I don't really see the point of borrowed time when everyone can equip Off The Record instead. Small Game i don't find as necessary because the Hex : Ruin and Hex : Undying combo isn't popular anymore at all. Decisive Strike is pretty weak.

    This is the build i am using right now for survivor

    • Kindred
    • Empathic Connection
    • Sprint Burst
    • Off The Record

    Kindred and Empathic Connection is very helpful to co-ordinate when playing solo queue. The two perks also have perfect synergy together. Kindred does not give information about you when you are off the hook so empathic connection fills that hole.

    Sprint Burst makes the game feel a lot more forgiving and you can get really good at using it. It also helps as a form of anti-tunnel with Off The Record. Because when you get unhooked you get a sprint burst and you also have endurance which makes it hard for the killer to tunnel.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,796

    Old stealth Freddy yeah he had like 0 terror radius combining those?

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 8,998

    Mirror Myers, Impossible Skillcheck Doctor, and any Wraith or Dredge build based around Make Your Choice.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    Interesting build for Cannibal, you should try it out:

    • Agitation
    • Iron Grasp
    • Insidious
    • Deadlock

    Playstyle is to down one survivor, carry him to the basement and then hide behind corner, being completely undetectable. Very fun and clever, I usually t.......

    Wait, doctors came and saying I have to take my dementia pills, gotta go, love you, guys!

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,796
    edited August 2022

    Old endgame build on Freddy with pre nerf remember me

    And yes this is a old build

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714

    Some of my favorites at the moment are


    Bring a Backpack!

    • Agitation (carry survivors faster)
    • Mad Grit (free attacks while carrying)
    • Starstruck (survivors in your terror radius are Exposed while carrying)
    • Forced Penance (survivors who take Protection hits, including when you're carrying, are Broken for 80 seconds)

    Alternately I sometimes replaced Forced Penance or Starstruck with Iron Grasp to increase the distance I can carry a survivor

    I've been using this build recently on a bunch of killers, it's hilarious and works more often than it should. 😄 Just yesterday I ran it on Legion and got two Exposed hits right in a row from survivors trying to bodyblock me in the early game. And even if I never got another hit out of it that alone made the combo worth it!

    It's also really fun on slower movement killers since Agitation allows you to move 108% survivor speed while carrying. My favorite is putting this on Scratched Mirror Meyers who is permanently Evil 1, i.e. Undetectable and 105% survivor speed. With this build when Scratched Mirror Meyer's carries someone he actually moves faster than when he isn't carrying anybody! Plus he's still Undetectable the entire time, so sometimes you'll be carrying someone toward where you think other survivors might be and they just walk right into you. Really funny!



    • Brutal Strength - Break pallets and gens faster
    • Endurance - Recover from pallet stuns faster
    • Bamboozle - Vault faster and block vaults
    • Fire Up - Even faster pallet and gen breaks and vaults, also faster pick-ups which messes with survivors trying to time flashlight saves

    This is another one I like running on a bunch of different killers. The strategy is simple - force every pallet in chase, if you get a hit, great! If you get stunned, no big deal, just break the pallet quickly and either keep chasing that person or switch depending on what you think will put more pressure on the survivors. If they run to a tile with a strong window, just vault through it because you vault as fast as a survivor doing a medium vault one Fire Up gets going and you also block it from another use that loop. You have to be a little careful in the early game since there's no slowdown in the build, but if you can juggle the survivors to keep them as busy as possible and break pallets as you go then by the mid-game once two or three gens are finished you'll have made some nice dead zones and any pallets that are left are shredded insanely quickly. At that point the momentum shifts in your favor and if the survivors aren't already nearly done with the gens they'll be stuck with nowhere to run in the chases.

    A variant that also works is just replace either Fire Up or Bamboozle with Save the Best for Last. You sacrifice a bit of breaking or vaulting speed for faster hit recovery which is obviously useful.

    One of my favorite killers with this build is Meyers using Infinite Evil. You get Meyers charged up in the early game, then at Evil 3 he has built in faster vault speeds that stack with Bamboozle and Fire Up to make his vaults crazy fast. 😄 It's also really fun on Wraith combined with Wraith's add-ons that increase breaking and vaulting speed.


    Scourge Hooks!!!

    • All four Scourge Hook perks

    Pretty straightforward. All four Scourge Hook perks work together and trigger every time you use them. The new Monstrous Shrine even gives you an extra Scourge Hook site which is handy!


    Don't Mess with Hexes

    • Shattered Hope - Boons you snuff are permanently destroyed and you see the aura of survivors nearby
    • Hex: Pentimento - Replace destroyed totems with Pentimento hex totems for high level slowdown
    • Hex: Devour Hope - Build up tokens for Exposed hits and even kills
    • Hex: Undying - Replace destroyed Hexes, see auras of survivors near totems

    The idea is to have a situation where if survivors ignore totems then they are punished for it, but if they cleanse totems they're also punished for it. A lot of people use Plaything, but personally I like Devour Hope and Undying instead since I think Devour Hope is a much bigger threat if left undestroyed. And even though Pentimento with 5 totems is a cool thing if it happens, it's main value is achieved with just a couple of uses in a match. Even a few minutes of 30% gen slowdown is pretty big! Shattered Hope allows you to use Pentimento even if a totem gets Booned, and Boons are still quite popular so it's pretty likely you'll get at least one use out of it.

    There are all sorts of variants you can do on this theme. Hex: Haunted Grounds in place of Shattered Hope for instance could put out more tempting totems to cleanse and get you additional Exposed hits early on before Devour Hope triggers. You can use Hex: Retribution if you value auras. You can even swap in something like Hex: Blood Favour or Third Seal if you like those effects, or of course the currently popular Plaything.

    This is a build I think works best on killers who have the mobility to react to totems possibly being cleansed. Demogorgon is a favorite since he can place a tunnel right near a totem and detect people nearby at will. Trapper and Hag also can keep an eye on totems pretty well, as can any killer that can teleport like Sadako or Dredge or who can move really quickly like Hillbilly or Blight.


    All Seeing Auras

    • Darkness Revealed - See auras of survivors near lockers
    • Hangman's Trick - See auras of survivors near hooks while carrying someone
    • BBQ and Chili - See auras of survivors at long distance after each hook
    • Lethal Pursuer - See auras of survivors in first 11 seconds of match and extends other aura durations

    This is the build when I'm in the mood for auras between chases. Basically this gives me passive auras when I'm carrying anybody or hooking them plus I can try and get a locker aura ping pretty much at will if I'm not in a chase and not sure which direction to head. You can also combined this with add-ons that give survivor auras for a short duration and the Lethal Pursuer perk will buff those durations too.

    This is a really fun build on killers that can respond to map-wide long range auras like Dredge, Hillbilly, Sadako, Blight, etc. The faster you can get to where you see an aura at long distance the better it works. Of course you're getting a ton of information but keep in mind you have to be using that info to get into chases and get downs ASAP since you have no particular slowdown or chase related perks here. But if you're really confident in your ability to chase survivors once you know where they are then this can be fun. 😄

    The weakest perk in the build is definitely Hangman's Trick. That's a perk I wish they would buff somewhat, it triggers a little less frequently than I'd like considering you have to be carrying someone for it to work. You could definitely replace this with other tracking perks like I'm All Ears, Bitter Murmur or Thrilling Tremors, for instance. But who knows, maybe someday if I leave Hangman's Trick in this long enough it'll get buffed and I'll be ahead of the curve! 😜

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,216
  • SekiSeki
    SekiSeki Member Posts: 516




    Dead Hard

    Lethal Pursuer


