Nerf Billy ( just a little bit )

Slower ms killers are a terrible idea just look at legion billy is fine the way he is just learn to improve and stop whining for nerfs whenever you struggle against something just because you struggle against something doesn't make it op or broken it can also mean you lack the experience of chasePost edited by KingSavageGaming on5
Do you know how to hide? Did you know that if you hide efficiently then you can't be found by anyone, not even someone who can instadown? Billy does not need to get nerfed, you need to get better, not getting caught in the first place is the worst thing that can happen to any killer because it means they can't hook anyone and they lose. Urban Evasion is your friend and now this new perk that Jeff has that blocks Aura reads will also be your friend.
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He should keep his 115% movement speed.
He just needs his chainsaw nerfed a bit.1 -
Its a you get hit by a chainsaw its gonna suck
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God no, please not the nurfs.
Seriously though, nurse and Billy are the only hardmode we get. I'd like to keep some competency required to win in this game.1 -
1) get behind cover
2) like huntress, dont run in a straight line
3) hideI've been gen rushed with no hits on survivors with Billy, it all depends on the group of survivors.
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I will say that it also depends on the map with Billy... but at the same time, there are certain maps where he can go from one side of the map to the other in about 12 seconds. (completely just estimating on that time)
I'm sorry, but the only one who can come close to doing that is nurse and she doesn't have an insta-down... so what makes billy so special?2 -
Onionthing said:
1) get behind cover
2) like huntress, dont run in a straight line
3) hideI've been gen rushed with no hits on survivors with Billy, it all depends on the group of survivors.
He used to be kept check by the game being survivor sided. Now with pallets changed, loops changed, vacuums gone, vaults changed etc , and add on top of that more anti-loop perks like spirit fury and bamboozle, his weakness is being covered well leaving only his strength.0 -
@Broosmeister said:
All the killers who can travel long distances in a short time are 110% speed. Spirit, hag, the legion and huntress ( can hit people from a long distance ) i seriously don't get why hillbilly is 115% speed. That just makes him overpowered, he can instadown people easily, he can find people easily and get to people quickly before they can hide. Billy should walk slower on his own.The devs said that not all killers are meant to be viable at high rank, but that doesnt mean that there shouldnt be viable killers
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@The_Crusader said:
Onionthing said:1) get behind cover
2) like huntress, dont run in a straight line
3) hide
I've been gen rushed with no hits on survivors with Billy, it all depends on the group of survivors.
He can still hit people even if they don't run straight due to add-ons and the fact that the reach on his chainsaw is VERY forgiving.
He used to be kept check by the game being survivor sided. Now with pallets changed, loops changed, vacuums gone, vaults changed etc , and add on top of that more anti-loop perks like spirit fury and bamboozle, his weakness is being covered well leaving only his strength.
Fair enough.
That means i just suck with billy ... But if i have to "get gud" with a killer, it doesnt tell me that the killer it OP; that tells me its the players skill is better. Just saying.
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wouldn't that obliterate most "killer main" responses that survivors should just "git gud" while simultaneously saying the game is survivor sided or that survivors are OP.
(I swear I'm not stalking you, we're both just replying to very similar threads.)
*crouches into tall grass*0 -
@Avariku said:
wouldn't that obliterate most "killer main" responses that survivors should just "git gud" while simultaneously saying the game is survivor sided or that survivors are OP.(I swear I'm not stalking you, we're both just replying to very similar threads.)
crouches into tall grass
I cant speak for every killer or survivor, i can only speak for myself .. but yes, that would ultimately be my point, for both sides.
I dont mind if people stalk me, just don't mori-me, I like to get hooked and hang around instead.
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whaaaat? I enjoy getting mori'd... it makes me feel special! but yea, both sides have some serious entitlement issues, no denying that.
I still think Billy could use a slight nerf... and I mean SLIGHT. not sure what, but I do like that he is top tier and dont want him to lose that viability.0 -
The only thing about billy that needs to be changed is the hitbox which was made huge to bandaid fix for the false hits classic behavior not actually fixing something just throw a bandaid on it but seriously though they should just fix false hits on the hit detection side of things and then revert back to normal billy hitbox.
As far as his movement speed goes leave it alone making billy 110 would make him the worst killer in the game hands down without a doubt he would be the worst killer map pressure means nothing if you cant down a survivor.
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He is fine1
Billy is perfectly balanced.
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@DemonDaddy said:
God no, please not the nurfs.
Seriously though, nurse and Billy are the only hardmode we get. I'd like to keep some competency required to win in this game.And a chance at winning, as a killer.
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Is awesome the new downvote button?
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@Broosmeister said:
All the killers who can travel long distances in a short time are 110% speed. Spirit, hag, the legion and huntress ( can hit people from a long distance ) i seriously don't get why hillbilly is 115% speed. That just makes him overpowered, he can instadown people easily, he can find people easily and get to people quickly before they can hide. Billy should walk slower on his own.and all of those 110% ms killer has some kind of power against looping.
Billy doesn't have this therefor doesn't need any kind of nerf.
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Condorloco_26 said:
@DemonDaddy said:
God no, please not the nurfs.
Seriously though, nurse and Billy are the only hardmode we get. I'd like to keep some competency required to win in this game.And a chance at winning, as a killer.
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I think when the Distortion perk comes out in the next chapter it'll help balance Billy's and Nurse's snowballing a lot. There were no perks that could counter BBQ until now.
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Making him 110% movement speed would give him the same problem like Legion: Great map pressure, while having little potential in a chase. That would push him into lower tiers immediately.
However I do agree on the point that Billy is the easiest to master out of the top tier killers - to a point where I would argue that you get too much reward for the skill needed.
Even if you totally suck with his chainsaw, you can still play a m1 Billy while having more map pressure than any other m1 killer on this game.
If anything should be nerfed, it‘s his infinite chainsaw run ability. Take Huntress, Spirit or Legion as an example: Their map pressure/hunt abilities all have a „cooldown“: Spirit walk/Feral Frenzy are based on a resource while Huntress has to refill her hatchets. Making Billy‘s chainsaw run based on a resource like Legion/Spirit would be the better nerf, if one is even needed... because:
There is one big arguement against a Billy nerf: The Nurse.
If the devs nerfed Billy, there would be a lot more Nurses around generally. And I‘m not sure whether anyone wants that.1 -
aarongai said:
I think when the Distortion perk comes out in the next chapter it'll help balance Billy's and Nurse's snowballing a lot. There were no perks that could counter BBQ until now.
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I disagree. I have a ton of fun playing as and against Billy and I love him the way he is. That speed is part of what keeps the chases interesting! When hiding fails, I watch him super closely and and I'm usually able to figure out his patterns1
His power against looping is destroying pallets faster and the ability to instadown people easily when you're even the slightest bit of being good at playing as billy. It's far too easy now to just walk up to a survivor and instadown them, at least walking towards a survivor with your chainsaw should take longer. Then you have the missed chainsaw which takes literally a second to recover so even when you're far behind someone just chainsaw over there and you end up directly beside them.
The only balanced thing about billy is playing against him on the game map or lery's.1 -
@Broosmeister said:
His power against looping is destroying pallets faster and the ability to instadown people easily when you're even the slightest bit of being good at playing as billy. It's far too easy now to just walk up to a survivor and instadown them, at least walking towards a survivor with your chainsaw should take longer. Then you have the missed chainsaw which takes literally a second to recover so even when you're far behind someone just chainsaw over there and you end up directly beside them.
The only balanced thing about billy is playing against him on the game map or lery's.You have to equip specific addons for the chainsaw to be faster than kicking the pallet.
Survivors can keep distance from him and not hide in corners when they know it Billy. He can be looped hard if the survivor learns what to do. Billy can also us his saw to mindgame several tiles that otherwise couldn't be and be rewarded for it. This takes practice and skill. Survivors can also mindgame Billy, which takes practice and skill. You can't just run up and easily down someone unless the survivor is dumb and isn't aware of things.
A missed chainsaw has a cooldown, unless of course more specific addons are used. This is the punishment for missing chainsaws.
A good Billy doesn't need addons and can do well, this is why he is balanced.
It seems to me, based on what you have said, that you go against bad Billy players that only use his OP addons like Thompsons MIx and Tuning Guide, or that you might need to learn a few more things about playing against him?
Either way, Billy is balanced and the only thing that needs looked at on his kit, is the instasaw combo of addons I mentioned (Mix/Tuning Guide), which is not fun at all for survivors and is brokenly over powered.
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All he need is:
- Reduce the movement speed while charging his chainsaw.
- Block the camera angle when running into an obstacle or reduce it a lot (Like the nurse when she is fatigued)
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''just a little bit'' is used for ruin not for nerfs. i know you were just trying to make a reference but still. ruin.
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@SpitfireOrMichina said:
All he need is:- Reduce the movement speed while charging his chainsaw.
- Block the camera angle when running into an obstacle or reduce it a lot (Like the nurse when she is fatigued)
I'm sorry, but you either don't know how to play against a Billy or you just don't want to learn. Don't be in the open and don't hide in corners, this will change your mind on him needing a movement speed reduction while charging. What you ask for will ENCOURAGE the use of his broken addon combo and EVERY Billy will HAVE to use instasaw.
As for making him take longer to recover from bumping into things or obscuring his vision, this will only effect bad/new Billy players or those that make lots of mistakes when using the chainsaw, but still isn't needed. At all.
Billy Is balanced.
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@only1biggs said:
@SpitfireOrMichina said:
All he need is:- Reduce the movement speed while charging his chainsaw.
- Block the camera angle when running into an obstacle or reduce it a lot (Like the nurse when she is fatigued)
I'm sorry, but you either don't know how to play against a Billy or you just don't want to learn. Don't be in the open and don't hide in corners, this will change your mind on him needing a movement speed reduction while charging. What you ask for will ENCOURAGE the use of his broken addon combo and EVERY Billy will HAVE to use instasaw.
As for making him take longer to recover from bumping into things or obscuring his vision, this will only effect bad/new Billy players or those that make lots of mistakes when using the chainsaw, but still isn't needed. At all.
Billy Is balanced.
lol. Boi. 2.8K hours of DBD on record. I know how to play against billy :^)
Make some changes could be nice to reduce the amount of billy per games. Btw, why dont we talk about leatherface who have addons to increase his movement speed while charging his chainsaw. He is actualy slow af without addons.0 -
@SpitfireOrMichina said:
@only1biggs said:
@SpitfireOrMichina said:
All he need is:- Reduce the movement speed while charging his chainsaw.
- Block the camera angle when running into an obstacle or reduce it a lot (Like the nurse when she is fatigued)
I'm sorry, but you either don't know how to play against a Billy or you just don't want to learn. Don't be in the open and don't hide in corners, this will change your mind on him needing a movement speed reduction while charging. What you ask for will ENCOURAGE the use of his broken addon combo and EVERY Billy will HAVE to use instasaw.
As for making him take longer to recover from bumping into things or obscuring his vision, this will only effect bad/new Billy players or those that make lots of mistakes when using the chainsaw, but still isn't needed. At all.
Billy Is balanced.
lol. Boi. 2.8K hours of DBD on record. I know how to play against billy :^)
Make some changes could be nice to reduce the amount of billy per games. Btw, why dont we talk about leatherface who have addons to increase his movement speed while charging his chainsaw. He is actualy slow af without addons.Leatherface's marking addons do NOT increase his movement speed while he is charging his ability, only when he swings his chainsaw. I think it doesnt even give him much more ground covered in his "chainsaw charge"
Other than that, I think HB is at the power level other killers should be. Leatherface especially could take good use of getting HB's charge time and charge movement speed.
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@Raptorrotas said:
Leatherface's marking addons do NOT increase his movement speed while he is charging his ability, only when he swings his chainsaw. I think it doesnt even give him much more ground covered in his "chainsaw charge"Other than that, I think HB is at the power level other killers should be. Leatherface especially could take good use of getting HB's charge time and charge movement speed.
Yes it is. There is 2 types of movement speed add-ons for Leatherface.
The Chilli: That increase the movements speed while charging his chainsawAnd this addons that increase the movements speed while using the chainsaw. (While attacking)
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While charging his ability (holding M2 till the bar is full), Leatherface is slowed to 87.5% MS, there aren't any addons that change that. I think i wasn't clear enough because his ability is refered to as a "chainsaw charge" in its description.
You are right that theres 2 kinds of Moveent speed modifying addons for his "chainsaw charge", but those don't work while hes still charging (holding M2) for his ability, only when he starts swinging it.
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@SpitfireOrMichina said:
@only1biggs said:
@SpitfireOrMichina said:
All he need is:- Reduce the movement speed while charging his chainsaw.
- Block the camera angle when running into an obstacle or reduce it a lot (Like the nurse when she is fatigued)
I'm sorry, but you either don't know how to play against a Billy or you just don't want to learn. Don't be in the open and don't hide in corners, this will change your mind on him needing a movement speed reduction while charging. What you ask for will ENCOURAGE the use of his broken addon combo and EVERY Billy will HAVE to use instasaw.
As for making him take longer to recover from bumping into things or obscuring his vision, this will only effect bad/new Billy players or those that make lots of mistakes when using the chainsaw, but still isn't needed. At all.
Billy Is balanced.
lol. Boi. 2.8K hours of DBD on record. I know how to play against billy :^)
Make some changes could be nice to reduce the amount of billy per games. Btw, why dont we talk about leatherface who have addons to increase his movement speed while charging his chainsaw. He is actualy slow af without addons.And yet here you are asking for an unneeded Billy nerf. You just want to face Nurse? 2.8k hours btw. Yikes
Billy is balanced. While all killers are "viable" at high ranks (it depends on the player controlling the killer), other killers should be buffed or adjusted to try and match Billy, not the other way around.
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XxAtomicAlfiexX said:
''just a little bit'' is used for ruin not for nerfs. i know you were just trying to make a reference but still. ruin.
You mean like you 'ruined' my joke?
Just a little bit?0 -
@Broosmeister said:
All the killers who can travel long distances in a short time are 110% speed. Spirit, hag, the legion and huntress ( can hit people from a long distance ) i seriously don't get why hillbilly is 115% speed. That just makes him overpowered, he can instadown people easily, he can find people easily and get to people quickly before they can hide. Billy should walk slower on his own.the only thing that needs to be nerfed on billy is that downing glitch on hitting pallets on a survivor vaulting. it is a glitch, if a survivor moves within the animation not even vaulting on the other side of a pallet they will still be downed.
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@SpitfireOrMichina said:
@Raptorrotas said:
Leatherface's marking addons do NOT increase his movement speed while he is charging his ability, only when he swings his chainsaw. I think it doesnt even give him much more ground covered in his "chainsaw charge"Other than that, I think HB is at the power level other killers should be. Leatherface especially could take good use of getting HB's charge time and charge movement speed.
Yes it is. There is 2 types of movement speed add-ons for Leatherface.
The Chilli: That increase the movements speed while charging his chainsawAnd this addons that increase the movements speed while using the chainsaw. (While attacking)
the chili doesn't do that
it increases acceleration to max speed during the charge, and even the purple chilli is basically useless0 -
@akbays35 said:
@Broosmeister said:
All the killers who can travel long distances in a short time are 110% speed. Spirit, hag, the legion and huntress ( can hit people from a long distance ) i seriously don't get why hillbilly is 115% speed. That just makes him overpowered, he can instadown people easily, he can find people easily and get to people quickly before they can hide. Billy should walk slower on his own.the only thing that needs to be nerfed on billy is that downing glitch on hitting pallets on a survivor vaulting. it is a glitch, if a survivor moves within the animation not even vaulting on the other side of a pallet they will still be downed.
Hate to burst your bubble thats intended thats not a glitch pretty sure even mclean confirmed thats intended on his stream
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Still if the billy shouldn't be slower. Then at least his missed chainsaw attacks should have a longer cooldown. And yup, hitboxes should be normal. I remember once i was opening an exit gate, then i was almost done and billy went in a straight line to me, so i ran sideways figuring i could open the gate before he recovered and leave. But i got downed while his animation showed him chainsawing the exit gate. That's just plain bs.
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SpitfireOrMichina said:
@only1biggs said:
@SpitfireOrMichina said:
All he need is:
- Reduce the movement speed while charging his chainsaw.
- Block the camera angle when running into an obstacle or reduce it a lot (Like the nurse when she is fatigued)I'm sorry, but you either don't know how to play against a Billy or you just don't want to learn. Don't be in the open and don't hide in corners, this will change your mind on him needing a movement speed reduction while charging. What you ask for will ENCOURAGE the use of his broken addon combo and EVERY Billy will HAVE to use instasaw.
As for making him take longer to recover from bumping into things or obscuring his vision, this will only effect bad/new Billy players or those that make lots of mistakes when using the chainsaw, but still isn't needed. At all.
Billy Is balanced.
lol. Boi. 2.8K hours of DBD on record. I know how to play against billy :^)
Make some changes could be nice to reduce the amount of billy per games. Btw, why dont we talk about leatherface who have addons to increase his movement speed while charging his chainsaw. He is actualy slow af without addons.
Once the loops start billy suffers a lot with his saw only really allowing him to catch up and break pallets. Which is easily exploitable. Vaults are your best friend use them to force m1 hits. Open areas are a death sentence do not let gens in paletless vaultless areas go undone. Get them done while another survivours is being chased. Also reducing movement speed while charging is what they did to bubba it remains to be one of the reasons why you cant use bubbas saw in the chase and what often makes him very weak.
Hes one of the few killers who can sort of challenge swf. Which the devs are balancing the game around.0 -
@Broosmeister said:
All the killers who can travel long distances in a short time are 110% speed. Spirit, hag, the legion and huntress ( can hit people from a long distance ) i seriously don't get why hillbilly is 115% speed. That just makes him overpowered, he can instadown people easily, he can find people easily and get to people quickly before they can hide. Billy should walk slower on his own.Making killer trash tier is "nerfing a little bit"?
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RSB said:
@Broosmeister said:
All the killers who can travel long distances in a short time are 110% speed. Spirit, hag, the legion and huntress ( can hit people from a long distance ) i seriously don't get why hillbilly is 115% speed. That just makes him overpowered, he can instadown people easily, he can find people easily and get to people quickly before they can hide. Billy should walk slower on his own.Making killer trash tier is "nerfing a little bit"?
I'm just saying he can travel long distances in a short time, he can instadown people with ease. And his chainsaw has a ######### reach. Something needs to be done, or decrause his base speed, or give him longer penalties when he's done chainsawing.
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@Broosmeister said:
RSB said:@Broosmeister said:
All the killers who can travel long distances in a short time are 110% speed. Spirit, hag, the legion and huntress ( can hit people from a long distance ) i seriously don't get why hillbilly is 115% speed. That just makes him overpowered, he can instadown people easily, he can find people easily and get to people quickly before they can hide. Billy should walk slower on his own.
Making killer trash tier is "nerfing a little bit"?
So every 110 speed killer is trash tier now?
I'm just saying he can travel long distances in a short time, he can instadown people with ease. And his chainsaw has a ######### reach. Something needs to be done, or decrause his base speed, or give him longer penalties when he's done chainsawing.Yeah, every killer with 110MS, that has no tools to break the loops is trash tier, with Legion and (if you force this idiotic nerf) Billy on the front.
People like you, who played this game for 10 hours and/or do not know how it works should not speak about balance.
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@Broosmeister said:
All the killers who can travel long distances in a short time are 110% speed. Spirit, hag, the legion and huntress ( can hit people from a long distance ) i seriously don't get why hillbilly is 115% speed. That just makes him overpowered, he can instadown people easily, he can find people easily and get to people quickly before they can hide. Billy should walk slower on his own.He's far too easy to loop. It'd be a great idea but killer mains would cry. A nerfed Lunge would be good.
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RSB said:
@Broosmeister said:
RSB said:@Broosmeister said:
All the killers who can travel long distances in a short time are 110% speed. Spirit, hag, the legion and huntress ( can hit people from a long distance ) i seriously don't get why hillbilly is 115% speed. That just makes him overpowered, he can instadown people easily, he can find people easily and get to people quickly before they can hide. Billy should walk slower on his own.
Making killer trash tier is "nerfing a little bit"?
So every 110 speed killer is trash tier now?
I'm just saying he can travel long distances in a short time, he can instadown people with ease. And his chainsaw has a ######### reach. Something needs to be done, or decrause his base speed, or give him longer penalties when he's done chainsawing.Yeah, every killer with 110MS, that has no tools to break the loops is trash tier, with Legion and (if you force this idiotic nerf) Billy on the front.
People like you, who played this game for 10 hours and/or do not know how it works should not speak about balance.
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@Broosmeister said:
RSB said:@Broosmeister said:
RSB said:
@Broosmeister said: All the killers who can travel long distances in a short time are 110% speed. Spirit, hag, the legion and huntress ( can hit people from a long distance ) i seriously don't get why hillbilly is 115% speed. That just makes him overpowered, he can instadown people easily, he can find people easily and get to people quickly before they can hide. Billy should walk slower on his own. Making killer trash tier is "nerfing a little bit"? So every 110 speed killer is trash tier now?
I'm just saying he can travel long distances in a short time, he can instadown people with ease. And his chainsaw has a ######### reach. Something needs to be done, or decrause his base speed, or give him longer penalties when he's done chainsawing.
Yeah, every killer with 110MS, that has no tools to break the loops is trash tier, with Legion and (if you force this idiotic nerf) Billy on the front.
People like you, who played this game for 10 hours and/or do not know how it works should not speak about balance.
Well look at mister i have some hours on record so i can trash talk to everyone here. Stfu about legion you probably just don't know how to play him. Billy's chainsaw is his tool in chases. After chainsawing someone there isn't even a chase because the survivor is put in dying state immediately. Break pallets faster. Use tinkerer and fly over to every gen that's being done. Like it or not, billy needs some tweaks.
Sure, buddy, you can tell me this biased stuff as long as you want, it won't change the fact, that Billy is the perfectly balanced killer in the game, all killers should be at his level. I bet you are crying with anger reading this, but don't worry, every survivor biased player does that.
PS. Looping should be nerfed to the ground and stealth play buffed like 10 times (mainly by removing/reworking aura eading perks). Now you are probably bashing your head with keyboard.
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RSB said:
@Broosmeister said:
RSB said:@Broosmeister said:
RSB said:
@Broosmeister said: All the killers who can travel long distances in a short time are 110% speed. Spirit, hag, the legion and huntress ( can hit people from a long distance ) i seriously don't get why hillbilly is 115% speed. That just makes him overpowered, he can instadown people easily, he can find people easily and get to people quickly before they can hide. Billy should walk slower on his own. Making killer trash tier is "nerfing a little bit"? So every 110 speed killer is trash tier now?
I'm just saying he can travel long distances in a short time, he can instadown people with ease. And his chainsaw has a ######### reach. Something needs to be done, or decrause his base speed, or give him longer penalties when he's done chainsawing.
Yeah, every killer with 110MS, that has no tools to break the loops is trash tier, with Legion and (if you force this idiotic nerf) Billy on the front.
People like you, who played this game for 10 hours and/or do not know how it works should not speak about balance.
Well look at mister i have some hours on record so i can trash talk to everyone here. Stfu about legion you probably just don't know how to play him. Billy's chainsaw is his tool in chases. After chainsawing someone there isn't even a chase because the survivor is put in dying state immediately. Break pallets faster. Use tinkerer and fly over to every gen that's being done. Like it or not, billy needs some tweaks.
Sure, buddy, you can tell me this biased stuff as long as you want, it won't change the fact, that Billy is the perfectly balanced killer in the game, all killers should be at his level. I bet you are crying with anger reading this, but don't worry, every survivor biased player does that.
PS. Looping should be nerfed to the ground and stealth play buffed like 10 times (mainly by removing/reworking aura eading perks). Now you are probably bashing your head with keyboard.