How many of you have been dc'd the past couple days

Oasyn Member Posts: 5

I've been being kicked from games and it says disconnected by the host for the past several days and I'm wondering how many other have experienced this. I feel like I'm not the only one because of other people I play with. I'm also up to 30 minute bans and are scared to even attempt to play even more because of this. (I've tried all the fixes its not my Wi-Fi I watch my ping the entire time it stands around 70)

How many of you have been dc'd the past couple days 19 votes

Yes, this has happened to me
ElcopolloGuiltiiWampa1i_MrsCruz_iChikySlanKotelettphantomCassiopeiaeOasyn 9 votes
No, this hasn't happened to me
TapeKnotWampiritaCrowmandugmanViktor1853JaviiMii 6 votes
No, not to me but yes to people I play with
OnryosTapeRentalsAlex_JonathanByersJacobiusWick 4 votes


  • Alex_
    Alex_ Member Posts: 143
    No, not to me but yes to people I play with

    It has happened to people I play with, but not very often.

  • bittercranberry
    bittercranberry Member Posts: 454
    edited August 2022

    ive literally just had a cenobite run 4 slow downs & facecamping at 5 gens.

    i stuck around after he got his one kill but what did it for me was my two teammates hopping off gen when 10/10 times we HAVE to commit and finish it.

    cenobite ends up hitting me with his power and now i got chains on and i take killer away but gen hasn't popped for about 30 seconds and im questioning whats going on?? it was literally at 99% but when i get downed only to see the remaining survivors crouching around and urban evading from corner to corner...

    soloQ is ridicolous rn

  • Slan
    Slan Member Posts: 357
    Yes, this has happened to me

    Happened to me twice this week. I play as usual and then I am kicked for no apparent reason. Even the game does not tell me why or anything.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 773
    Yes, this has happened to me

    Actually, ran into this issue today. Played as Leon against Nurse on Coldwind. While I was on hook - game froze and I got disconnected, receiving penalty. Despite the fact that my connection was perfectly fine. My post-game lobby showed both me and killer as disconnected, although somewhy I think for others matched continued as usual.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 894
    Yes, this has happened to me

    happened to me and the killer in the same game, last week