Suicidial survivors

What do you do when someone is killing themselves on hook?
a) Go for the unhook anyway even though it puts you at a big risk or if you feel the survivor is worth saving/unhooking at that point
b) Go work on or stay on a gen
c) At least i have Kindred
For me its (b) 100%
I perform an ancient blood ritual to make sure that they will live no longer due to their crimes against humanity.
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usually a). Though it has little to do with altruism. - If it's going to be 3v1 it's gonna be a guaranteed loss anyway (and in my experience people don't tend to suicide at 3 or less gens) so I try to at least get the safe unhook points and maybe even the healing points. Exception is if they're suiciding because they're being camped; I'll stick to gens in that case. While I don't necessarily condone it I do understand where they're coming from.
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I'll try and grab them, but they usually just throw themselves at the killer anyway. I had a Yun Jin once who wanted to suicide on hook and she was so mad that I saved her she brought the killer to all the rest of us and sandbagged us until we all died. That was fun.
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B. I've played with enough of those types of players that I know trying to save them will only elevate the situation more. They'll go around dropping every pallet before they DC, or they'll follow you around all game and purposefully fast vault or miss skill checks. Them going AFK or DCing instantly is the best case scenario in that situation.
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If I'm close, I'll try to save them before they get all three attempts or before they get the 2 skill checks in second stage. I want my points and they can't expect me to not yoink them off when they're ruining the game for me.
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I always try to grab them but if i’m too far away I usually don’t.
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If I'm a survivor : b
If I'm the killer, they'll get slugged to death, farmed and tea-bagged on by the real survivors.
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If they're a bad teammate who is just killing themselves on hook cause temper tantrum, I try and save them. Free points & I make them stay in the game a bit longer. I have to be nearby though, and usually I am not.
If they're a good teammate and want to kill themselves b/c of how the match is already going, I usually just let them go. Everyone's been there (got 3 teammates who are useless on gens & go down in chases within 10-20 seconds, etc). Harder to judge but usually you get a good grasp of who is doing what, as long as the match has gone on a bit versus if the match just started.
Most of the time, I'll just stay on my gen if I see someone suiciding though. I'm likely a good distance away and won't make it there + even if you do save them, they'll probably just run to killer and try to get hooked immediately again.
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I unhook them and teabag.
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Yeah i definitely had those! I used to go unhook suicidals as they are on their death hook from the suicide and "sure enough" the Killer goes right to me!
After experiencing this a few times i totally gave up on rescuing suicides, i have a much better chance surviving by not wasting my time on that and staying or rushing the gens.
Good for you! Its the best thing, these survivors dont value they're life (game) lol so i just let them kill themselves all 3 stages.
Ok but if you go against a killer lime me that would be a mistake and put yourself at a big risk, i disagree with this but you are your own person.
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Sorry that happend to you man:( that person sucks completly
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If I'm close, I go for the unhook because I want the BPs. Then I do the gen xd
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As killer, if this happens within 2 or 3 minutes of match start, I let the remaining 3 go after chasing and hooking them a few times
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Depends, if I am close enough to get them safely before they got to struggle or die, I will (and maybe teabag them a bit, ngl), but I am not make a long run to get someone if they want out.
If I am the killer and someone clearly wants out early in the game, I save them for last. Screw those guys.
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Naturally, if someone is suiciding I either leave them alone entirely or go for the save just for BP alone, after that I just leave them to die cause at the end of the day, it's what they wanted I guess.
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If I'm survivor I don't bother saving them because they tend to hurt the team more than help. At this point as solo/duo I don't have much hope for escape anyway so I just get my challenges done/get what BP I can when I do play.
If I'm killer I just kill them. I don't see the point in keeping someone in a match they don't want to play for whatever reason, just seems petty and I'd rather just move onto next match.
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What I did was design a build to be the first survivor on hook, so those who wanna DC because they were first on hook don't get a chance to be first on hook.
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If I'm close I rescue them. If I gotta be there so do they. Go run to killer for all I care, lol.
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Same. Although I aim to have everyone hooked twice before I play along. I like some proper chases, as I'm not interested in farming.
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I rescue them out of spite.
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I let them suicide on hook. Sometimes people need to leave games because they have to take care of something irl and sometimes it's just because they are mad. No point keeping someone in a game they want to leave... it's petty
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I've been running left behind, lone survivor, distortion, and pharmacy... and guess what... I've committed suicide many many times as well.. getting stuffed in noob lobbies with ppl urbaning in a corner while getting facecamped on 5 gens.. yup nope killers got such a basekit buff and they're still facecamping at 5 i'm out. don't blame anyone Devs wanted this.
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...but it's almost always because they are mad but don't want to deal with the penalty.
If you really have to bail irl, just DC; it's not like the penalty will be an issue in those cases, right?
Or if it's only gonna be a few minutes, just jump in a locker and afk until you handle whatever it is, at least the crows will distract the killer.
Match shopping at the expense of your teammates until you get one that you "enjoy" is top tier selfish BS. It's worse than petty.
If you're gonna operate that way, just play something else.
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You can't force someone to play the game. Just let them leave. Like I already said: It's petty. They will just run to the killer to die, throw down pallets, lead the killer to teammates, etc.
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You can't force them, no, but sometimes when that moment of emotional frustration passes, people will keep playing. I've had survs come to me and pointed a the hook, and I've shook my head at them and gone after someone else, only to find them later actually working on objectives and trying to win.
I just don't want to contribute to a meta where people feel like dipping out on your team is acceptable. You can't stop someone who is determined, but you can not be a party to it.
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I save them just to spite them lol
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Same. I don't make it evident that I'm letting them go. I chase and play normally, just don't kill them. When everyone is on death hook I let go.
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I always go for the save. I find that more people who are suiciding on the hook do it because of how the game has been going and often as a gesture of no confidence in the team or that anyone will help them. I like to prove them wrong on the latter, at least.
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depends if the killer is nurse i let him kill himself because i am going to do the same if is any other killer i am going to rescue him al least is the end game or if there is no chance of winning the game