Uh oh here comes the survivor mains!



  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    Honestly, this was the solution right here. It's a fair compromise. Thana didn't need to be buffed to begin with since killers got basekit buffs and gen times were increased to 90 seconds.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    0.3 seconds faster on some killer actions.

    +10 concurrent (not consecutive) seconds more on gens.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,898

    I still can't process people getting so worked up over Thanatophobia either way. It's not game changing from either perspective. As a surv it's gone from slightly annoying to mildly annoying and with this nerf to a near non-factor. I only really ever feel it if I'm on a non-cleansing team vs. Plague. But I suppose it's a matter of perspective.

    As a killer, I've never run it, because I have a whole list of things I think are a better use of a perk slot in pretty much every build.

    It takes the same amount of time to hit bloodlust 1 as before; the buff is to the next levels, which if they are reached means the killer is probably bad and will struggle to catch you regardless. I only ever hit BL 1, because if the surv is a good enough looper to push past that, I'm dropping chase before BL 2.

    Of the basekit killer buffs, the breaking/swing recovery speeds are the only things I feel makes a tangible difference, and even then it's slight.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Thank you!

    I don't think some people understand the effects perks have as a whole. They only think of the flat % number change, not the overall effect it has. Which is the part that people are complaining about.

  • Hito420
    Hito420 Member Posts: 89

    how about all the killer mains complaining about ds? over 5 whole seconds in the beginning which was originally countered by enduring to bring it down to 3, and it was always 1 time use and if missed you lose it, yet still killers complained and now look at the state its in, not even usable at the end of the game, and why should a perk, that is from a paid DLC bought with actual money, be restricted so hard? and not only that, healing speed has been nerf to hell on the one perk that is supposed to be for healing yourself (granted it did used to be insanely fast, that was fixed, didnt need another nerf with all the buffs to killer perks) and gen speed decrees wasnt really needed if killers would stop hook camping and go out to gens instead of letting survivors freely work on gens, wont matter how long the gens take if a killer is sitting at the hook, the gens will get done by the time the killer walks all the way back to the gen from the hook, use your brains, though i assume most of you that are in higher ranks dont sit at hooks, because you cant, because you know you will be punished for it, its the low and mid tier killers that think "because devs said" its a legit strategy they can do it, "can" and "should" are 2 very different words, if you want to stay in the lower ranks, by all means keep camping and tunneling, only low rank survivors will fall for it and play into it, while if you want to actually improve, hook and as long as you dont see or hear anyone near the hook after checking then go find someone else game isnt hard for killer unless you make it hard on yourself

    and all the complaining about swf, i dunno about the rest, but i always took swf as a challenge to improve, maybe im an oddity? but if people arent able to communicate in a game thats supposed to be based around 4 people surviving against a killer (aka, teamwork) does it not make more sense that those in a solo queue would be at a disadvantage with less information to go off of than any other team based game which generally would have voice chat built into the game (dont get me wrong im glad it doesnt because it would be a disaster, you only have to play games like csgo and f13 to realize that)

  • Hito420
    Hito420 Member Posts: 89

    oh but survivors got basekit bt, thats good right? that stops tunneling an camping right?

    at least thats what the devs said was their intent for adding it, meanwhile whispering into killers ears "just wait 5 seconds, then swing" such a joke

  • Grum
    Grum Member Posts: 273

    It was buffed to 22% alongside 90 second gens.

    Thanat Legion and Plague were already insufferable, even prior to the buff.