Unpopular Opinions

Mekochi Member Posts: 942

Okay, what are some unpopular takes you have as a player regardless of which side you play on;

Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion per say, but I don't see many takes on it; Farming games are pretty boring, because don't get me wrong, the extra bp is nice, but I like thriving on the adrenaline when being in an actual chase


  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    Yeah, I noticed that too, and because killers are running slow down due to gens flying, survivors are running things to counter slowdowns creating a neverending cycle

    But I don't need gen speed perks, I have my trusty pebble lmao

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,569

    -Not a single version of Freddy was weak enough to be considered low tier.

    -Leatherface did not require a full rework.

    -Endgame Collapse is a terrible and unnecessary mechanic.

    -Blight sucks to play against.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    Can I ask about the EGC thing, because I thought it was active to prevent holding the game hostage

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,569


    I hate it. Always hated it, ever since it was first introduced to the game.

    If people holding the game hostage was as common as some people say, which I highly doubted, I strongly believe it should have been solved differently.

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    The new dead hard is stronger than the old one in many situations!

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Sprint Burst is just as boring and frustrating to face as killer as Dead Hard was.

    This is just based on my personal preference, and I don’t necessarily think Sprint Burst should be nerfed.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564
    edited August 2022

    Trapper is weakest killer in game.

    Oh sorry, this is popular opinion. Let me make another one.

    DbD does not takes any skills, both sides have low skills honestly. DbD is simple game, mechanics are not complicated. Even Blight and Nurse are not that hard. DbD is not Dark Souls tho.

  • BenOfMilam
    BenOfMilam Member Posts: 911
    edited August 2022

    People vastly overestimate their own skill and seek to blame outside sources for their losses

    Camping and tunneling are part of the game, and there are strategies and perks for playing around these playstyles

    Deathslinger is extremely strong, most players are simply bad at him and refuse to learn

    Nurse is unhealthy for the long term stability of the game's balance

    Speaking of, Dead by Daylight is relatively balanced, but it is balanced around people playing to win in the most effective way possible (which players are not doing)

    Survivor is still quite strong, even in solo queue. Players are just entitled and give up too easily

    Perks for slowing down gens and speeding up gens are problematic for game balance

    Dead by Daylight is NOT a party game


    Oh, and basement is too strong for what it is. A killer that plays close to basement is nearly guaranteed a win

    Also if the other team is playing to win, and you are not, it is guaranteed and obvious what the natural outcome of that should be

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    That many players lack a sense of self-awareness. They'll blame perks, bad team mates, campers; yet they probably are also prone to be making many mistakes and probably exaggerate their experiences.

    That someone may have an opinion, sees a popular streamer making a video on that same ideology, and they share it, only to be called "sheep" and devoid of intelligence, even though they already had that thought in place. As if, just because you share an opinion with someone well known, you now have to change it because you may be just copying them or some #########? It's a really dumb assumption to think people are sheep because of this.

    The boredom of the DBD doesn't care about survivors/ killers/ players/ streamers/ hamsters/ pineapple on pizzas topics gets to me.

    Finally, the over-dramatisation of everything: The game is dying! Survivors/ Killers are all disgusting people! Survivors can't win because of DH nerf! Just get some bloody perspective and chill already - think about the situation before you start ranting.

    They're my chief gripes and unppular opinions.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    • Sadako is on par with Wraith, I put them both at 2/5 stars. I don’t think she or Wraith are top tier but I also think there are some worse killers than both of them.
    • The midchapter rework buffed killers obviously, but not nearly enough to make winning “impossible” for solo survivors like some people seem to claim. In reality it’s looking like the kill rates went up probably 7-8%, so it’s noticeable but definitely still winnable, assuming people aren’t flipping the table and leaving after the first couple of downs.
    • There’s nothing unsportsmanlike or toxic about “tunneling” someone, which is mainly another way to say “downed them two or three times in a row”. The game is built around eliminating players mid-match so unless the killer is getting a bit unlucky they are going to be trying to get three hooks on someone to get them out of play. Hypothetically the devs try to discourage hitting someone literally right after they got unhooked to try and spread the damage out a bit, but that doesn’t make downing someone who got unhooked in your face toxic. Nor is it wrong to continue chasing someone you just injured, or to down someone who is injured versus hitting a healthy survivor. Complaints about all these things really stem from players who are eliminated early being frustrated they can’t keep playing, which is a downside of elimination mid-match. But if you want to blame anything blame the game for having that elimination baked into it, don’t blame the killers who are just trying to kill the survivors off.
    • Facecamping isn’t necessarily toxic, but it’s also not a great strategy typically. You’re better off being more proactive in chasing someone else while a person is hooked than standing around doing nothing waiting for a survivor. I think a zone defense where you patrol a section of three or four generators and try and hook people in that area is a better strategy overall than literal facecamping.
    • I don’t like playing as Nurse, staring at the ground half the match sucks. If they ever revamp her so she kept her head up to be able to see while in blink stun I’d play her, even if they decided that if they did that they needed to slightly increase the refresh time on the blinks to compensate. Also I think Nurse’s Plaid Flannel where she can she where she’s blinking to should be base kit to make her more new player friendly, although if they do that I think they should make the glowing marker a bit smaller and less intrusive (on some screens and in close range that marker can be kind of obnoxiously large and glaring.)
    • Huntress and Trickster should have a small crosshair reticle showing where they’re aiming. (Deathslinger already has his gunsights.) DbD is strangely the only first person shooter I can think of with no aiming reticle for ranged attacks and it’s kind of annoying. Sure, you can get used to it if you play them a lot, but why should it be that way in the first place? There’s a reason every other shooting has a crosshair, I don’t get why DbD felt the need to buck that trend.
    • MMR is actually pretty accurate in so far as, when players are close in MMR to each other, the match is normally relatively close assuming everybody plays to their skill level. Where matchmaking breaks down isn’t how the ratings are calculated or go up and down, it’s mostly to do with things out the rating system like players leaving lobbies and being replaced by last second backfills and swfs where players are often wildly different MMRs and sometimes just a big skew in survivor numbers versus killers in the queues. Those sorts of things cause mismatches even if the MMR itself for individual players is completely accurate.
    • Player mistakes outweigh loadouts and builds. Someone messing up makes way more difference to the outcome of a game than what perks they brought or who the killer is. That’s why top streamers, for example, can have very high win rates both as killers and as survivors regardless of what they play, these are players who generally make very few mistakes and play a solid macro level strategy on either side of the fence. It’s only when the opposing sides are both playing well and not making misplays that their builds really become deciding factors. Error free Omega Nurses will get more kills on average than error free perkless Trappers, but both will win most games against survivors who make misplays.
    • I said from the beginning of when they announced the 10 second base generator time increase that it would make a noticeable difference in the overall kill rates. At the time I got a bit of flak but now I think the consensus is slowly shifting toward my opinion on that. So file that under “opinion used to be more unpopular but is becoming more common.”
    • I recently commented elsewhere that Collateral is my favorite Tom Cruise movie, but I realize I was forgetting Rain Man so I’ll change my statement to it’s my favorite Tom Cruise action movie.
  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    • Legion is actually really fun to play
    • Spies from the Shadows is a really nice perk
    • The Game is a cool map
    • Doctor is fun to go against
    • The other side has feelings too
    • Being a friendly killer can be really fun
    • Hex : Third Seal is formidable
  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623
    1. There isn't a single balanced Map
    2. SoloQ's biggest problem is the SBMM system
    3. Demogorgon is A tier
    4. Demogorgon is better than Executioner
    5. Demogorgon is probably on par with Huntress
    6. Nurse's base-kit is balanced
    7. Camping and tunneling are a greater show of game knowledge than going for 12 Hooks
    8. The game requires minimal skill, mostly only game knowledge
    9. Blight is harder than Nurse
    10. Unbreakable and Med-Kits are unhealthy for the game
    11. Dead Dawg Saloon is a Survivor-sided Map
    12. Sadako is C tier
    13. Dredge is low B high C tier
    14. Everyone that complains about PR/DMS being strong is bad at the game
    15. PR/DMS is a mediocre combo

    Off-topic Stranger Things opinion (spoilers for Stranger Things Season 4):

    Max should've died instead of Eddie

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970
    edited August 2022
    1. Nurse has always been more fun to play against in comparison to spirit
    2. knock out and infectious fright are unhealthy also blindness should receive a nerf of some kind
    3. the last good map added was temple
    4. dead by daylight is a boring game to watch now a days everything feels samey
    5. deathslinger is still a fine killer
    6. endgame collapse is a meh mechanic I personally think they should've just put a time limit on games to prevent hostages
  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970


    Currently with this conspicuous action bug it's nice being able to guarantee 10000 score in one category

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    That this game could be so much more than it is, with a way higher consistent player count, a better look, more fluid animations, and a better balance.

    However they're too lazy or unwilling to make the substantial changes needed to the core gameplay in order to achieve that outcome.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    Spirit is the most fun killer for both sides.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    Well you have a bias. Who do you think is the 2nd most fun?

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    Any killer that isn’t Spirit doesn’t go with fun to me. I’d call most tolerable.

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 700

    David being made gay was literally nothing but a giant PR stunt that in no way shape or form improved this game, only served to make people feel good. Admirable yes, a waste of time, also yes.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    But dark souls was easy and only got easier as they went along. ???

  • SantaKlawz1
    SantaKlawz1 Member Posts: 192

    Those aren't teabags those are twerks.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439
  • rook10682
    rook10682 Member Posts: 23

    Yeah and trapper without traps is TOTALLY different from a trapper WITH TRAPS....oh and hey, here is another du doi observation, Nurse WITHOUT blinks is a totally different beast than a Nurse WITH BLINKS!! ;)

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Spies is better than Whispers.

    There, I said it!

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,109

    Hatch is a free escape.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    I find trap killers more boring than post rework Freddy.

    Legion's super fun to play against. (Except for the thana legions. You know who you are!)

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,619
    edited August 2022

    the game was more fun in the 2019, when the old ruin was still between us, maps were darker, tryharders and toxicity were still present but MUCH less than now and games were more chill generally speaking

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    old ruin was definitely interesting

    imagine it with certain perks now a days

  • Mazoobi
    Mazoobi Member Posts: 1,565

    the game has a lot of RNG that is annoying af.

  • Silasy
    Silasy Member Posts: 228

    .Old Billy and Pre nerf Freddy wasnt good as players say. They were insanely overrated.

    .Old Freddy wasnt worst killer. People played him like a normal M1 killer and said he is worst. He was weak and needed some loves for sure but he was not the worst. Im pretty sure he is even better than current Freddy.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    In regards to old Freddy people also played the tunnel one person out strategy which really did not work with how his power functioned

  • drakolyr
    drakolyr Member Posts: 322
    • Most killers are above their goal MMR and after the update its even worse.
    • Tunneling and camping shouldnt be a "strategy", preventing players to play is just not good.
    • There are too many hooks ingame. It shouldnt be possible that some hooks are in near 2 meters each other.
    • The game shouldnt be focuse on escapes and kills it should only focus on the fun.
    • MMR is overall not good and it shows so many times.
    • There should be more events ingame, with different goals.
    • BHVR is lying, unthankfull and has bad communication
  • Silasy
    Silasy Member Posts: 228

    Yeah. That just stupid. Saying Old Freddy was worst killer is like saying Nurse is worst killer because i cant use her blink.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,171

    The Archive/Rift challenges need more rewards...

    I really feel like fully completing a page should amass a large amount of bloodpoints for the amount of work and time put into it. I also feel like full completing an entire Tome should reward a cosmetic for both killer and survivor based on a character within the Tome, maybe some Iridescent Shards as well.

    The game can also use a favoriting system for cosmetics, and the option to apply cosmetics across all cosmetic loadouts. It will make putting on the Progressive Flag a lot easier for killer/survivors, this is more of a nit-pick than anything else but just something that bothers me nonetheless.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    MoM is actually a decent perk now. Not great ofcourse but decent, miles better then it was before

    Solo wouldn't be so bad if players picked more information perks and learned how to use them instead of trying to copy the swf meta

    Tunneling isn't going to be fixed by trying to punish killers who do it. What you need is to make 3v1 less enticing for the killer.

    Legion is fine how they are now.

    Prerework Freddy was the best version of Freddy and only needed a handfull of tweeks. Incapacitated on dream transition alone would have fixed 90% of their issues

    Trapper benifited the most out of the changes of any killer and has easilly jumped up 2-3 tiers because of them

    The mayority of the community are as clueless or even more so about the game then they claim the devs to be

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    The reason why DBD has always been "generally balanced" is this.

    DBD is half competitive/ half wacky fun and the community is heavily divided between those who play for wacky enjoyment and those who play serious. Unlike other competitive games which have a set of rules on how people are suppose to play the game, DBD has a lot more "play however you want attitude that has not reinforced how DBD should be played. The result is matches swinging heavily from complete jokes to some of the most hyper focused matches and stressful experiences you will have. In addition I have noticed that killers tend to lean more towards a competitive mindset then survivors as majority of killer complaints tend to focus on the balance of matches, while survivors argue from what they consider fun.

    To counter balance this, survivors have had a much easier time then killers and have as the solo Q frequently results in getting at least one player not taking the game seriously. Now with the killer buff patch, casual survivors have been told they now have to play serious but don't want to and lot have quit in response which is why you see posts about the longer killer Que times. The result is matches being far more unbalanced then people suspected.

  • M1_gamer
    M1_gamer Member Posts: 349

    These opinions are based on my expriance from playing. I play both sides btw

    . SoloQ isn't as horrible as it is made out to be

    .The Ringu chapter is the best chapter ever relased

    .Nurse isn't the hardest killer to Learn (pinhead is IMO)

  • kizuati
    kizuati Member Posts: 1,386

    ...are you homophobic or do you not realize that the writers dont code the game

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,234

    Killer didn't need the level of buffs it received and wasn't underpowered prior to the recent update.

    Nurse is mostly ok outside of add ons and it's usually a case of bad matchmaking/bad pathing that makes her seem overpowered.

    People say they don't want the game to be competitive, but so many of the complaints are related to the casual nature of how things are tuned, especially matchmaking.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    Treatment Mode and Punishment Mode Doctor was a lot more fun than the Static Blast Doctor is, while being on the same level of strength (basekit).