Why change the game.. just returned..

OK, so I have played alot of killers and alot of survivor and to be honest I think the game now sucks to be honest..
I never had an issue with people using deadhard, descive strike, and any other meta perks, I still managed to get a decent amount of 4ks..
The players were always swf 4 groups running all the meta perks and the game was a challenge as killer.. it made you have to think about what you were doing and now playing killer is just easy.. if even dull.. there is no challenge to killer anymore I have recently returned after a 4 month break and so far every killer match I have played I am getting atleast a 3 or a 4k.. I feel sorry for survivor mains.. deadhard was a great skill and having to anticipate the deadhard to the pallet was a challenge which I enjoyed.. I think there are to many whinning snowflakes in this game, the game was completely fine as it was, this whole revamp I think gas only created a new meta for killers and made playing killer boring, I had a few games on survivor and have found that alot of people just kill themselves of the bat because they get caught fast, which leads to the other 3 survivors struggling to get anything done with the pressure you xan now apply as a killer.. revert the game back to what it was.. it was so much more fun and more of a challenge for both parties..
If you have any thoughts please share.
I will share the fact dead hard was unhealthy for the game.
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this could be a dumb answer but.. after the change a lot of people are in the wrong mmr where they don't belong, a lot of people were literally carried by the old DH,DS,BT,UB build. try to getting an higher mmr and you will notice that Killer could still be a challenge, keep playing and good survivors will show up.
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Why though? It was a great perk for survivors and killers had to actually be good to get around it..
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you can't fool me survivor main sorry your little E to outplay got removed
survivors actually have to try now oh no :(
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Mrjack, I know what your saying but all I see now is people running off with sprintburst or lithe which inevitable they get caught anyway..I enjoyed the chase, having survivors loop you and then using deadhard as that last clutch to extend the chase which allows it to continue.. that was fun.. so what is the issue with deadhard why is everyone moaning about it I'm completely lost here, I've seen a couple people try time the new dh with me and fail
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I'm guessing that either you were gone for so long your MMR dropped and you're playing in the lower levels, or you're another survivor pretending to be a killer main saying the game is too easy and 4ks just fall from the sky now.
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You could be the best killer player on the planet, there was nothing you could do against a dh for distance.
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Dead Hard specifically had the issue of "Dead Harding for Distance" being completely uncounterable in the right circumstances.
There's no amount of waiting it out or insert-strategy-here that would prevent a Survivor from using it to make that last critical bit of distance needed to reach a safe pallet or window.
Now you won't get the distance unless you actually take the hit, and taking the hit means actually using it at the right time.
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I'm a ghostie main, and I play xbox.. lethal pursuer, bbq n chilli, corrupt inv, ruin was my setup
I have now changed out ruin for thanant, I find the lethal pursuer changes are epic, corrupt I was a little disappointed in as soon as I got a down it went but you xan still navigate map fast as your in stealth
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Even so, I never had an issue with the. Deadharding for pallet or ds I'd just leave them slugged most ppl ran ds so you get used to it..
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I'm going to be persistent and raise my mmr, 4 months would of dropped it a fair bit I imagine... maybe I will get some decent games ahead of me we will see.. just a shame that everything has changed I enjoyed the old setup
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Please, enlighten us:
How did Killers get around Dead Harding for distance easily?
According to your claims, there was an easy counterplay around it that skillful players could use to avoid DHs effects - and anyone who couldn't just counter it was simply too unskilled to do so.
I'm sorry for asking such an obvious question, but apparently I and every content creator I've ever seen play this game are simply not good enough to be on your level yet.
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Dead hard was not though. In the hands of good survivors, it became a third health state. Nobody had a problem with the idea of using dead hard to dodge a hit. Because that has counterplay. Using what we called "dead hard for distance" where you just dash forward a bit so you can reach a pallet or window sooner effectively made it another health state and had absolutely 0 counterplay from the killer. You basically looped around something more than you should have been able to, and then you reset the loop creating effectively a 3rd health state.
The biggest problem too was, unlike the other exhaustion perks, it had no downside. It could always be used in every chase, even if you were already injured. Every other exhaustion perk had some kind of downside.
Now, it is in a much healthier state. The duration is short enough that you can't "dead hard for distance" nearly as effectively anymore. Additionally, it has downsides, in that it doesn't have any effect when you already have endurance.
Now with decisive strike. The main problem was using it in endgame. Where effectively, it became a free escape, 5 second stun was enough where you could make it to the exit gate from pretty much anywhere, especially with your teammates body blocking. This meant that if you still had it in the endgame, your team basically gets out guaranteed. Now, since it deactivates in end-game, it no longer can be exploited this way.
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Lol, there no cou template other than outweighing it and trying to cath them make a mistake.. when you play a stealth killer you tend to have them marked before they realise pounce out and down Instantly... if they get lucky you have a small chase, pressure them to use deadhard wait it out and get the down.. its not rocket science...
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There have been written literal essays extolling the hideous depths of DHs deprevity and how it drained the life blood out of the game. You might have a different opinion, which is fair, but by now basically everyone agrees that DH was severely overtuned and carried many survivors.
But just search a bit around here, its really easy to find one giant block of text that explains it all.
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If you did not, then you are in the minority. The overall opinion was Dead Hard, more than any other perk, was a problem for the game. This was borne out be DH having a much higher pick rate than any other perk by a wide margin.
It was powerful and people were abusing the everliving hell out of it.
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I mean it is what it is, if I makes my game easier so be it, I just enjoyed a challenge I am sure survivors will find another way of using certain skills too their benefit.. I was just curious why all the moaning and changes... I get what your saying, it makes sense, it's a hard skill too counter and yes it does in theory give them a third hearthstone in my opinion wasn't too bad just extended the game but so be it.. I will continue to play to hopefully come across some decent teams and not have pppl dc or just kill themselves in first 10 seconds after I have marked them with lethal and downed them lol
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Either way the game has changed my point was i find it too easy for killer now, I don't care about deadhard or ds I just didn't see what the big whoo ha was is all if you want to see how I play check out my plausible on ghostie and see what I mean check out icrowzi on dvr
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I am so tired of these "AS A KILLER PLAYER....my fav perks were <insert nerfed survivor perks> why did they get changed?? Sincerely, a nonnsurvivor player"
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Except. no. They won't. Because numerous videos have proven not only does MMR not work, but there are far less survivors in the pool to match you up with better peopel in general. You can talk ######### about the old system all you want. At the end of the day, if somebody was in Red ranks and wanted to keep their red ranks. They actually had to play in the match and do things to overall help their team. 2 gens/ 2 unhooks/ 2 chases, etc.
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this is interesting, so mmr doesn't work? i never noticed tbh, i actually find match with survivor of my same level most of the time (ofc sometimes there are exceptions) and killers not too hard or too easy (sometimes exceptions here too) may i ask which video are you talking about?