Old Tome Challenges

ZakRs1 Member Posts: 11


It has come to my attention that some of the old tome challenges are incompatible / just bad with the game as it evolves and I think it would be a great idea for them to be revisited/updated once in a while. For example, Tome 1: Chapter 1, there is a challenge that says to heal another for 2 health states whilst using Botany knowledge AND a med-kit. Of course, Botany knowledge reduces your speed when using a med-kit, however, this wasn't always the case and this is not how the challenge was originally designed.


  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,745

    Yes, some of the old ones are pretty hard today.

  • ShyPirate
    ShyPirate Member Posts: 380

    I'm pretty sure the legitimately impossible ones have been changed. I remember there was one where multiple people needed to escape through the hatch. I don't see it anymore and I'm certain I never finished it.

    But I also agree that some, while technically still possible, are a lot more difficult than originally intended.

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 973

    Doesn't the Botany knowledge reduce charges only when healing yourself with a med kit? I can't remember.

    The worst tome challenge that even harder now would be the get 4 or 5 pallet stuns in a single game. With even more range killers or how some work is almost no possible to pallet stun.

  • HarlockTaliesin
    HarlockTaliesin Member Posts: 763

    I've been working on a tome entry all night where I have to heal a total of three health states of another survivor in one trial. Problem is, most survivors run away when you try to heal them, to the point that they'll run right into the killer. I had one person I unhooked hide behind a rock and self-heal for the better part of a minute, with me standing right beside them holding a med kit and running Bite the Bullet/Bond/Aftercare.

    I mean I know they couldn't see my perks, but you'd think the med kit would've been a giveaway, alongside me staring holes through them.

    That's if the survivor isn't tunneled off the hook or camped.

    Unfortunately the only thing solo queue is good for is to just grab a few quick BPs before you die, then on to the next trial.