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Chapter Idea: The Witch

Tayte Member Posts: 65

New Killer: The Witch

Name: Unknown

Age: 209

Gender: Female

Hair Colour: Black/Gray

Eye colour: White

Power: Putrid Cauldron

Weapon: Staff

Speed: 115%

Terror radius: 32 m.

Height: Medium

Origin: Germany

Picture is just for reference.


The witch lived secluded in the forest. Always waiting for her next victim to lure in. The witch was fond of the delicious flesh of humans. She did not care who they were. They were about to become her next meal.

As days went by. The witch felt ever so hungry, and more deprived of her power. What once was her candy house, made to lure in unsuspecting victims, was now starting to spoil. She needed food. Now.

Just as she felt like giving up, a surprise knocked on the door. The witch carefully opened the door halfway, as if ensuring it wasn’t just her hunger playing tricks on her, but there they were. Two younglings. Eating away at her house.

The witch carefully led them both in with a scary grin. Gretel was uncomfortable with the situation, but Hansel was hungry and went straight in. Eating away at every bit of the witch’s furniture.

The witch quickly snapped her finger and a cage fell down from the ceiling upon Gretel.Trapping her inside. Hansel could hardly react, before the Witch grabbed him by both arms and stuffed her in his cauldron. Hansel screamed and yelled, but no one could help. As the witch burst out laughing, as Hansel slowly melted away into the liquid.

Meanwhile, Gretel was quick to cut her way through the lock on the cage. Breaking away fleeing in terror from the scene before the witch could even notice.

While the witch enjoyed her meal of what was once Hansel. A swift mist rolled in over the house. Teleporting her away to a new realm of new unsuspecting victims to be her next dinner.


Killer Powers: 

Putrid Cauldron:

6 Cauldrons will spawn randomly placed around the map. The witch can interact with each and every cauldron and add herbs to them.

The default herbs are:

1. Incapacitated for 15 seconds.(indicated by yellow liquid)

2. Blindness for 20 seconds. (indicated by green liquid)

3. Mangled (indicated by red liquid)

The Witch has 3 of each herb, and can plant them before or after she stuffs a survivor in the cauldron which counts towards a hook stage. (numbers and effects can be changed via addons). Survivors put in a cauldron will receive the side effect once they are rescued, in which a new herb will need to be planted.

she’ll power up her staff for every survivor she puts in an affected cauldron. Allowing her to do 1 ranged attack that can be used to break a pallet or injure a survivor. If she misses the attack, the power will still be gone until the next time. The witch can power up her staff 9 times a match by default. (realistically only 8, since all would be dead by the 9th) Should be used carefully.

Secondary power:

The witch comes equipped with the ability to half-apparate. Turning her body into smoke as she flies against her foes. Takes 3 seconds to go into the form, and 3 seconds to get out of. Increases the maximum speed of the killer by 50%. While in this form the witch will do a laugh, indicating where she’s at for survivors to react by.

(well. Hover, since you can’t really fly in this game)

Mori: The witch hits the survivor roughly over the head, before powering up her staff. Burning them away in a blaze and inhaling their energy/soul afterwards.


Killer Perks: 

1. Squeamish:

Whenever a survivor should break or bless a totem. Each survivor (not in a chase), will be suddenly met with a very difficult skillcheck. Failing the skillcheck will make every survivor scream their lungs out. Revealing their aura for 7/11/15 seconds.

2.Spoiled desserts:

‘’You have discovered helpful substances in the realm’’

Cover up the generator you kick in putrid serum. Forcing the survivors to remove it, before being able to do the generator. Goes on a 60/50/45 sec cooldown.

Takes about 10 seconds to remove the goo from the generator. Interrupted progress will be saved for the next survivor. Ensuring it can’t be locked off.

3. Hex: Main Course:

Once a totem has been destroyed, you can bring it back to life with this perk. Upon activation, the totem creates a 28m wide circle that slows down survivor's movement by 4% upon entering, and decreases their vaulting speed by 6%, their repair/healing speed is decreased by 10%. The effect will persist upon leaving the circle for 3/7/10 seconds. Once Hex: Main Course has been destroyed, it can be re-used on different totems again

- the totem that got destroyed whilst affected by Hex: Main Course can no longer be brought back.


New survivor:

Name: Gretel

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Hair Colour: Dyed pink

Eye colour: Brown

Origin: Germany

Picture is just for reference:


Some years had gone by since the event of what cost Gretel her brother. Her dreams had been tormented ever since, by the sight of the Witch. When she tried to convince the townsfolk of the monster in the woods, they all laughed at her. Even when she went back to check, there was nothing there… Gone was the house made of candy. Nothing remained. Everything felt bleak for Gretel as the years went by.

She made a little grave in the forest, in memory of Hansel. Each day she would visit the grave. Reminding herself of the grim horror they experienced that day their parents cast them away, and the witch they faced.

Gretel kneeled down. Crushing the flower she was meant to give to her brother's grave, as she closed her eyes. Trying to focus on that awful event once more. When she opened her eyes, she was no longer in the same forest and her nightmare had just begun.


Survivor Perks:

1. X marks the spot:

Gain the ability to highlight where a totem is to your entire team. Simply touch the totem once and click the highlighted button prompt, and it will be marked with a yellow aura. Only works on one totem at a time.

Grants 5%/7%/10% extra speed in breaking totems to the perk holder.

(Sometimes you get chased away from the totem and don’t quite have time to finish it or lose sight of it. This will help you and your team track down where hexes are or where to bless. Admittedly this isn’t as beneficial to people on comms since they can say where the totem is. This is mostly helpful for solos)

2. Favor from beyond:

‘’You have faced the supernatural once before. Maybe it's time to use it to your aid’’

After breaking two totems, you may call upon a favor from the entity to restore one broken pallet during the game. Only one pallet can be restored per match. The restoration of a pallet takes 10/7/5 seconds.

3. Trail of breadcrumbs:

''On paper, this idea was flawless''

At the start of the trial, start with 3/4/5 breadcrumbs. Each breadcrumb can be individually placed around the map using the (button prompt on screen). Any survivor or killer stepping on the breadcrumbs will have their aura revealed to you for 3 seconds. Consuming the bread crumb.

Finishing a generator (by your hands) allows you to place a new stack of bread crumbs, but will reset any currently placed breadcrumbs.

(The bread crumbs can be seen on the ground by those with a good eye. Giving it some counter play if noticed. Can also be used as a literal trail to remember where you placed something. That’s up to the player how they use it)


New Map:

New Map:

The candy house and forest. Not as appetizing as in the fairy tales.


Finishing Notes:

I could’ve done Hansel as well, but in this version he got eaten by the witch, to set up for the tone of this chapter. Sorry Hansel. This is a modern re-telling of the story, where the characters are older and more mature. Hence the outfits.

Also there’s no domain on Hansel and Gretel, so there’s an open place here for creativity, and I went with making my own changed version a bit. Don’t expect this to be 1 to 1 with the real stories. This is more horror.

Special thanks to all the artists and friends.

Please check them out.


Yes, I am fully aware Meg has an outfit based on this fairy tale as well, but I still felt like making this.


Some tweaks to powers and such might be needed. I am a little worried I didn't make the witch strong enough.

I wrote this chapter ages ago, but never posted it. So some things may be a bit outdated with current metas and what not.


  • Z0mbiv0r
    Z0mbiv0r Member Posts: 301

    Awesome. Really cool concept overall. I like the Witch a lot, even though the idea if placing survivors in cauldrons seems weird. Also, perks are interesting while pretty balanced (Hex: Main Course might a bit a bit more powerful, though). Favor from beyond is very original, I like the idea of cleansing totems as a way to grant advantages. Trail of breadcrumps might be the one I like the least, but it's original too and not useless (though maybe make it so survivors can't break them?).

    Pretty cool concept, greatly done. Thanks for sharing!

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    I could say that if this Gretel character model would have be in the game, she would 100% be my main.