How is Spirit an S Tier Killer?

I don't get how people still say she's an S tier killer when I play as Spirit I get good results for an A tier killer but, not S tier. I feel I get better results with other A tier killers like Pinhead, Pyramid Head, Dredge, or Oni.
Sure Spirit still has good mindgames the stand still mindgame still works somehow and some of her addons can be interesting to try and play around such as the one that teleports you back to her phase decoy.
However, the rest of her kit with the directional phase I can't see it as S tier even when I play against good Spirit's I think she's an A tier killer.
The directional phase has a very short range. Probably around 12 m. This means that almost like other stealth killers, she can sneak up on survivors. In addition to this she is very strong with exposed perks. Now I personally think she's over-rated, but she's definitely top 5 imho.
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I put her in top 10 for me I don't think she's a top 5 imo.
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I will explain. She has:
- Amazing mindgame potential.
- Amazing chase potential.
- Good map pressure.
- Good mobility.
- The ability to bamboozle multiple survivors at once.
- Great add ons that aren't just the stupid Mother-Daughter Ring + Dried Cherry Blossom combos.
There's so much you can do with her that other killers can't really do. It's not all about hearing and going invisible. Take a look at these clips:
There are even some situations where directional audio can make her stronger than pre-nerf, because you might can have an idea of what survivors will attempt since they can hear you coming from a certain direction. And sometimes directional audio doesn't come to play. It's all about reading your enemy and attempting to throw them off with whatever Spirit can throw at them.
The possibilities are endless here, which is why I do believe she is S tier.
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I think she's only S with specific addons and a decent player. At base with out the combo she's probably A though I haven't played her after the IW nerf.
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It wouldnt be a proper spirit thread without a post by Gann or Haunter i have a feeling she will make a comeback at some point down the road. Shes definately not weaker but she does require an adapted mindset with her DAudio patch.
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I wouldn't put her at S tier, definitely high-mid A, since some addons got gutted and survivors have more info on her
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She isn't. At least not in my book.
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Only add ons that are completely trash are Juniper Bonsai and Mother's Glasses. Senko Hanabi is overly situational but can be strong when it works. Every other add on is decently slept on or better.
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I mostly use recharge and during, though i do at times use the instant recharge when breaking addon if I'm out of recharge addons, they're a comfy pairing imo
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Good choices.
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listen to this person their the resident forum spirit main
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Thank you! :)
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I never really got the hype of MDR + DCB since i prefer short phases unless I'm using it to go across the map, so the speed seems a bit excessive
Fourth favourite addon is the return to husk one
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That combo essentially takes all the thought that comes with playing as and against Spirit. I really don't recommend anyone that they use it if they want to learn her because it will pretty much hurt them in the long run as they'll rely on it too much and won't be able to play without them.
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Sounds like a you problem, not a Spirit problem. Spirit is easily the 3rd strongest killer. You use her power in short bursts and you can catch survivors very easily.
I get better results as Wraith than Blight, but that doesn't make Wraith stronger.
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I think she is still S tier although just barely after her most recent nerfs. I think her biggest issue is map control and is why in my opinion Artist is breathing down Spirits spot in the tier list.
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I enjoy fellow Spirit mains. I personally just run brown charge speed and another brown combo
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She used to disgrace survivors by just standing still, so to preserve their egos, survivors convinced the community that Spirit is S tier. And despite the fact that she is now one of the rarest killers to run into, the legacy of their humiliation keeps her a strong S tier. Content creators everywhere agree. Totally the third best killer in the game. And also Artist is the new Nurse.
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Very good choices, her browns definitely won’t let you down!
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I used to run White Hair Ribbon and Rusty Flute to constantly harass people in my power, but the brown ones are basically the same thing
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She's low-A at best these days, honestly. 110% M1 killer outside of her a power that has a pretty long recharge and is still stopped in her tracks by predropping W-holders without the instant-recharge addon.
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She is overrated and is simply countered by predropping and hold w, power takes too long to recharge (which should change and get a buff) and her nerf made her even more predictable, going against the description of her own bio. Spirit is a victim of salt, mainly. Her best pink addon with best purple addon unfortunately are not basekit, nor any fast recharge, making her addon dependant. Spirit is not good anymore.
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spirit is a victim of ######### killer design. she and nurse should not have been a thing in the first place.
but at least nurse takes skill while spirit requires a headset to outplay.
no skill killer for people who didn't wanna try.
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Ill ask you since i dont know, but does facing backwards change the directional audio or does it literally just the way ur body is moving
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Spirit is not easy, only on low mmr. Nurse is even less easy, very hard. Try harder, be less salty, focus on it, relax, turn it inside out and be open-minded, less judgemental and less upset, mad, say what makes sense.
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No it doesn’t. It’s only based off where you are when you are phasing. Good question though!
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she is not, she is overrated
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You can hear. From where. SHE's COMMING!
The only time i fall for spirit mindgames now is either A) that addon or B) i don't play with headphones.
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Did you get destroyed by Spirit and Nurse or something?
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While I love my Spirit, she's definitely not a S tier anymore. The only S Tier killer for me is the Nurse, followed by the Blight. Maybe we can agree that in the right hands Rin is the fourth strongest killer. Solid A Tier, but no more (which is still very good).
Unfortunately, the mind games that @TheGannMan posted above don't always work against good survivors and your mobility is only moderate without the appropriate add-ons. And yes, I always judge killers by how effective they are against the best teams.
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mobility is only really that good with addons, right?
im pretty sure she doesn't gain any distance by basekit when using power, or at the least, its about 2 meters.
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Saying she's a shell of her former self is a bit too generous. Her nerfs have absolutely ruined her. I don't know how one could even put her in B tier. She can't see or hear the survivors! What is she even supposed to do with her speed or invisibility if she doesn't know where survivors are? How is she meant to be played? She has Mother-Daughter Ring/Cherry Blossom to make her fast and sense survivors, but even then there's no scratch marks. It's no mistake I never play her unless I'm running that combo. Her other add-ons mostly do nothing, and a few do quite something. People say, "She gets to use her power too often!" but being 110% for like 15 seconds with no other ability is terrible, so naturally they call her recharge add-ons OP. People also say, "Just use her power in short bursts" but her start-up animation takes SO LONG that you almost lose as much distance as you gain when you phase, which almost forces you to run her quicker start-up add-ons (which should be base). And for the millionth time, you can't just rectify all this by wearing a "$1000 headset". There's no way to straight-up hear survivors better, because the base game's sound for survivors sucks. The "Spirit + headphones = EZ win" equation is the biggest myth in this game's history.
TheGannMan can say that nothing's changed and that she's S+ tier all he wants. It's not real.
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She's not S tier, top A, but not S.
She's got a strong chase power and excellent add-ons.
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Addonless spirit is now pretty weak and requires extreme precision + the presence of no pallets at all, but her chase potential is still on par to blight's and nurse's
Just by using her two best yellow add-ons (pouch and cap) she's definitely s tier
Reminder that just cause you lose a match against better survivors than you are as killer, it doesn't automatically declass the killer or reduce it's actual potential
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I love Spirit (I have more hours with her than any other killer), but she really took a hit for me with the directional phasing sound. I am hard of hearing (I can only hear out of one ear, so not much directional sound, if any) so I couldn't ever really use her in the typical fashion, and played more of a prediction than tracking game. Now that survs can hear me coming, that method is a lot less reliable. As a result, she has fallen behind several other killers in terms of usage for me.
And she is objectively add on dependent, for sure. Spirit with no add ons actually doesn't have great mobility. You pretty much need a speed or power duration add on to tab into the mobility potential.
From the survivor side, she just doesn't feel nearly as fearsome as she used to.
Potential is the operative word here. With the M/D Ring and Yakuyoke Amulet, her mobility is insane. I used to love flying across the map and yanking unsuspecting survs off gens. You'd hook someone on one side of the map, see someone on the other with BBQ, and boom, you were on them. No one expects that speed. It was one of my great joys (though as a surv it just had to feel dirty).
With the Sports Cap and Kaiun Talisman, her mobility is very good, but without some combination of the four, her mobility is pretty meh. I guess I feel like the gap between her basekit and her fully specced out build is bigger than with Blight/Nurse.
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She currently jumps in-between B+ - A+, but she's not S killer by any means, even if you use Mother-Daughter Ring and Yakuyoke Amulet or other add-ons alike.
Sorry, but fifteen seconds of ~110%? There's no way, that's fitting S tier anymore. Without add-ons, I'd put her to B- or B+, map dependable. Certain maps, like the Eyrie of Crows, for example, do screw her over the most - You can't hear footsteps in this sand, you do rely on scratch marks or breathing only, which requires you to get within ~2 - 6 meters within a running survivor.. For me, I do need those two meters as a bit handicapped player (I'm half deaf).
The directional phase walk was a real overkill, the real deal. She was probably nerfed the most outta all of the killers available in game at the current moment - I do count five or six times in total. She was really deadly upon her release (power did take around ten seconds to recharge without add-ons, phase walk was global, she've had a hitbox colision (you could be bodyblocking pallets even while phasing, kinda like Wraith does bodyblock windows to ensure free hits), her phase walk movement speed was nearly the same as with Mother-Daughter Ring, the time to activate phase walk took less than one and half of a second, and you could've started to phase walk without having a fully recharged power bar).
I do play her without add-ons for years, I have never really felt like she needed them, until the recent directional phase walk nerf. Yup, she's now even more add-on dependable (she was always in order to catch up with #Top X high MMR SWF with VOIP).
I'd even argue that Blight isn't S tier aswell. There's no way, Blight can match up to Nurse. Even with the best add-ons, Blight will get A+ in the best case scenario, just like Spirit could.
What makes her such a high tier is that she's one of the killers, who're the least map dependable. I'll skip Eyrie of Crows this time, but that's literally the only map that hurts her so much. She can adapt to the rest of the maps quite well, as she's easy to control, unlike Hillbilly or Blight in certain maps.
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Something that I really hate and I don't know if it's a bug or intended, is that unphasing consumes a bunch of the phasing gouge
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That's not a bug, that's intended.. and if it is.. She was bugged for years.
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Spirit is most definitely an S-tier killer in the hands of somebody who really knows how to play her. Go watch D3ad play’s videos on spirit. There’s literally no escape.
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I have just taken a look at all of them (just by a glance), and he always uses the META perks and from time to time the best add-ons. I wonder, how'd he perform with no add-ons and.. You know, less META perks in his loadout?
I could watch the videos, but I don't really think that it'll be worth it.
There's no way, Spirit can be considered an S tier, even with her best add-ons. No way.
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In his YouTube videos yes, because that’s the theme of the videos, is different meta killer builds. But on stream he uses all kinds of builds, as well as perkless addonless challenges, and still dominates.
What would you say STOPS her from being s tier? 🤔
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^ this is very accurate
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I disagree. Majority of my games with spirit are easy 4k at 1-3 gens typically. I RARELY make it to end game. Addonless she’s a bit tough. But with simple yellow speed and duration addons, paired with STBFL and stridor, definitely S tier.
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She's A+/S- with speed/duration. She'll really only go as far as someone's skill with her. I know that sounds silly, but a lot of Spirit players can't track healthy survivors that well. She's absolutely top 3 if you can consistently phase hit healthy players that aren't running.
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She has never been more S tier than now.
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I would play her a lot more often if sound in this game wasn't so bad. Sometimes it is just impossible to tell where survivors are for no reason at all.
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It’s definitely not just 2 meters. 176% movement is pretty significant and it’s faster than you think.
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You see the problem here is is that you stated all you run is MDR/DCB when playing Spirit. I think that right there is exactly why you think she’s trash tier, because you’ve already relied so much on that combo that you can’t play without it, and this is exactly why I don’t recommend those add ons to anyone. She is most definitely still S tier, just has a much higher learning curve than before. Directional audio sometimes makes her even stronger than before as I have shown a couple of examples in those clips in my first comment.
Also for real don’t act like my opinion is invalid. That last sentence you wrote is a little insulting since you’re talking about the one that has put a ton of hours into her.
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Yeah sure, the opinions of someone who has put a LOT of time and dedication into Spirit is clearly not real.