Was this update successful? lets talk about it

JennyLove1 Member Posts: 6
edited August 2022 in General Discussions

BHVR have stated their reasonings for the changes were twofold, to change the perk meta, and to increase the kill rates. I think these are both noble goals for the game, somehow, make it harder for survivors to escape, and tweak perks enough that the meta is shaken.

The way BHVR went about this? almost correct. sweeping changes to many game mechanics, always a welcome and lovely sight in this game that updates at a snails pace. however, they did too much too fast, let me explain.

all the changes made? they were good, but doing them all at once? ridiculous.

Lowering survivor distance after a hit (good)and ALSO decreasing killer recovery time? stupid. just do 1, see how it pans out and then implement the second if needed.

shortening chases, while also making gens take longer, and indirectly buffing slowdown perks? stupid

nerfing anti-tunnel perks? i, i just cant even wrap my head around this one, nerf DS and buff the ever loving ♥♥♥♥ out of OTR???? what???

it's clear to see: kill rates surely have gone up, but we all know it's because killers now have nothing at all in the way of shameless tunneling and camping, and because there's nothing stopping killers from being rats that you wish you could "avoid matchmaking" like in overwatch, overall player count is tanking.

I dont want to hear anyone say "take better perks" because many meta perks are locked behind a paywall, yet they fix problems with the fundamental gameplay loop. they changed the perk meta, by switching must have perks (like DS) for new, over tuned must have perks, like OTR.

there need to be fundamental changes to,

  • proxy camping
  • Face camping
  • tunnels off hook
  • bloodpoints for hook variety (revert BBQ, nerfing the range made camping worse and removing BP incentive made camping worse)
  • prove thyself
  • a survivor should not depip after being tunneled or camped.
  • a killer should not pip if they hook the same survivor 3 times, or if they are within 10 meters of a survivor for half the sacrifice process.
  • tunneling + camping should Divide killer bloodpoints by a certain amount, and getting map pressure and variety in hooks should multiply.

im just spitballing here, there needs to be another large patch focusing on making the game fun again, or this game wont survive, there'll always be players for it, but many will just move onto the next best thing.

asymmetrical shouldn't really mean "you die on first hook and the Devs clap like circus seals for the killer"

"aor oar "wow that survivor is really bad good job mister killer, if a survivor loops for 5 gens but dies, was it really a skilled play? oar oar *clap clap clap*"


this update was a failure in terms of fun, but a win in terms of, you'll probably get camped or tunneled out without the aid of perks that used to exist, meaning kill rates went up, and the meta perks were swapped for other meta perks, so they accomplished both goals at the cost of majority of the players who arent cream of the crop's will to launch this game.

we've lost an average of about 10k players in the last year, the flood of anniversary players didnt stick around like they usually do either.

I do hope they can do something about the current, dismal state of this game, i love this game, or i wouldnt have written a PHD thesis about how they ######### it all, and they're being stubborn about these issues so there's really, very little hope, atleast to me.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735
    edited August 2022

    Don't worry, RE will sky rocket it again by like 20K at least.

    (Then it will probably drop again but pssst!)

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373

    Yes this update was successful even if it didn't add many players it make the game much more substantial for mild players that understand the game but are still learning that phase makes or breaks most players

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    it was ok?

    some of the perk "buffs" and reworks were definitely failures I haven't seen like probably 80% of the reworked list since the update