Monstrous Shrine Needs A Buff

Star99er Member Posts: 1,417
edited June 2018 in General Discussions
It’s a very situational perks and isn’t even that strong when it’s in effect. A cool idea would be to reduce all survivor action speed by 20/30/40% when in the basement in addition to what it currently does. Or make it apply to all hooks and remove the reduced escape chance.


  • Shipthebread
    Shipthebread Member Posts: 415

    @Star99er said:
    It’s a very situational perks and isn’t even that strong when it’s in effect. A cool idea would be to reduce all survivor action speed by 20/30/40% when in the basement in addition to what it currently does. Or make it apply to all hooks and remove the reduced escape chance.

    Wait you propose that if someone is hooked in the basement everyone else is 40% slower?

  • GhostEuant
    GhostEuant Member Posts: 243
    I think it’s fine as is. The majority of perks are situational so that shouldn’t be held as a negative for it. If it got a buff then that may encourage more killers to basement camp. 
  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,417

    @Star99er said:
    It’s a very situational perks and isn’t even that strong when it’s in effect. A cool idea would be to reduce all survivor action speed by 20/30/40% when in the basement in addition to what it currently does. Or make it apply to all hooks and remove the reduced escape chance.

    Wait you propose that if someone is hooked in the basement everyone else is 40% slower?

    No, I’m saying that all action speeds are slower while in the basement, not in general.
  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,417
    I think it’s fine as is. The majority of perks are situational so that shouldn’t be held as a negative for it.
    Situational Perks are a negative, that’s why no one uses them. You don’t see anyone using Bitter Murmur, Dark Sense, or this do you?
  • GhostEuant
    GhostEuant Member Posts: 243
    Star99er said:
    I think it’s fine as is. The majority of perks are situational so that shouldn’t be held as a negative for it.
    Situational Perks are a negative, that’s why no one uses them. You don’t see anyone using Bitter Murmur, Dark Sense, or this do you?
    I do actually see people use Monstrous Shrine in dedicated basement builds. And “deciated ______” builds are fine to me. I think more perks should be more situational based to encourage build diversity. The good perks are the ones with the widest relevance. 

    To someone who plans on running around the whole game getting chased by the killer or saving people, what good is Technician or a toolbox, for example. Doesn’t necessarily mean Technician or a toolbox are bad in general. 

    Additionally correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t
    they increase the number of escape attempts you can make on a hook before going to the struggle phase? A perk, like Monstrous Shrine, that decreases time on the hook impacts those types of changes because the struggle phase happens once the survivor is at or below 50% hook progression, not how many times you try to escape. 

    I’m fine with us discussing/debating Monstrous Shrine but I disagree with using “situational” as a specific con of a perk and that was my point. Deja Vu will always be relevant (every survivors starts games and wants to know where generators are) but that doesn’t mean it’s a better/good perk for it being relevant. 
  • Soren
    Soren Member Posts: 369

    A rework idea I read a while ago:

    Monstruous Shrine skips one hook state, BUT the current hook state is two times longer.

    In other words: first hook will be 2 times longer, but the hook directly after will be a sacrifice.

    This perk will be powerful, yet situational (because of the basement) + no need to specifically camp since hook timer is two timers longer.

  • GhostEuant
    GhostEuant Member Posts: 243
    Soren said:

    A rework idea I read a while ago:

    Monstruous Shrine skips one hook state, BUT the current hook state is two times longer.

    In other words: first hook will be 2 times longer, but the hook directly after will be a sacrifice.

    This perk will be powerful, yet situational (because of the basement) + no need to specifically camp since hook timer is two timers longer.

    Seems to me that it would have the opposite effect. Killers would be more willing to hook in/camp the basement since it means the survivor will be sacrificed after two hooks instead of three.