What is important to this community?

There's always a lot of discussion on aspects of the game about balance and features but I wanted to gather data on what everyone thinks the most important issues are regarding Dead by Daylight going forward.
What are the issues you see as the most problematic in the game?
To that end I want everyone to list up to three things they would like changed, reworking, looked at, given attention to. It can be whatever you want. For example...
- Camping/Tunneling
- Solo queue survivor experience
- Buff/nerf killer/perk
I will tally the votes and each vote has equal weight regardless of where it is in the order and you don't have to choose three things but if you choose more then three I will only count the first three. Other such topics are things like bots, anti-cheat, useless items in bloodweb, grind, aesthetics, animations, content redundancy (i.e loads of perks being useless) whatever you name it. What is important to you.
Do avoid however giving suggestions for how to fix a certain problem or mocking what other people consider important to them, keep it to the list of three things, you can justify your choices if you want but no fixes.
You can change your vote after I updated the count just let me know if you do so with what are removing and what you are voting for instead. I'll edit this post every so often with the updated numbers. Hopefully this will give a more definitive idea of what the community wants prioritized.
That, as subjective as it is, is the only thing the community truly wants.
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Accessibility settings/options in any way
SoloQ experience
Aesthetics to be more like back in the day but not with the downgraded quality (lightning and fog should be improved)