some people

tunneled a quentin off hook because i was on ormond and the survivors were literally split cross map 2 on each side so then i activate his bt after a basement save and injure everyone and then hook zarina and accidentally found her upstairs so i just threw my hatchet. but im a trash killer for that when they got me down to 1 gen because they were teamed and literally split on every gen and 1 girl hid by a gen to keep working. I also didnt 3 hook any of them and waited til the end when i couldnt find the others or they used main building and i couldnt do anything without wasting time.
why do people still think a killer is bad when they split gen pressure like smart survivors and then the killer has to play in an unfavorable way. i have zero gen perks so why would i just let you guys beat me just so you guys can call me bad for losing XD.
It's the ego part... plus Tunneling has been overcomplained about so now everyone is looking for it
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Um... I just played as huntress (Floods of Rage, BBQ, Lethal and Iron Maiden) for about 3 hours... I got a 4k in every game with 12 hooks except for 2 maybe 3 I think. One of them was a hatch and I think two people escaped once, it might have been 1... I don't really recall.
I'd say you need to work on what gens you pressure. If you keep everyone injured and keep that pressure up all game huntress is easy. The problem becomes when your letting people heal. If you are not downing someone else by the time the first person is saved, you made to many mistakes.
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bruhXD i dont have the money to be wasting on those perks. second its not easy if everyone splits up in a team. Also there is the part of mmr playing a factor in your matches same as mine. whereas you have info perks i have none except bitter and spies. although its my choice. and also when you arent in position to down someone its not exacrtly your fault. these guys were coordinated so they hid or ran away far or saved with coordination. lets be real with dumb perks im using i cant do much but try and snowball. its huntress strength. 1v1v1v1v1v1v1 is not her strength per se
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You should not care what your opponent thinks of you. They will call you bad whether you 12 hook them before they do a gen. Do not take it seriously, fam.
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Money? You don't need to spend any money on this game, you just need to play the people who have them and get them to level 50 once to get the tier 3 versions of them.
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oh i dont im just surprise people still think this way. after everything i thought survivors would appreciate getting tunneled due to gen speed. if you force a killers hand you played well ya know?
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oh yes... let me just play bubba for free and nemmmy and every single killer with perks huntress could use XD
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I am not sure what you're saying about MMR. But to be clear, I've got nearly 2.5k hours in huntress alone and have been playing since 2017. I am not saying I am a god-tier killer main, but I probably have a fairly decent MMR. Especially since the 6.1.0 Patch, I've nearly 4k'd every game.
I believe with the exception of BBQ, Lethal can be bought via the shrine or the killers can be bought via shards (except cannibal and nemesis). I simply listed my build to show that I also don't run any gen perks, I just run info perks along with iron maiden cause I hate getting hatchets.
As for the "I can't stop people working on multiple gens". Yeah you are right, if everyone spawns separately, you're most likely screwed. But from my experience, it's rare that all survivors spawn on different generators and I refuse to believe that it's common until I see video proof. But a good strategy is to chase the first person into gen that someone else is working on. that allows you to chase two people of gens. You can do this with general map awareness and knowing where survivors spawn, but if you don't want to learn that, I recommend buying Nemesis for lethal pursuer
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i know that already. 2 were in shack. 1 left to main and 2 were on a gen outside of main. i hooked an ace and then seen them pop the gen from upstairs but didnt have anm angle for hatchets and mikaela was going for hook and i messed up a hatchet and didnt have line of sight on her so instead of risking the hatchets i went for ace and she failed to bodyblock, but they all used the main building well and also split up well the 2 people dead on hook worked on a gen on one corner whereas the other were split into 2 different corners on the other side of the map. they knew what they were doing. and id love to go against you sometime and learn from you then. im always trying to learn sexy shots and tactics
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Not just that they accuse everything as a tunneling or camping....I was accused of camping when I was chasing a survivor and it led to the hooked survivor and they looped me around the hooked survivor until they died.
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welp huntress is less capable if you dont have good perks. im running bad perks. just bitter is good. and spies is ok, but fire up for giggles and shadowborn which i felt like messed with my aim tbh
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yeah i just went on a buying spree. used my shards and auric cells. next ill get doc for overcharge, im gonna try out diff builds
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Youre right, they should make it a game mechanic where if a survivor tries to do a gen by themselves it gets blocked off so theyre forced to work on them together to compensate for you. Sounds perfectly fair and reasonable imo
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The irony of this thread after your punish people for unsavoury play thread is kinda funny.
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cool never once said survivor was op did I? just said they were good and smart so i had to play in an unsavory way.
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its not ironic when i said I had my hand forced by the intelligence and skill of the survivors when it came to split pressure and coordination. My last post was about a killer doing it just to do it. keep trying to start stuff tho buddy. real cute
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How is being forced to tunnel any different from choosing to tunnel?
This is what I mean by it’s all just gameplay.
Can’t you see how thinking your tunneling is valid while others doing it is somehow invalid is a really silly double standard.
Basically anything goes if it benefits you but it’s somehow unsavoury play if it doesn’t benefit you.
That’s the epitome of player entitlement. The rules of good sportsmanship apply to everyone but me.
It’s not really intelligence and skill to split up on gens in fact it’s pretty much the common norm for an average game of dbd.
You’re right though it’s no cause to call you a bad killer that’s just bad winners being jerks.
But you’re justifying gameplay you were denigrating only a few posts ago as being unsavoury. Why? Because this time you did it so it was justified but if someone else does it, shame on them.
I find a great deal of irony in that and it makes me chuckle.
I won’t comment further if it upsets you, there is no unresolved conflict that exists between us. But think about what I’m saying here… it’s a personal insight moment, do with it what you will.
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i wont read what youre saying. yes youre upsetting me... not because i cant handle it, but because we dont see eye to eye and instead of trying to explain anything you insult me when you could explain your POV, I have told you to leave me alone because of that and you insist on saying more. I dont care if you wanna comment on my threads but do not try and be snarky and just insult me. its annoying and a waste of your time
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This is kinda my point, unless your just unlucky or unskilled you should be fine.
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Umm that's what I did. Just because you don't WANT to do it, doesn't mean you can't.
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sorry but you cant do that for free, luckily for me i already had auric cells and shards and used them for characters because my surviviors are starting to get better.
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Shrug. Yes, some survivors are very rude. Disable postgame chat - seldom does anything good happen there.
That's the nature of the game. It's very snowbally. 'Draws' are rare - it's either a 0-1k or a 3-4k. You'll get used to it.
A trick - against teams that split up well, you'll need to defend hooks (you don't need to facecamp, just be aware of the routes people will take to that hook and patrol them). This will, ideally, force multiple people off gens to come and unhook.
Regression perks are nice, but often the best regression is just putting some pressure on.
What perks do you have access to, as killer?
Uh...yeah, you do. None of the licensed killers (AFAIK) can be bought for shards.
Doc is good, also gives you Monitor.
The #1 killer I'd recommend you snag though is Artist - for Pain Resonance and Pentimento.
Onryo is also great (COB, FOR and MC are all solid perks), but that means you have to play Onryo.
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i have got onryo with auric cells but had pain res from shrine and i was using shadowborn, fire up, bitter and something else i cant remember on huntress to meme
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Sorry but you can, and I did. YOU might not be able to, but for someone who had the time it was no problem.
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You don't need to buy the killers, you can just get the abilities from shrine with iri shards.
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wha t!
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It took me around 7 months to get a specific perk once.
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yeah since i switched to pc in may ive bumped my killer mmr from not even needing gen perks to, oh damn these survivors actually do gens so i cant just run anything i want on huntress now
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so 7 months? hell no XD
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Exactly. There are many people out there who will under no circumstances accept that they were simply outplayed, and for whom there will always be something you did wrong that resulted in their loss.
Absolutely nothing you can do for these people but ignore them. Disable chat, let them mald into the void.
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Play how you enjoy it, you paid for the game nobody should be telling you how to enjoy it.....Nor do you need to explain your play style to anybody else especially not to entitled survivors here that think just about anything that doesn't give them an easy win is classed as toxic.
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I agree it won't be quick, but this is the only way I know besides spending actual money on killers that can't be bought otherwise. However if it's any consolation most people will require at bare minimum that amount of time just to level their killers and survivors enough to get all the other stuff they need. So it should be a none issue.
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"just apply pressure 4head" cit.
on a serious note there isn't much to do in those cases, tunneling (and camping) is the way to go
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nah i bought a bunch of killers. like 5 with shards and cells last week and bubba and nemmy already prestige. bp isnt hard if you play killer, my go to for bp was always doctor and legion, mainly doc tho because he is easier to win with