Is Starstruck + Awakened awareness good?

Is Starstruck + Awakened awareness good? Seems like a pretty good combo. Has anyone tried it?
Starstruck is killswitched on the PTB at the moment, but in theory yes it's good. I'll run Starstruck on Doc from time to time and use static blast after a hook to get pretty good value from it. No different here except that you don't get information from as far out which is good and bad.
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That combo is going to be a nightmare on Nurse.
On other killers...I don't love Starstruck, people know how to play around it now and I find I have more luck with other aggression perks, or info/regression.
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People are whining about it on Nurse for some reason, when it literally isn’t good on Nurse. Even if you start literally right beside the Nurse, by the time fatigue and pickup ends, you are already 26m away. Meaning AA does literally nothing.
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Starstruck is overrated on nurse, wasting a perk slot to see people within 20 metres even more so.
Starstruck + Awakaned Awareness will be oppressively strong against potatoes and below average swfs.
It will do nothing against people that dont actually suck at the game and spread out because spreading out is an incredibly efficient way to play the game in the first place and understand that grouping up means giving free pressure to the killer.
Imagine actually using 3 perk slots Starstruck + Awakaned Awareness + Agitation just to do well against below average survivors and get crushed by good ones... Insane.
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How dare you implicitly dunk on the meme taxi build. D:
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Wait is that the Agi/Mad Grit/Iron Grasp/Blood Warden one? Nothing but respect for that one lol
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Why Bloodwarden, out of curiosity?
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It’s gonna be good on nurse, but other than that pretty meh
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This build was popularized by, i think a streamer? Benjo Kazooie or something, build is meh but a good blood warden play can usually carry a 0-1k to 3-4k which is what made it pretty funny imo.
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Lol, fair enough. I would use that build minus Bloodwarden to meme around.
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Just run Distortion.
It does wonders against the Lethal Pursuer/BBQ/Nurse's calling Meta atm.