why is everybody freaking out about reassurance?
its a good perk when the killer is camping and the solution is not camping simple.
Because the game is more complex than just "don't camp".
There's valid reasons for the killer to be near the hook such when other survivors are heading towards the hooked survivor or the hooked survivor is between a 3-4 gen area that the killer wants to defend. Reassurance with the current values is way to effective at forcing valid situations into lose-lose situations on the killer which isn't exactly fair.
Not to mention the ability to grief other survivors by preventing them from dying. If you think a killer facecamping you to death for 2 minutes is bad. 2 survivors can "facecamp" you forever.
22 -
Reassurance gives a visual indicator to the killer that the survivor has been given additional time on the hook. In addition to that, the killer is given free map pressure because the survivor has to get off the gen to trigger the effect, and generally will force another survivor to come in for the save. All that reassurance does is prevent the killer from forcing struggle/death.
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griefing part is bad but tab out and do something else, helps you know theyre wasting their time while you watch family guy funny moments
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People don't want to be held hostage to the point the only way out is to disconnect which is what reassurance can cause. I've already seen someone on the forums talk about being held on the hook for an hour.
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then dc or tab out it was just the ptb itll get fixed
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I feel like most folks that play the PTB don't want to play a legit game. They're there to test the limits of the perks, to mess around with them, etc. Because if they wanted to just sit on a gen the whole game then they may as well play live. My point in saying that is, I don't think PTB can necessarily be an accurate reflection of what will happen in an average live game. I've had troll team mates, but I've found them to be very rare. I don't run into them enough to be worried in the slightest that someone will keep me hostage on the hook long enough that my only option is to DC.
6 -
Killers got the biggest buff of their lives. Leave reassurance alone.
23 -
Forcing a lose-lose situation. Like every single anti-loop killer, tunneling, and camping? Or we just ignoring that
11 -
hmmm, a way to fix that. by realizing ur camping is not working and leaving the hook?
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Exactly. Killers just want to camp people to death and now they are scared of this perk, lol. Don't camp.
24 -
I think its fine it just needs to be disabled after the exit gates are powered.
Edit: Because honestly having to deal with a camping killer at the start of the game without good DS is super rough.
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As a killer main I really don't enjoy camping and only use it when my hand is forced, I am perfectly fine with this perk since its range is super short, it just needs to deactivate after the exit gates are powered and its fine.
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It is finally a meaningful way to deal with killers who camp. The cases where people will use it to grief will be few and far between. I would wager most of the out cry against the perk right now is coming from killers that know it is good against camping/tunneling. Likely will kill camping all together, and severely punish waiting out a second hook stage death.
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I haven't seen many people freak out over reassurance. It's a perk that does it's job, and that's counter camping. Most people I see bring up valid points about it's griefing potential.
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Bro what? The first half was just you picking things to complain about. If the killer is walking around an are with 3-4 gens, the killer isn’t right at the hook, so the survivors can unhook. If they don’t, they’re only hurting themselves. The only thing people are valid for complaining is literally holding the survivor hostage. But 99% of the games won’t be like that. Besides that, it counters camping and that’s it. If you leave a teammate on the hook when the killer isn’t right there then you’re only hurting yourself
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I'm not picking at things to complain about. The perk wouldn't be problematic to situations of defending a 3-4 gen situation with a hooked survivor if reassurance couldn't be stacked in a way to keep a survivor alive permanently. That is the core issue I have with the perk.
I'm all for this perk, but I do not think it should be at a power level where it can literally prevent a survivor from dying on hook. That is no way at all fair for the 1v4. I wish there was an easier way to punish facecamping, but anything that hurts facecamping also ends up hurting legit situations where a killer needs to guard a hook and the legit situations get punished far harder, because facecamping is not really something you do with the intent to win games.
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All they need to do is change it so that it can only be activated on each survivor once per hook state. An extra 60 seconds of hook time per survivor is plenty; if you need more than that, it's time to trade hooks.
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If I knew people were going to watch family guy funny moments, that would encourage me to grief them knowing they had a fate worse than playing DbD. It is a joke, please no ban me, I am not even going to buy Rebecca.
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I mean, we all have to freak out about SOMEthing. That's just on par for the course.
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It's a bit annoying for endgame cause it just prolongs the match for way to long.
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People have selective memory and believe that camping is even close to be a common occurrence.
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Just look at the numbers.
Reassurance can pause the hook timer for 30 seconds and only has a cooldown of 40 seconds. That means that for every 10 seconds of hook timer, if optimally used, one survivor can make a single hook stage last 210 seconds or 3.5 minutes. Two survivors running Reassurance can make a single hook stage literally forever.
It's grossly over-tuned. The cooldown needs to be made 60 seconds minimum and even then it's still very powerful.
I also think it shouldn't work if the gates are open. Survivors can use it to make sure a hooked survivor stays alive on the hook for the entirety of the Endgame Collapse quite easily. I could see toxic 3-mans tormenting their random solo teammate with this when they have no intention of actually saving, while tormenting the killer at the same time.
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I 100% agree with it deactivating when the gates are powered.
2 -
Not true. 2 survivors can't facecamp you forever, there is a hard cap of 60min :P
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Put simply, people don't have a problem with the perk for it's intended use, to stop camping. Most people want that. The issue comes in with how it's actually used. As I started when the perk was first announced, it's easily abused and people are starting to see this.
I knew it was going to have these issues because they've tried this before to stop camping and it was abused back then as well.
And just saying to tab out or DC isn't healthy for the game overall and isn't something Behavior should want.
As much as I would like to stop people from camping, this isn't the way to do it, and is just going to create more problems than it solves.
3 -
It should work on tokens, like 3 tokens, as if you're in a certain range of hook, use a token, the it starts to count down for 30sec.
Either run out of range or out of time, a token is used and gets cool down for 60sec.
But the range should be more forgiving, at least 16m
6m is closer than 2 sides of shack, except killer is afk, no killer just standing there for the perk to work.
2 -
I usually don't camp, so I am actually quite happy about this perk: the whining about camping will hopefully down and if theoretically everyone was running this perk, I would be up against just 12 perks. Hurrah! And don't forget that its got a super short range, so whomever comes to proc it should be somewhat in your reach and in danger of getting attacked.
Also, if they keep someone up on the hook, thats at least 2 people semi out of the game, the hooked survivor and the one running reassurance.
I still think, though, that @Crowman is right and the cooldown should be longer.
2 -
A token system could be good on this perk.
I do not agree with the 16 metres though. I think this perk is made to stop killers from camping. They get a blatant visual indication that the perk was used as well as the Reassurance user has to get with in chasing distance to use it. 16 metres is almost the next zip code in DbD.
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I made a post about that too. I think its perfect except that it really should deactivate once the FINAL gen is done, no matter what. Not have the gates open, but once the final gen is done so you can't just get infinite time at that point since the game is finally coming to an end. If he/she wants that kill after 5 gens of face camping, let 'em have it. That's all they'll get, though.
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Which is what leads to the exit gates being powered, not open. Just like DS and OTR
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Gotcha. I always confuse powered with open lol.
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God I hope this is joke. How desperate are people to defend camping like this just so they can win some games?
It helps the survivor on the hook to survive for longer, so camping killers get punished. It doesn't stop killers from going for other survivors, or defending a 3 or 4 gen close to the hooked survivor. It just helps that hooked survivor to have a bit more of a chance to survive if the killer is also focused on them.
4 -
It's fine for the perk to exist. It's not fine for the current numbers allowing you to keep a survivor on hook indefinitely.
If a killer gets into a 3-4 gen situation with a survivor hooked in the middle is pressuring both the gens and the hooked survivor that shouldn't be easily removed by indefinitely keeping the survivor on hook alive.
A healthy version of reassurance would have a limited to how much a group of 3 survivors can extent the hook duration. If 3 survivors can't figure out how to unhook that survivor within that limit than its fair for the survivor on hook to die.
You can call it defending camping all you want, but I'm only interested in having a perk be fair for killers who are able to pressure both gens and the hooked survivor and not creating an unfair situation for the hooked survivor where they get trapped in a game with no way out because neither side budges.
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I'm just surprised amid all the complaints about camping, Kinship was never brought up as an option. Now the devs have created a better version of it. I want to let it play out and see if it stops the camping. No nerf needed yet.
1 -
Killer mains will need to swallow their own pill and "stop relying on clutch techniques to get easy wins and get good instead" and it's absolutely glorious. I'll be here drinking their tears all day.
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The thing is that it won't it actually encourages it because how the perk is set up. Remember it notifies the Killer when the hook timer is paused by the perk. That will tell the Killer that there is a Survivor in the area and they will patrol around the Hook.
This then will set up for the part of it that can be abused by Survivors. While the Killer chases the Survivor they will be looped around the hooked Survivor. Here comes Survivor #2 who then uses the perk again to pause the timer. Survivors 1 and 2 will keep going back and forth using the perk while Survivor 4 works on Gens.
The perk itself has a hard cap of 60 mins.....that's just a stupid place to put a hard cap. I have been a part of that so nice 60 min hostage negotiation on both sides when a few Survivors and I tested it out with a Killer using Weaker and we all wanted to do a few tests.
It will need a rework before live servers by either increased cool down or limit how many times it can pause the timer for any one Survivor.
4 -
I don't think that's going to happen. If the killer notices the survivor isn't dying on hook, they'll chase someone else. It's only the logical thing to do. Why you would ever bother to make someone stay on hook for that long when the killer has already left is beyond me. Just take that extra time to do the gens, plan an endgame hook rescue, and execute it.
1 -
Sweaty high MMR survivors will stick on gens till the survivor on hook has 5 seconds till they hit 2nd stage then dude runs up to keep him alive for another 30 preventing the killer from punishing gen rushing. Seems super fair and balanced
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But I will not need to swallow anything or stop relying on crutch techniques. I have a feeling you will be the one crying, fam. But I will not drink your tears. It sounds nasty. I will just grab a cold one while we chill together. I will definitely be face camping you to death with or without this perk. Of that, you can be sure.
1 -
The only complaint I have about the perk at the moment is that the survivor on the hook has absolutely no autonomy. They're not being allowed to participate in the game because they're on the hook, and if they want to die (or need to leave the match or something) they are unable to do so.
If BHVR isn't going to change it so the person on the hook has some way out of the match, then the player should be making lots of Bloodpoints for being forced to stay on that hook. Lots and lots, to make up for the fact that they can neither participate in the match nor leave.
2 -
I can see that happening with basement bubbas
0 -
honestly reassurance is hilarious and i hope it comes through untouched. every killer nowadays is just camping the ######### out of the hooks because the gens take so long. it's getting really frustrating, and i personally cannot emotionally invest in any game. the killer will be spirit, or clown, or demogorgon, or literally anyone and the playstyle will be The Same no matter who it is. i'm bored and i don't care. it's time to kill this playstyle once and for all and an extremely aggressive and hilarious counter perk will, by god, see the death of this crap.
killers who are upset about it: go chase people who aren't on the hook
people who say sometimes killers need to camp: if camping is a last resort for you, and it fails, that's too bad. sometimes things go wrong. sometimes you do everything right and it just doesn't work out. F, but get over it.
people who say the survivor on the hook should get to cancel the perk if they want: i agree, actually. :)
3 -
That's what I'm saying the Killer would be looking for the survivor that's around the hook that used the perk because that's how it's going down on the PTB. Since a survivor has the be that close the Killer will look around for the culprit. Then the chase and looping starts.
0 -
Can't camp anymore 😭
1 -
Well, i have the best simple solution about an abuse use; make the perk to only be used one time on a hooked survivor, so it can't be prolonged indefinitely. Simple uh ?
Also, i want to point the usual hypocrisy of survivors;
- - Camping is viable ONLY if survs come to help, if a killer camp in early/mid game, don't help and do gens then flee. 1 dead/3 escape.
- Also, camping at end game is the most legitimate strategy for the killer, if you don't agree, you are an hypocrite, and i saw tons of hypocrites.
- I killed tons of survivors with my endgame build only because they are stupidly altruistic and it's very fun.
- This mean, in simple terms that it's a very good point for survs if a killer camp ine early/mid game, it's easier for you to win. And if the killer camp endgame, it's your fault if you sacrifice yourself for trying to help the hooked surv, who i call personnaly "a bait".
Life is simple for pragmatic people.
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In terms of normal gameplay it's a 100% solid perk.
Stops unfair camping and in the cases of where you really need to camp like the end game the extra time doesn't really mean much. Not like you have gens to worry about at that point
The grieving aspect of this perk is what's concerning.
I don't really want the perk weaker cause it does bandaid a pretty big problem
I would put the cooldown on the hook instead of the perk itself. So the survivor is affected by Reasurance for 40 seconds but it only pauses the timer for 30 seconds.
It would even be a buff to it's intended purpose as you could pauze multiple hooks
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Well a camper who camps for the sake of ruining that one survs game will still camp. The hooked one just suffers longer.
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Just going to say this now I feel bad for whoever gets stuck in the basement with me as bubba and someone decides to use this perk as long as possible and knowing how certain swfs are I can see then not opening the gates just so they could go for a save
When I play basement bubba I don't care about winning as long as I get a kill with the basement hook I'm satisfied and I'm willing to stay down in the basement as long as possible lol
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This then will set up for the part of it that can be abused by Survivors. While the Killer chases the Survivor they will be looped around the hooked Survivor. Here comes Survivor #2 who then uses the perk again to pause the timer. Survivors 1 and 2 will keep going back and forth using the perk while Survivor 4 works on Gens.
Maaassive skill issue if you get looped around the hook. You should get that runner down, and at that point, you have two dying survivors in one spot, and one survivor running in to stall the game without helping his team, so that's, at max, one survivor on gens.
Survivors are barely making progress and you've got one dying and one on hook, with another right next to you. If you can't win from this spot, accept the loss.
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I really hope this perk doesn’t result in slugging becoming more meta.