When playing as survivor, which killer perks annoy you the most?

I don't mind 99% of perks, especially now that Tinkerer got nerfed down to single use, eliminating the Ruin Undying Tinkerer return to gen Blights. Certain combos are annoying like Pain Res/Dead Man's, but those are more annoying because you're dependent on your teammates not being dumb and blocking every gen.
The only perk I ever really just groan when I see is Bamboozle. It's just a lazy perk to slap on when you don't feel like learning how to correctly run tiles, and it reduces every single chase to just dropping pallets on a timer because the interesting window vault plays get removed. Plus 99% of players that run it just hold W and bloodlust because you're prevented from using windows anyway.
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Pain Resonance and Hex: Bloodfavor. They're not particularly OP, but just very annoying to face and I've been seeing them a lot recently.
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Starstruck + Agitation on Nurse
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Oh wow you will love superior anatomy : )
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In combo with Bamboozle for sure, but I would significantly prefer killer that vault windows to chase rather than to block. My issue with Bamboozle is it just eliminates the window entirely, where mindgaming around windows is IMO one of the most interesting aspects of the chase.
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All the truly despicable stuff on Killer is tied to add-ons, but if I really had to choose out of the perk pool, I'd pick Bamboozle or Blood Favor as they are a slight annoyance.
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I haven't seen yet a perk that I either encounter often enough to be annoyed or that just bums me for other reasons.
Maybe Haunted Grounds, because you go from thinking you're doing something useful to the team, to dread and disappointment as you see your teammate being one-shot because of you.
I can be annoyed at full slowdown builds, but that's not the individual perks, just the stacking of them.
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Rancor and knockout.
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Knockout isn't strong, but it is annoying af, for sure.
Pain Res + DMS probably annoy me the most, both are fine on their own, but in combo are too much
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It is strong against solo q and shouldnt be a thing.
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"It's just a lazy perk to slap on when you don't feel like learning how to correctly run tiles, and it reduces every single chase to just dropping pallets on a timer"
Bamboozle is a strong perk because it forces you to drop pallets on my terms not yours. You can force survivors to use the pallet on the first loop not the third or fourth. The alternative is that you force them to take a hit.
Bamboozle is a balanced perk because unlike Blood Favor you can't get rid of it.
Bamboozle is also a "bandaid" perk that is necessary when the game puts tiles together that otherwise would be a near infinite loop. Unfortunately it is also a perk that does almost nothing on some maps.
Bamboozle is one of the most powerful perks in the game for reducing chase times against extremely good survivors. Somewhere around 97% of survivors I go against have no idea how they are supposed to run tiles if I have bamboozle. I like those odds.
But what really makes Bamboozle good is when you pair it with Save the Best for Last on Demo or Nemesis. Greedy survivors who are really good at looping will often choose to give you a hit instead of "wasting" strong pallets. And if you have 8 stacks you can usually down them before they get to a new tile. Both of these killers can play the entire game and keep 8 stacks unless they are forced to hit the obsession while hooking.
This two perk strategy really makes people mad. And while this isn't the goal it goes to show that the combination is very effective. They will always say, "you have no skill" or "you play like a noob with beginner perks". What they mean is : I hate the way you play the game because it denies me the ability to run loops like I want to.
And that's exactly what you want as killer. You want to find an angle that makes you stronger and your opponent weaker. The best part about Bamboozle is that there is quite often nothing you can do about it even if you know I have it.
"My issue with Bamboozle is it just eliminates the window entirely, where mindgaming around windows is IMO one of the most interesting aspects of the chase."
In other words you only like leading the killer around in a chase when you are in control. No thank you. Mind games are generally a waste of time when you can take a perk like Bamboozle and force the outcome you want in a chase. Mind games work on people who aren't very good but they do not work on the very best survivors.
Ever since we had stretched resolution and other dubious methods of "game enhancements" I figured that on average the fastest way to down the very best survivors is to just follow their path exactly. Fast break the pallets, block the window and you will very quickly force a hit. If you watch streamers with 5-9k hours you will find that at about 50% of the time the mind game backfires.
What you can do in this situation is always follow them exactly until the last chase. They know exactly what you are going to do because you conditioned them that you will follow them exactly. And then finally at the end you can use a mind game. I find this is way more difficult to anticipate because they are so "sure" they know exactly what you will do.
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Merciless storm if the killer is doctor because of the flipped and changed spot skill checks.
Having to pay attention to the entire screen for skill checks is annoying especially when they are fast paced ones
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The perk I hate most as a surviovr is Save the Best for Last - which is why I love playing with it.
When a killer is allowed to build max stacks (and keep them) if gives you such a huge advantage. Unlike NOED you actually have to work for it. Similarly to NOED you can down people extremely quickly.
I don't mind when a killer brings Bamboozle because I have a lot of time using it myself and I know very well how it changes loops.
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The braindead combo: Enduring + Spirit Fury.
you can’t do anything about it (only pre-dropping pallets) which will make the map a complete deadzone later. Especially when Legion is running that ‘pallet build’.
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Says bubba with bambooze...
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Easily corrupt because it has some brain scrambling effect on my teammates.
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Infectious Fright.
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The coxcombed clapper for wraith. How much stealth can one possibly need? It makes me think of the movie Spinal Tap, "why not just make 10 the loudest? But these go to 11"
A lot of my other irritating perks and add ons have been covered already.
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I mean, you're just entirely proving my point. I never said Bamboozle wasn't good, I just said its lazy. Like you said, with Bamboozle, the most optimal way to play is just to follow the survivor's path exactly, just holding W without trying to outsmart or outplay the survivor: you just let the perk do that for you. It's effective, but immensely boring.
"They will always say, "you have no skill" or "you play like a noob with beginner perks". What they mean is : I hate the way you play the game because it denies me the ability to run loops like I want to."
I mean, no. Its exactly like you said: with bamboozle the most efficient way to chase is to follow the survivor exactly. You've equipped a perk that removes any possible variability from a chase, and then just follow them because they now have a single choice of where to go. I believe Bamboozle is a lazy perk because it removes skill from the equation.
"The best part about Bamboozle is that there is quite often nothing you can do about it even if you know I have it."
Again, you're reinforcing my point. Mind games with the opposing side are dynamic, and to me that's the most fun part of DBD, playing killer or survivor. I see how they chase/run around certain tiles, then adjust my pathing based on what I think they'll do next. Fake a double back on a TL wall, then double fake the next time so the survivor vaults into me. Or if I know a killer likes to cut off fast vaults into a long wall, I duck behind the corner, wait for him to turn in, then leave the loop. Its these cat-and-mouse actions and reactions that make this game so interesting and fun. But Bamboozle just entirely kills that. You reduce options down to one, and turn chases into a simple timer until you run out of resources. It's like the perk equivalent of bloodlusting a safe pallet, or of old Legion: at some point, regardless of skill, you go down.
"And that's exactly what you want as killer. You want to find an angle that makes you stronger and your opponent weaker."
No, when I play killer (and survivor) I want to have fun, and show that I've accrued enough skill in the game to outsmart people and do interesting things. Hell, my favourite killer and loadout is Huntress with four long distance aura reading perks for crossmap hatchets. If I only cared about winning, I'd be running agi startstruck nurse every game, but that's boring as hell and no challenge.
All of this comes back to my original point: when I go against a top tier killer who mindgames me well and gets downs on me by anticipating and outsmarting me, I feel satisfied because I know that at that moment, he was the better player. When I go down because someone bamboozled a window, I just feel like someone used a perk to avoid having to put the time in to learn to outsmart people, they just let the perk do it.
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"I never said Bamboozle wasn't good, I just said its lazy"
Bamboozle forces people to not be able to follow an "optimal loop pattern". Following an optimal loop pattern is lazy. I really don't like chess because you can memorize the counter to any potential move setup. DBD is exactly the same when you are chased by most of the M1 cast. Follow the optimal loop path until you can't anymore then throw the pallet. There is no innovation. It's route memorization. Bamboozle says no to that. You have to think of something different or I win.
"I believe Bamboozle is a lazy perk because it removes skill from the equation."
So you probably think chasing people with Nurse is lazy too right? Under normal conditions running a memorized loop pattern removes any perceived skill you think you have. It's literally monkey see - monkey do. Copy and Paste someone else's understanding of the game and run the most efficient loop on every tile. When I bring Bamboozle I erase everything you know about that tile and change it into a new tile that favors me.
"Mind games with the opposing side are dynamic, and to me that's the most fun part of DBD"
I'm not going ti humor this argument as it reinforce the idea : chases are fun when I am in control and not fun when I have zero control.
"All of this comes back to my original point: when I go against a top tier killer who mindgames me well and gets downs on me by anticipating and outsmarting me, I feel satisfied because I know that at that moment, he was the better player. When I go down because someone bamboozled a window, I just feel like someone used a perk to avoid having to put the time in to learn to outsmart people, they just let the perk do it."
It's boring to play Nurse and Blight because you move really fast, you have the advantage at almost every tile, you have crazy strong addons and it is your game to lose. For every other killer in the game it's the survivor's game to lose. They will win if they don't mess up. Because of this I don't play those killers.
The reality is that you can't outsmart people who have "questionable vision" with a mind game. I can't explain that better or the mods will delete this post for advertising non allowed behavior. There are also quite a few people who play DBD with subtle cheats. You literally can't catch them at loops without bloodlust. They absolutely hate Bamboozle because they have no idea what to do when you block their favorite window.
Also while you feel there are no mind games with Bamboozle - I can assure you there are plenty. When I play survivor I don't mind Bamboozle. I know exactly how I would play that window when I play killer and in what feels like 90% of cases I can make huge distance if I know they feel they need to block a window. I also listen for the "bloop" sound whenever a killer vaults a window. Most people could avoid a free hit from the "surprise" factor if they just learned to pay more attention - like you are forced to do as killer.
Bamboozle isn't a tool that rewards a killer for being lazy. It forces a survivor to not be lazy. You have to think of a new escape pattern and that requires on the fly adaptation. It also bumps up "bad killers" to be a real threat. People love to play against weak killers because they can loop them "forever" with very little effort. Don't be that kind of lazy.
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The only perk i find "annoying" is Sloppy Butcherer, and even then, COH and Inner Strength exist, so it rarely, if ever, actually effects me that much
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"Bamboozle forces people to not be able to follow an "optimal loop pattern". Following an optimal loop pattern is lazy."
Did you not read any other part of my response saying that reading and reacting to the other player is what makes it fun? I agree running the "optimal path" is lazy, because
A: that's reducing the entire game down to a flowchart, rather than playing dynamically and predicting the other player's actions, like I said I prefer doing.
and B: running the optimal path IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU SAID BAMBOOZLE ALLOWS YOU TO DO. If no matter what the survivor has done earlier in the game, the way you play a tile is the exact same because of a perk you're running, then that perk facilitates laziness.
So you probably think chasing people with Nurse is lazy too right?
No, because playing nurse requires you at least learn her blink distance and predict survivor pathing, akin to learning how to run tiles correctly. The equivalent would be if there was an addon that automatically turned you in the direction of the survivor when you release the blink, because then you wouldn't have to predict or learn at all.
"The reality is that you can't outsmart people who have "questionable vision" with a mind game. I can't explain that better or the mods will delete this post for advertising non allowed behavior. There are also quite a few people who play DBD with subtle cheats. You literally can't catch them at loops without bloodlust. They absolutely hate Bamboozle because they have no idea what to do when you block their favorite window."
This explanation reads like someone who blames every single time they lose a chase on stretched rez, subtle cheats or SWF. If you're going against so many that you have to run Bamboozle to counter them constantly, you're probably not going against any.
""Mind games with the opposing side are dynamic, and to me that's the most fun part of DBD"
I'm not going ti humor this argument as it reinforce the idea : chases are fun when I am in control and not fun when I have zero control."
I don't think you know what the word dynamic means.
We agree on one thing: A survivor running every tile in the same prescribed way is boring and lazy. Comp dropping every safe pallet and moving on to the next one sucks to go against and is boring. But I think killers doing the same thing is equally as boring. Bamboozling a window is just comp dropping every pallet but for the killer: you remove all chance for interesting play and turn the game into resource management. Chases should be dynamic (that means changing constantly), with reads and predictions and reactions. That's the way I play. Sometimes it backfires and I go down faster, but that's the risk reward. But by running bamboozle, you're forcing me to simply play the only way I can with the window blocked, which is just to loop and drop the pallet at the optimal time. Ironically, you're forcing the thing you hate most by running the perk.
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Devour Hope, its not op just really annoying when you cant find that totem.
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"We agree on one thing: A survivor running every tile in the same prescribed way is boring and lazy. Comp dropping every safe pallet and moving on to the next one sucks to go against and is boring."
I definitely agree with you here.
"Bamboozling a window is just comp dropping every pallet but for the killer: you remove all chance for interesting play and turn the game into resource management"
Most of the maps have too many safe pallets. I don't even mean the really abusive ones like "The Game". Once upon a time maps were littered with something like 50% safe pallets and 50% unsafe pallets. The problem with wanting DBD to be a "mind game" centered adventure is that most pallets can't be mind gamed anymore.
Bamboozle forces you to waste resources or take a hit. I don't care if you drop the pallet - I can instantly break it. If I am in a chase with someone and they drop 3-4 pallets I might just chase them a while so they ruin the map for others. This is rare but MMR sometimes gives you people with very low hours who are not smurfing with new accounts.
DBD is most fair to killer when it becomes a resource management issue. If you make them drop their medkits or waste them through other perks that helps. Making people waste pallets is a big help too.
"But by running bamboozle, you're forcing me to simply play the only way I can with the window blocked, which is just to loop and drop the pallet at the optimal time. Ironically, you're forcing the thing you hate most by running the perk."
This is the part I disagree with. The reason I run Bamboozle is to force chases to be faster and force pallets to be used more quickly. I want both of those things.
Most survivors have zero skill without a pallet; conversely there is almost no skill involved in looping an M1 killer around a safe loop with the pallet intact. I would agree if you call these chases boring. It's dumb game design that you need to bring bamboozle to prevent survivors from running around the same loop over and over - or you can play Nurse. A lot of people in recent months have just opted out to play Nurse as it doesn't cost a perk slot.
One of the oldest tricks in the DBD book was stealth. Sadly it has almost completely been eliminated from the game. We lost the fog to make console players happy and that sucks. Stealth without fog isn't really that viable. Nor it is easy when the killer can see your aura over and over and over again. Stealth play was the original mind game. Shelter woods was the "challenge" map back in the time of release because it had no infinite window loops (after they patched the second window to be closed or if you played trapper in the first month).
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Easy. NOED and Sloppy Butcher. I didn't look it up but it seems to me Sloppy got a buff because it never felt as hard to heal as it is lately and it's always SB in tow