[Suggestion] Add Sounds for Matches starting even when tabbed out

Absoluterealdipper Member Posts: 31
edited August 2022 in General Discussions

This is something Realm Royale does. Even when you're tabbed out and can't hear the sounds, you can still hear the sound that tells you that you are in a lobby.

Considering it can take like 15 minutes as a killer to wait, I use that time to do something else. If I could then hear a sound that tells me "Hey, you're in a lobby" and 1 minute later "You're in a match", that would help. Especially for people with only a single monitor, who maybe watch youtube and forget to tab in in time, so they are afk for at least a portion of the match.

This could even be expanded with a small popup, that tells you that a match is starting, so if you can't hear it, you'll see it
