Which Killers Would You Like To See More Often?
Today being rank reset day and me being behind on my Rift challenges, I was thinking if playing some more Killer over the weekend, but I'm never quite sure who to play outside a few personal favorites (Onryô, Freddy, the occasional Hillbilly) so, while the odds of me meeting anyone in the forum are likely slim, I thought it'd be fun to ask:
What killers do you not see as often as you like and/or would like to encounter more often?
Spirit for sure. I hardly ever see her. I want to play against her 75% of the time.
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I understand why people don't want to play him anymore, but honestly I can't even remember the last time I played against a Freddy.
If I was playing the game, I would like to see my beloved killer more often.
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I thought you disliked Freddy in his current state though
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Freddy and Sadako are actually two of my go-tos. I find Sadako fun, even as I understand why she's considered weak, while Freddy is my "meme around" Killer. I load him up with Terror Radius perks and see how many times I can get Infectious Fright to trigger.
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The Onryō is a really fun killer to face and play as (at least for me). But there are a few killers I wouldn't mibd facing more of, such as :
The Hillbilly; The Shape; The Demogorgon, The Oni, The Executioner, The Blight, The Twins, The Nemesis, The Artist and The Dredge
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I wanna see more Deathslinger and Twins.
It's very rare to vs them, and rarer still to vs a good one.
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Where is she??!? Heeelllooo?
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I’d like to see more blight and oni. They both have fun counterplay
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I do.
But I will always love Freddy as a character, even if they ruined his power.
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I want to see more Demogorgons and Artists
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Wouldn't mind facing more Demogorgon's. It doesn't matter how scummy they play, I can't get mad at them because it's Demo.
And if they aren't scummy, it's always fun to be chased by Demo. Relaxing chase music, fun to dodge power, interaction with Portals. It's quite interactive.
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Well, it's almost as if BHVR did something with her that made her irritating to use. Like maybe a jumpscare are while you're waiting.
Seriously, who thought that was a good idea? Pinheads animation is loud as hell and Oni makes people's ears bleed. So a jumpscare is a good idea? I think not.
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Pyramid Head, Demo, Cleon, and Sadako.
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Deathslinger, if you take time to learn him he can still be fun and powerful even after the nerf imo
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I know Demo's a popular one so I may take the chance to practice with him. I generally make an effort not to play scummy, at least in the sense I don't actively face camp or tunnel. A little proxy camping or slugging for pressure if they seem warranted sure, but I don't think too many people will object there. Generally I try to Golden Rule it and avoid playing in a way I wouldn't want to be played against. Case in point, I played a Sadako game a bit ago and had either an AFK or a one-down wuss, either way they DC'd at first hook, so I went easy and allowed the escape after getitng everyone 2-hooked. At the same time, I saw 2 flashlights in the lobby so you better believe I armed myself with Lightborn and was glad I did.
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More Demo's are always welcome. He also isn't really hard, rathere on the medium level.
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Spirit! I never see her and it makes me sad because she is the best of the best.
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In answer to this thread's question I'd like to see more of Billy. The unwarranted nerf they gave him made him a rarity. Glory be the days when getting Billy was a regular thing.
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Nurse/Blight, they’re my favorites to play against. Also Dredge and Wesker (once he’s on live) because both are super cool.
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The one and only:
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Billy, Myers, Bubba, and Huntress
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You basically never see them unless they are in an archive. I love squishing Victor, it's so fun!
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I would want to see more onis and bubbas. Does not matter if bubba facecamp I just want to see one. It's funny if they do though.
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Dredge. I have not gotten lucky enough to play against one yet
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i would like to play more agians myers he has special place in my heart
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She got fcked from The Dredge.
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Twins had a pickrate of 1,XX % in January and was the least picked killer of all.
2nd last place was Freddy.
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Hag and clown
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Billy and Freddy. But i know that people dont wanna play a high effort/low reward killer (Billy) and a just useless killer (Freddy). Good job devs. You made a great job on their reworks.