Terminus might get some great value against Altruistic teams

As the title suggests,I had been thinking of why would terminus(weskers end game perk) be so undervalued when a common scenario in the end game is that a killer hooks a survivor,exit gates open,survivors probably trade,other survivors now reset and just take hits to leave.
I can see terminus putting a clamp on that,so they'd be forced to decide between leaving or getting downed and trading again. It also completely counters Adrenaline and its a perk that doesn't have a warning. So if survivors open the gates and then heal,they'll be in for a real bad time since they won't be able to. It might just be me but I see terminus as being a pretty strong perk since the scenario it's a niche for happens quite often.
What do you all think?
Terminus isn't great by itself but it becomes AMAZING with 4 stacks of no way out
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Might be fun to use in a full on end game build. It's the perfect perk to mix in without using NOED because I feel bad using it.
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I imagine it doing pretty damn well with blood warden as well,it all just hinges on how you intend to use it like you put.
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will work in a average to bad way, a weak perk overall