Nurse needs fixing on consoles.

She's a laggy mess, I'm hoping with the optimization patches, and dedicated servers. She will be playable. But until then, I recommend the devs revert Nurse back to the old nurse, less control over the blink. Auto aim. Back in that era of Nurse, She was actually playable. The auto aim made up for the lack of sensitivity. And not only that, during a blink, our sensitivity is locked at a low percentage, preventing us from doing 360's to gain vision on survivors, thus making her even worse at tracking. This is a lot to ask, and I know I will get hate for it. People will say 'Ive seen plenty of Nurse mains, She's perfectly fine.' But we all know thats not true. We all see 1 nurse every 50 or so games. And they get stomped.


  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    Nurse on PC is god tier, Nurse on Console is a joke, you just run around her and she misses with every Blink. You know that trophy where you escape through the Hatch with all 4 Survivors? I got that going against a Nurse.

  • DavyisKing
    DavyisKing Member Posts: 14

    @HatCreature said:
    Nurse on PC is god tier, Nurse on Console is a joke, you just run around her and she misses with every Blink. You know that trophy where you escape through the Hatch with all 4 Survivors? I got that going against a Nurse.

    If you've tried playing her on console, you'll see every glaring problem she has. It makes me sad, because at one point, before she had been reworked. Learning and playing her payed off. She was a good killer, and worth playing. Now she's worthless, and we rarely see her.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I tried playing as her on console, I really did but the Blinks aren't good enough, it feels slower and more restrained than what I see on PC and I know that's intentional. I'm going to try and play Billy on console now, I really want to get good at him and I feel like I'm not a real Killer until I do.

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    Yes nurse need a sensibility increase for us console players, i wish @Peanits will pass the word to the right team but i think he will never happen.