Will you be buying new Survivors? (Project W RE)

ill be buying the entire chapter day 1, absolutely.
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Absolutely, I plan to buy the entire DLC.
Both survivors have at least one perk I'd really want, and I have been playing enough RE recently to just be stoked about seeing Rebecca in general. Ada's cool too, of course.
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I won't buy, I already have everything I need at this moment.
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I am buying whole DLC
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Im a completionist, I have to.
Btw... when is the DLC releasing?
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I probably won't unless I get too frustrated with camping, I guess.
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I will buy full chapter.
Wesker is great villain. Rebecca is so cute and she has good perks. Ada is just meh, i will ignore her i guess.
Aug 30th most likely. But there is not official date yet
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This is exactly why BHVR can do whatever they want with the game and it doesn't matter how many people complain. We all buy the next DLC anyway.
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I will be voting with my wallet. The survivor experience hasn't been worth it since the last patch.
Generator times are too long, every defense results in a 12 second mend timeout, end game collapse seems more deadly so late game heroics generally are not worth it, and camping/tunnelling behavior results in matches that even when escaped aren't fun.
The game is seriously broken since the last patch.
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If it's a licensed chapter I always buy the entire package, so yeah I will buy the survivors
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Hopefully they will add carlos in RE chapter.
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I'll buy the whole DLC. Altho does anyone know when it comes out?
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100% buying day 1. I can't wait to stick it to campers with Reassurance, and Hyperfocus and Wiretap seem like pretty fun perks with some good synergies.
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No, I'll be passing on this one. Looking forward to seeing Wesker in the fog though
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Nope. I might try to win a code for the chapter from a fog whisperer stream but I'm not spending my money on it. I'm not interested in playing as the survivors and I have a feeling the perks worth running will get nerfed fairly quick anyway.
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I was really looking forward to it and planned on buying it on release but after seeing the nerfs/buffs of the developer update I think I will at least wait a while or not buy it at all.
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Yea I gotta have all dlcs
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BHVRs got my money this time
and then some if my buddy Leon gets some new cosmetics
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I'll be hammering the F5 key on the Playstation store for a full hour after the release until it shows up. As always.
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Yeah i'll buy the DLC. I was on the fence before but after the Dev update today i definitely will now.
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Maybe in six months at 50% off or something. I will get the six Survivor perks from a friend, though.
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Most likely buying the whole Chapter on Day 1 since I am a completionist.
But I am way less excited for the new Chapter and I dont think it will make me want to play more DBD per day anymore.
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My inner completionist compels me to.
Also nobody insults the survivors quite like Wesker does.
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I'm going to see if I can win a copy off a Fog Whisperer. If I fail at that, I'll probably wait a year for the DLC to go 50% off.
It's not that I can't afford it. It's just that I'm voting with my wallet and giving BHVR as little money as I can.
I should be able to pick up Pinhead soon.
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Yes. I love resident evil.
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I never buy survivors, I only buy killers.
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Eh, maybe. I'll probably get Wesker, though.
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Ada looks hot, and Rebecca looks cute and has a nice seeming personality.
Yeah, it's a day 1 purchase.
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I will paypig for Rebecca. Any and all outfits.
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no, I'll just buy wesker.
cheryl forever
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I'd agree if she actually looked like herself. But she doesn't, so I usually just play Lisa. May switch to Rebecca.
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i hope outfits slay
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No, they need to fix the solo survivor experience before I'll give them any more money.
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I'm really trying not to. I have 900 auric cells from a previous rift, but I'm holding off on spending them even if it is for Ada or Whisky.
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im sure to buy rebecca chambers at least, not sure about the other 2 characters cuz they seem annoying with mediocre perks.
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nop only wesker i dont buy new survivors anymore
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I might be backtracking. I like the updated Better Than New perk
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Rebecca will have some really strong perks, and I still wanna play Ada besides the nerfs to her heels, so definitely yes!
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No. I have not purchased any auric cells or DLC's since MMR was put into the game (Since Pinhead release). MMR ruined Dead By Daylight. The matches I get are terrible. A game where I get poor quality matches is not a game I will be spending money on, no matter how cool the perks and licensed characters are.
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I hate to say it, but probably. Reassurance is a perfect example of a band-aid perk, and I hate the band-aid design philosophy. But I really want to use it..
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I will be buying the whole DLC cause of the woman in the sexy red dress and to be able to get the perks the 2 survivors have unlocked on all my survivors cause like Jill and Leon before them. Both the new female survivors have at least one teachable perk that is worth learning on every other survivor.
Plus I like the fact they are adding another sexy female survivor to the game I can make into one of my mains.
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I don't mind how cheryl looks right now, but she'd be infinitely better if she looked like herself from sh3
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Thank you <3
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If I had the money, I would
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i want too but they nerfed reassurance better than new and awakened awareness. For the most part buying new characters is all for the perks and they have approached all these nerfs in the absolute wrong way.
Reassurance just needed an opt out.
Awakened Awareness was fine but its easier to nerf that than fix the nurse which the entire community besides nurse mains want.
Better than new needs to have repair speed added back in.
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Not at the current moment.
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I definitely will be buying both of them. Ada is my favorite out of the two, but I'm also starting to love Rebecca as well.