If Stranger Things were to come back, who would you rather see as come a Survivor?

D34D_B34TB0X Member Posts: 371

I previous poll similar to this with a list of Stranger Things characters. Consisting of Eddie, Hopper, Joyce, Robin, Dustin, Eleven, Mike, Max and Lucas. And I added an option for "Other (Please Specify)". Other potential survivors that were not on the list would've consisted of Will, Billy, Murray, Alexi, Dmitri, Yuri, Argyle the pizza guy, and Bob. And I don't think I see anyone wanting play as Mike and Nancy's parents, I could be wrong, but still. The Dad looks like he gives no flips of the pancake.

Getting to the point, the results show that Eddie and Hopper are not only voted the highest, but they're equally tied. So that's why I made this poll.

If Stranger Things were to come back, who would you rather see as come a Survivor? 18 votes

Jim Hopper
TaigamrpiesellerMooksIlliterateGenocideAnneBonnyxni6_AshyBashy 7 votes
Eddie Munson
Wolff_BringerI_am_NeganRobotfangirl67HaunterofShadowsAurelleAlex_BiscuitskKillersJCMooneyWowiebasblater 11 votes


  • AshyBashy
    AshyBashy Member Posts: 28
    Jim Hopper

    Eddie would be cool, but Hopper is much more substantial to the series in my opinion, and has been in the show since the start. He also has way more cosmetic potential compared to Eddie, there's quite a bit to pull from. The Hawaiin (I think?) look from Season 3, how he looks while in Russia throughout Season 4, of course his trademark Season 1 look, and maybe the Hazmat Suit he wears while going in the Upside Down at the end of 1. (I probably missed something but yeah.) You could always make original cosmetics for Eddie, which would arguably be just as cool. There's probably a few different looks Eddie has in 4 but I can't think of any.

    Why not add both though? The first chapter had both Steve and Nancy so having two survivors with Eddie and Hopper wouldn't be too out of the question.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097
    Eddie Munson

    I like Hopper but Munson was easily the best character in the latest season, possibly in the whole series for me.

  • Wowie
    Wowie Member Posts: 566
    Eddie Munson

    i love eddie i love eddie i love eddie i love eddie i love eddie

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 5,998
    Jim Hopper

    Hopper is so... Attractive

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252
    Jim Hopper

    i could see eddie as a legendary but hopper has been in the series for longer and is a more developed character. maybe we'll get both, who knows.

    also bold of you to assume i don't want to play as ted wheeler

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,354

    Mike and Nancy's parents.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,514
    Jim Hopper

    Don’t get the hype for Eddie tbh. Yeah, cool character, but it’s not like he is the only one on this show. They even made Steve and Nancy great (after both being somewhat bad in earlier seasons…)

    Hopper feels actually like one of the core characters and has been here from the beginning. He would make more sense. Eddie as a legendary for Steve would be great and fitting though.

    Also give me Robin plz! Such a refreshing and interesting character - used to say she would make more sense as legendary as well, but now it feels like she actually is part of the core cast!