Saddest moment of my life

I started playing again yesterday, after a 6 month break. I've been stuck in an MMR hell, where I die to even the most baby killers, because my team is so bad. I'm definitely not good anymore, but not genphobic. Most games end at 5 or 4 gens if I'm lucky.
But my last match has been the definition of depression.
I load in, hear nurse. I run away to a gen further away to avoid disruption. I almost finish it, before I hear the one final scream from my team. Everyone was downed. 2 people downed, 1 grabbed and dropped from locker. I finish my gen, quickly run to pick up someone. That ***** on the ground crawls a bit so my healing is cancelled, nurse hits me. I get to a window, but I was looking backwards to see nurse, so I bumped into the window. I somehow pull a 360 but unfortunately medium vault, getting downed. Nurse picks me up and face camps... But I kobe on my last try! I quickly used lithe on that window and try to make it to someone else. I pick one guy up, someone uses UB, it all seemed to be a comeback... But it wasn't. The guy who used UB was downed and the other guy got caught in the same locker. I run and bless a totem, try to heal myself. But then it happens.
My dad walks in out of nowhere, blasting Facebook. I COULDN'T HEAR A GOD DAMN THING. I scream "PLEASE TURN DOWN THE VOLUME". But the very moment he muted the phone, the nurse blinks on my face. I could swear that in the 5 seconds of not hearing anything, the Nurse would come. Well, I got face camped to death.
"Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally."
To escape MMR hell, I suggest you run a stealth build that includes Plunderers for a chance to get a key (or just bring in a key). Play selfishly and let your team die and escape from hatch.
I’m not really sure if hatch is considered a win, so this strategy may not be the best. It should tho.
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Hatch isn't a win. It's neutral.
That's what sucks about mmr hell. No one does gens. If I do gens, they all go down like flies. If I run the killer, 0 gens go by.
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Your dad need to knock or you need a lock on your door >.<
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Legit the worst advice one could possibly give, hatch doesn't give MMR and if he lets his team die he will never get normal escapes because a 3v1 is basically unwinnable unless there are only 1-2 gens left.
Here is my advice:
- learn how to loop and try to be chased by the killer, so the game depends on your skill instead of your teammates'
- dodge every lobby where you have a lvl 0 / itemless player (and yea that will be A LOT of lobbies)
But do not get your hopes up, games won't be better at higher MMR. You'll get better teammates, but also better killers.
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well hell is on all sides. If survivors have a good game they troll the killer. if killer has a good game he trolls the survivors. It's not like I feel too much compassion around here. we play for fun and we play because we like the game. If not... well I have over 900 other games to play.
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A little fyi: I'm a veteran player (2016). It's just that I'm a bit rusty and need some time to readjust.
However, talking about horrible advice, I could say the same about you telling me to learn looping. Looping does nothing in bad MMR. No one does gens. I could loop for 5 minutes, 5 gens would be remaining. If I do gens myself, my teammates will all last collectively half as long a v***in in bed.
It's just a lose-lose situation. I need to find a friend if I want to do anything.
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Thing is, it gets kinda difficult to have fun when you lose 15 games in a row, 5 gens left.
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I suggest you run Boon: Dad Nap, it basically makes it to where your dad always takes a 30 minute nap at noon if you boon a dull totem in your house, very effective for preventing this, maybe you should look into this instead of complaining all the time.
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Facebook notifications snuff the boon. Should've known that before telling me.
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Darn it, you're right, I forgot about that, you ever consider using DS on him then? I'm sure that'll give him the "lower back pain" debuff.
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Low MMR take their time before doing gens but go for them eventually. On the other hand, expecting low MMR randoms to last more than 30 sec in chase has ZERO CHANCE to end well. And once one of your teammate gets hooked you're doomed, your team will throw, the hooked person will either DC/suicide/get tunneled and the game will be over in minutes.
I've found that I had more "value added" vs randoms on chase than on gens.
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Thank you, I wasn't sure about that.
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I did bring key and used add on to see obsession aura to complete escape hatch challenge and my teammes throwed the game early so I decided to hide and when they were about to die they brought killer to my hiding place and showed it to her and tried to bodyblock me. Killer downed both with corrupt purge and chased me then and eventually we all died. So don't bring key your teammates will work with killer to help him get you.
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Considered a draw IIIRC
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Hmmm, not really sure what I can offer in terms of advice for a veteran. All I can say is maybe consider finding some people to play with.
I'm sure you already know, but Solo Q can be frustrating. Personally, I don't mind it and just play for the vibes, but I understand it.
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Thing is, I also wanna play for the vibes. I wanna play like I used to, but it's like really hard to enjoy myself in low MMR. A loss or two is ok, but when you get to 15 it really gets frustrating.
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Oh boy- you picked the absolute worst time to return. The last major update made solo que very difficult, and also seems to prioritize que times over fairer matches (better teammates & equally skilled killers).
The only way to climb MMR in solo is to escape every single opportunity you have. Do not try to help anyone after the gens are done. Open the gates and leave. You have to screw your team over unfortunately, and it’s because you take so many losses with deaths- that you need to counter as many as possible with a win (escape). And this still is not a guarantee because again, que times are prioritized so you’ll still occasionally get bad teammates once you’ve climbed. Be wary of entering lobbies where everyone is readied up and your teammates have low prestige levels, OG launch chars (Meg, Dwight, Claud., etc.) and old ass or default cosmetics (ESPECIALLY MEG WITH ANY MASK- DODGE!!!). That’s a perfect example of the game prioritizing que times, because the person before you left and matchmaking threw you in with less experienced players just to get the game filled as quickly as possible.
This really isn’t the best advice, so I apologize. I personally am stuck in MMR hell because my conscious won’t let me screw over my team. I usually try to help when gates are 99’ed and I’ve died many times because of it. And I think the reason for this is because I have been on the receiving end of many players sacrificing themselves for me, so I just try to pay it forward when it’s my turn to try and help.
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If that's the saddest moment of your life, you must live a very blessed life.
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I guess hyperboles don't exist for you.
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well I suppose that's the charm of playing killer. Not because the balance favors you, but your success doesn't depend on 3 other people. So eventually you win some if you are good enough.
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Tbh, I don't play killer right now because I've been playing shooters recently so killer is kinda boring. I'll stick to survivor some more.
I did however play some nurse and I got 2k both times. I'd say it's ok after the pause I had.
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In this particular game I prefer playing killer, because it's a fast paced action game, far more than it is a horror game. But as a horror fan if it would be actual horror, with slower pace I would prefer playing survivor. For example I totally enjoyed playing survivor in F13
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If the saddest moment of your life comes from a video game, then you are indeed lucky.
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Wasn't it data mined some time ago that escape through exit gate you get + mmr, dying -mmr and hatch you stay the same?
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As I said to the guy above, hyperboles exist.
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Bond, Spinechill, Lightweight, Sole Survivor.
Run as soon as the killer starts approaching. Run to your teammates to drop off the killer. Hide during end-game, not only from the killer, but especially from the teammates, so that they don't rat you out. Wait for them to die. Don't go for the hatch. Wait at the gates and open them when the hatch is closed.
Might help a bit.
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Why are you flexing how happy your life is to us depressed folk? Can't you just enjoy getting morbed by the Nurse? That would be like the best day of my life.
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If "the gens are done" happens in your soloQ games often, you are indeed one lucky guy. It also seems nothing like "MMR hell" to me.
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Haha you're so right... Just had a match, 1 default Dwight with no perks, 2 other people crouching in corners. I somehow managed to avoid the okish nurse for like 2 minutes. The game went on for like 10 minutes. No gens were done. I was the only one to touch gens, even managed to get one to half, before baby dweet came in and exploded it 3 times and the nurse came.
5 ######### gens remaining. 10 minute game.
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It goes back to what i was originally saying- you have to screw over your team when those opportunities present themselves, otherwise you dying while trying to help others when you had a chance to escape, just compounds on the losses from the other games with bad teammates. Thus leaving you in MMR hell to encounter more of those bad games. My post gave no suggestion of it happening often- only advising that one needs to take advantage of it when it does, in order to better position yourself to climb out.