Solo lobbies are faster than Fortnite but PS4 Hag lobbies take five minutes

I'm a PS4 Hag, not a scroll wheel Hag. Why is it when I play solo survivor, lobbies are instant and I'm matched with teammates without purple perks but when I play Bubba with just BBQ or Hag without scroll wheel, the lobbies take 5-7 minutes?
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I'm not playing Hag or Bubba in a serious manner, why do the lobbies take so long? The survivors I face are better than the survivors I'm teamed with in solo queue. As a solo survivor, I'd rather have a quality match than five second queues. Fortnite has however times more players than DBD, but solo DBD wait times are faster even though Fortnite lobbies are extremely fast, and always have been.
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its because fortnite has so many players that it goes fast
since the more players they have the more people that mm
and seeing as how bhvr doesnt fix their game everyone is leaving meaning that que times will be longer since they need to find players based on what mm is
if its sbmm and they need to find people at ur skill lvl but theres only 10.000 players than its gonna be extremely long
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Survivor queues are now instant, killer queues during the day are like 5 mins long. Funnily enough, for the past 8 months it was the opposite
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I know the way the game is going; it's not funny though. Solos get decimated (more like eight of ten than one out of ten), but the queues are instant. I get some daily ritual for a killer I don't play after not touching the game for two weeks, and the queues take five minutes.
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There is a discrepancy between killer players and survivor players. Not enough survivors during the day, Murican time. I suggest playing at night if the queues are a deal breaker.
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Like the others said. SBMM.
Also, right now there is more people playing killer than survivor. Which means not enough survivors for killers. It was the opposite for so long. I actually prefer it this way because if I play with friends our games are instant but if I play killer by myself I can just watch stuff on my phone while I wait for a game as killer.
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Yeah, killer queues are pretty snappy after midnight. Of course they teams you'll face will be a mixed bag, to say the least.
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I got blessed with "Interaction" at 2am and got a full blown No Mither group all with 4 green boxes loaded to the gills.
I sure have madethe right choice to use nothing but Mad Grot and Lightborn the past week xD
I gotta say that I'm not used to the fast survivor times at night though. It usedto be 10 minutes in between each match, Icould smoke, pee and grab a soda but now I actually have to sit in Q
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But beware that's when the boogeyman swf are out... O_O