do people dislike mad grit demo?

Today I went against a streamer and I just felt like goofing around 2 hooking everyone and letting them leave. I put on mad grit since it’s pretty funny on demo. When I watched the VOD of my match with the streamer I saw that he reported me after the match was over and blocked me on steam. He said it was because I was too loud. Like I understand if it was too loud but I think a report and a block is a bit far. Should I be more mindful of the survivors next time I do mad grit demo?
That is a little petty but isn’t being petty a DBD community tradition?
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Hell no, Mad Grit Demo is funny as hell. You did nothing illegal, carry on!
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You want something that'll actually ruin your/your opponents ears?
I've dubbed this build Tinnitus Wraith:
Wraith with Bone Clapper and The Blink - White addon (reduces cloaking time by 60%)
I don't recommend it but it's way worse than mad grit demo.
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Despite all the complaints about strong perks there's a decent amount of players who don't appreciate losing to weird off-meta stuff either.
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The funny thing is blocking on steam doesn't make them unable to be matched with you again on DBD
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- I question anyone who can hate Demodog for any reason
- Mad Grit Demo is freaking hilarious. That streamer is a putz.
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It doesn't even work on consoles either
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RIP Iri Button Legion :( even if you were on opposite ends of Great Britain, you could never escape a Legion who just spams Frenzy and cancel.
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Thank you. I was getting bored doing challenges. Now I’ll do this while hiding in the basement.
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Something about Dead By Daylight attracts people that get butthurt over everything.
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I remember the first time I saw a demo do that, I looked to the side and into an imaginary camera with a huh face
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thats diabolical
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Sometimes when I was bored I'd play Wraith and if there was a streamer in the lobby, I'd put blink addons on and whenever I was chasing them I'd just aggressively bing bong just to see their reaction. Cloaking doesn't slow wraith down much
It was very amusing
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That feeling when you got your second kill at 3 gens, but you are running four end game perks.
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One day when I got a Wraith daily ritual, just for the lulz of it I once equipped the meme add-on, which I actually had never tried before, ie the one that lets you generate a terror radius while being cloaked, and holy guacomole, did it mess with the survivors perception and made them run around like headless chickens. It won't do jack against good, experienced survivors, but a lot of the chaff won't know how to react as this isn't what they got used to.
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that addon is a lot of fun with Distressing, honestly. If you are decent at securing hits with Wraith, he's arguably the best Coulrophobia user right now, at least until Wesker arrives.
Survivors either go the complete opposite side of the map of you to heal, or just stay injured. Being injured against a Wraith you cant really make a single mistake, and if you heal across the map, I can choose to Windstorm my way over there and use Coulrophobia to interrupt the last 20%
I've had a ton of fun times on Midwich and even Pallet Town
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it can be pretty fun. Also I once got invisi-camped by a wraith running it who had clearly just thrown on a couple of browns without looking at what they do