Usually I play survivor, tonight I played killer

Ok so I switched from ps4 to pc and have only played survivor so far while getting used to using keyboard and mouse. Now I’m comfortable and decided to play killer. Gotta play ye old trapper to warm up on a new system.
is it just because my MMR as killer is low on pc? It stopped being fun to win over and over. I’m on the forums literally because I got bored. The last win was a 4K in the basement on Lery’s with all survivors on the hook at the same time. Does anyone else get bored? On ps4 I would get sweaty as all heck swf’s with clicky flashlights and usually would 1 or 2k. I also switched to pc before the big perk overhaul and killer buff. So this was my first evening really playing killer with the new update
hordes of killer mains are coming to this post. Good luck!
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If you just switched, then you are mostly facing baby survivors. Don’t worry though, keep on 4k’ing and you’ll eventually reach the sweats you remember.
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By all means, I just want to hear it’s going to get more challenging eventually haha
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call me biased but, i have played hours and hours of huntress, and its almost every single time a 4k after all these hours. idk
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nah it never gets better matchmaking is fully random I still get beginners constantly with 1000+hours played on steam, most games are easy 3-4k because solo Q and once in a while you get 4 man squad and get gen rushed in 5 min
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yup. killer on a fresh account is a cakewalk. it takes a while before you start playing against good survivors.
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When you're playing a killer for the first time, you're generally put against players extremely low on mmr. Even swapping swapping to a different killer tends to put you into low mmr. You're having the benefit of having a load of survivor experience and how they act giving you a natural edge over the survivor team. Keep 4king and you'll start getting put into bully squads in no time.
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It’s weird when you actually miss playing a killer match and finishing the match with your heart racing HAHA. I’ll take a few sprinkles of bully squads at this point
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The game is without a sliver of doubt broken in favor of killer. It is so easy I get bored after only 2 matches. Survivors have absolutely nothing to defend against the killer. No need to even worry about dead hard either, just mindlessly swing and win.
It's almost as if the game has taken a huge fall backwards.
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You are facing total noobs who I could beat using only left click and no powers
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you took off your training weights by ascending to PC alongside having a fresh MMR. I suggest you keep playing, you'll eventually settle in.
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Really MMR doesn't seem to do anything - you might have baby survivors one match, a full on SWF the next.
Majority of survivors though are pretty easy kills now.
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No one who makes a post like this is actually being honest, more than likely you play survivor all the time and die all the time so you come here to make silly posts like this in some kind of weird attempt to get bhvr to nerf killer. If you think killer is op just say it, dont make some bs story about how you never play killer but you go right into god mode the first time you pick it up because that is simply a lie. Have a nice day though.
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Always happens when someone say killer is easy. So many killers think they’re semi gods, and they feel attacked
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My account isn't fresh and I 4k a lot too, and I'm not a god or anything. The game rewards you for playing dirty when you start losing, which it really shouldn't. It ends up being pretty boring to the point that Solo Q feels more fun to me (and saves you time you would've wasted deleting -reps for playing like a scumbag), despite Solo Q being the most tilting and weakest role by far.
When going against a SWF a 4k isn't as likely but pulling out the dirty card still guarantees atleast one kill, and probably some steam notifications or endgame chat salt.
There was also an experiment made by a CC where at high MMR they afk'd for 30s at the start, used no perks or addons, played 50 matches or so of every killer and still won most of the games just by playing like a total sewer pipe. That says quite a bit in my opinion.
So yeah despite what some might say you're going to 4k more often than not when playing killer. Right now the game isn't very favourable to survivors just like it wasn't very friendly to the killer back in the old days of old DS and double shack windows (just to put a tame example to keep our sanity). I guess we'll see how it plays out in the next update with the survivor buffs.
Also as a side note let me thank you for actually playing both roles I feel like a lot of people don't do that. 😅
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I get bored as well, playing killer. Especially after winning 5 games in a row. I don’t know how people can enjoy playing Nurse for hours on end stomping players. I don’t find it fun. I prefer to be chased. It’s just the MM in this game pairing me up with inexperienced/bad players that make solo que tough to enjoy more than ever before.
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Except its not bs... I main survivor and play killer very rarely. Ive won so many matches its not even worth keeping track and after my MMR gets high I run into one SWF squad and then its back to 4k every game. Start a new account and give it a try yourself. When most of the games you play are against soloq you win every time. So all I can say is that its not lies and you should try a new account before accusing someone else of lying and making yourself look foolish.
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I believe them when they say it's easy to kill new players at low MMR
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The game is without a sliver of doubt broken in favor of survivors. It is so easy I get bored after only 2 matches. killers have absolutely nothing to defend against the survivors. No need to even worry about slowdown perks (since they were nerfed so much that now they are essencially worthless) either, just mindlessly hold m1 and win.
It's almost as if the game has taken a huge fall backwards.
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Haha, yes. This true fact is just hilarious. Cracks me up every time. Life is a comedy, after all.
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Pfffff, I 4k-ed almost all games even 2-3 years ago with Wraith, even before his was buffed, I made a post with all endgame screenshots on Steam forums back then. At least until I got to rank 5, then it became harder, my killrate dropped to about 60%, I just switched to Spirit and continued slaughtering survivors up to the highest rank and I'm really terrible at playing killer.
I can't even imaging how easy it is to win as killer now, I don't even want to try, because the balance of this game is so broken now. Only potato killers who can't even swing properly are still coming to complain to this forum.
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It's the low MMR you're at. At least you question it. Most survivors just say "I switched to killer and got 4ks ez" and call it a day.
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You're either at low MMR or you're using a few META stuff in your loadout. For example, I do strongly doubt that I'd have a hard time getting 4k with Rin's Dried Cherry Blossom, Mother-Daughter Ring, Call of Brine, Overcharge, Pop Goes The Weasel, and Save The Best For Last.
It also depends on when do you play as a killer, you know? Do play during the day, and you're gonna face Solo Queue 24/7; Those are easy matches, a literal slaughter. Do play during late evenings, and all you're gonna face are SWF premades of three or more players with VOIP 24/7, who're treating each match like as if they were playing a Tournament or something.
Do play without add-ons, gen. regression perks, in high MMR.. And you're gonna think otherwise, because what you're sharing here is a straight-up nonsense or experiences from low MMR.
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What? If you search me on DBD, you’ll find two accounts named Ladyinadress18. One is a ps4 account, and one is a steam account. Not Lies. This is a simple name search and you’ll see two ladyinadress18 accounts on DBD when you “search for a friend”
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Thank you! It’s a simple name search in DBD to “add a friend” and two Ladyinadress18 accounts will pop up. You can also view my profile in Steam and see that it has low hours. I’m not lying. I’ve been playing since 2018
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I don’t have any of the meta perks unlocked. I’ve only been bringing sloppy butcher and unnerving presence. I’m dumping all my bp into grinding survivors bloodwebs so nothing is going to my killers