What is it with killers tunneling survivors with No Mither?

Like I get that I'm broken for the whole match and basically an easy target, but please stop. I just want to get this tome challenge done already ;-;
You just need to find a Giga Chad who respects No Mither. A Wraith gave me a free escape because he saw my heart and determination. I too give No Mither survivors a free escape, and lots of value. I will slug the ever living stuffing out of them, so they get to pick themselves up a lot. Anyone who wears No Mither is a king or queen.
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I generally give No Mithers at least one chance to pick themselves up.
If they appear to be perkless aside from No Mither for the challenge I'll let them go.
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I always slug the no mither user
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We all know the answer to this question, and it isn't that no mither makes it harder.
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well being broken kinda paints a big target mark on your back. I can't resist it either....
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A lot of killers will take this opportuinty for an easy kill, since anyone with no mither is now 1 shot they'll just go for you and get you out of the game quickly unfortunately. You just gotta keep trying and hope either the killer takes pitty on you or you get lucky with a bad killer.
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Unfortunately the majority of the killer base see it as an easy down and tunnel.
Personally I would like to escape on merit over just the honorable intentions of a killer, as that honor is rare to come across in this game.
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When playing killer I'll usually double hook someone with No Mither then let them go. That tome entry is terrible, and no one else would run the perk willingly.
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Because no mither users will always gen rush the hardest so I take you out early so that does not happen and you are easy target. Killers job also is to stop you from doing your tomes if they involve escaping.
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It's an easy win. I personally won't, but running no mither is basically wearing a sign saying "PLEASE TUNNEL ME"
Object of obsession too, bonus points if you run them together.
As for that challenge I'd recommend either SWF or skip
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What is it with Marksmen promptly hitting big targets that stand still instead of small moving ones? Same logic, easy target, easy pressure, easy kill, ignoring this is just stupidity, and people need to stop counting on killers being stupid for "fair play". There is a reason it is a Master Challenge category in the tome.
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They have 1 less health state and you can't slug them. They are simply generally the easiest target to go after.
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you literally just answered your own question.