Since last rank reset I have been stuck in MMR limbo

Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,695
edited August 2022 in General Discussions

I have been getting a lot of inexperienced teammates and even killers. A lot of people running only 1, 2 or 3 perks in yellow and green, like a Claudette with Self-Care and Deja Vu. Because of that I have been getting rough games, teammates being downed too fast or doing no objectives, or killers who don't know how to mind game or use the powers efficiently and it makes me feel bad for them. Sometimes I check their Steam profile and I see there "20 hours" in the game, whilst I have 1600+.

So, I died a lot. A lot of times I am the last survivor and end up dying too, and I think this is the reason my mmr is going down, maybe? I can count in 1 hand how many times I lost a level pip since the last rank reset. This is the fastest I ever got to rank iri 1, and just take a look at this result screen. You can see this is my last game before reaching rank 1

Some people here already mentioned that longer queue times just put people together regardless of their mmr, but this has been consistent since the rank reset, as far as I remember.

Anyways, if the devs know what is going on, it's fine. If not, I think it's important to speak up.


  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,758

    You've been getting this in all of your games for over two weeks?

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,695
  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,138
    edited August 2022

    Hasn't happened to me all the time thankfully, but same kind of endgame screenshot :

    4rth game as Wraith ever (usually play Legion but I'm trying to learn him), I get in the same lobby :

    • 1 guy that switches to purple flashlight last second, with Haddonfield offering and Head On build, who knows all the house loops perfectly and does smart FOV techs
    • 1 medium player
    • 2 beginners who don't even have level 2 perks...

    With my overall experience as killer (which means not that much), I should have had 4 medium players, not one god and two newbies.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,695
  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,138

    Each killer has their own mmr, but it is somewhat balanced by your mmr on other killers. If you're a god on Nurse for example, if you start out a new killer you'll have a low-ish mmr but they won't put you in front of people who just installed the game because the game knows you have some experience as killer

    In my case, I was brand new on Wraith, so I should not have been put in front of that Jake (let alone a team of survivors like him), but since I have some experience on other killers, I should not have had beginners like Meg and Claudette either.

    At least I think it works that way !

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714

    What’s probably happening is you have, say, a 1600 MMR, the other 3 survivors are 800 MMR, and the game is picking a killer who is around the average of those at 1000 MMR. That’s why the three survivors have no perks at all and the killer has four perks but they’re not all level 3, and why the killer stomps the other survivors.