How can I have fun?

No matter which side I play, either it be SoloQ Survivor or Killer, it is complete agony to play. 1 out of 15 games I am able to escape as survivor, and each Killer game I feel like I am biting the curb and getting my head stomped in regardless if I 4k or not.

Can we chill out about talking about "balance" and #########, the biggest problems that I have seen and experienced is how the game isn't fun. One reason why is because of the SBMM. It's mindblowing how the Devs have gotten their feedback on their little "SBMM experiment" and when they basically turned it off, the players had FUN, and they didn't keep it in. I dont think most players care if they win or lose if they have FUN. And that's what BHVR fails to realize is that no matter how they balance, no matter how many characters that license and add into the game, is that if they don't fix the MMR problem is that they are not going to be getting player retention, bc people aren't having fun.

I remember the first time I played, I chose survivor, and the first killer I got paired with a was a 2k hour Huntress who tunneled me out of the game. I stopped playing survivor completely after that FIRST game.

Now, I'm a killer main of I would guess would be 500 hours (600 hours overall game time), and I keep getting paired up with people with up to 5 times the play time. I had a whole SWF with 14,000 in one match and it felt like I was a baby seal being clubbed to death.

I love this game, sometimes I have fun playing. But I am so tired of playing up against people that can easily destroy me in these games. It's constant, and I took a 20 day break from the game only to be welcomed back with insanely skilled survivor SWFs within HOURS of playing.

No matter what side of the stick I end up playing either it be Survivor or Killer, my time playing the game is essentially is just being destroyed by people with more experience in the game than I have, and it's getting to the point that I don't even know if I wanna play the game as I would.

TL;DR My head has been curbstomped to ground beef from the SBMM which makes the game incredibly unfun.


  • Mazoobi
    Mazoobi Member Posts: 1,579

    That's the neat part, you don't.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    If you're not having fun why not play like the millions of other games that exist

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,745

    Just take one killer and let almost everyone esacpe for some time.

    After your MMR is like 0 you can play as chilled as you want.

    Do challenges, get lots of BP, and so on.

    Just let a lot esacpe. On your other killer you can still play against strong teams as the MMR seems to be different for real . even if i thought it was not.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    Stop playing... I know that it can be hard to stop something

    But in the end it's more helpful then complaining about it and still playing it

    Set a time to take breaks... then do it

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    So the killer queue time is so long right now, that MMR is kind of just being throw out the window. One game you can sit in queue for 10 minutes and get baby survivors. And the next you can sit in queue for 15 minutes and get a 4 man competitive team. There just isn't enough survivors to go around right now. The same thing is happening to survivors, you could get the baby billy, or the start struck nurse. It's just the luck of the draw.

    Hopefully we see some changes pretty soon to address the problems with soloQ and get people to queue up as survivor again.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Apparently custom game bots are coming. You can play to your hearts content and not worry about losing when they come out.

    Otherwise… well mmr can be a crap shoot but the game is very playable and winnable.

    You just have to get better, watch some vids. Learn some tricks. Remember when you get tilted you make big mistakes it’s possible to beat even players with 1000’s of more hours than you if you keep your head together.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    In my experience the weekends are the worst. I always seem to encounter way more sweaty SWFs and sweaty killers on the weekends.

  • GiveMeTheBox
    GiveMeTheBox Member Posts: 331

    Play something else

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Games are meant to be fun, if you are not having fun, it is time to move on. I understand how difficult it truly is. I played Overwatch for 5 years, it was my favorite multi-player game and I loved it. It took literal years upon years of no content and terrible developer decisions with an awful toxic community for me to finally just say, "screw it."

    Do not make the same mistake. I know it is generic advice. But it is seriously in your best interest to find something you enjoy.

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,265

    I had a similar experience to yours when i first started playing, but I picked Killer and - it was awful.

    I suggest playing as a survivor because it's easier and not as stressful as you gain experience.

    Test new builds, change your playstyle and play for the fun of it.

    I'm having a blast with random perk builds or a challenge to complete. I'm not focusing on winning but on the goal to survive. Same when i play as Killer, I play for hooks and at the same time learning to get better.

    If you're not having fun, no matter what you're doing - you probably need to take a break or the game just isn't good for you.

  • GamerEzra
    GamerEzra Member Posts: 941

    The game is way less fun imo after the ''balancing'' update. Soloq is terrible and swf's are even more OP.

  • CryptoMiner
    CryptoMiner Member Posts: 49

    BHVR will just continue to micro-manage this game into the ground. I think a lot of people will be celebrating when it happens as to see BHVR Reap what they continue to sew.