Overcharge spamming is the laziest and most boring slowdown I can think of

Kick the freaking gen. It regresses at a slooooow rate for a while. Leave it. Survivor interacts with it. Either:

1- misses skill check, get some value, go back there, harass the survivors to go away and apply it again. Restart the cycle. Do this at the last 3gens with solo survivors and you either stall the game till they win/give up or repeat over and over while slowly taking down the remaining survivors through the cycle.

2- sucessful skill check, good for you/them. Check the gen, no sparks? Well let me kick it again. Harass the survivors from touching it before the regression builds up or till they touch it either blowing up or getting the skill check, whichever it is, doesn't matter, just apply it yet again. Keep doing it for hell yeah why not?

No but really, this against squads and/or while the 4 survivors are alive (especially at early game) might not be the strongest slowdown available (hence Pain Res, DMS, Corrupt, even Deadlock), but still can be annoying. Now, once there are less gens and/or survivors remaining, this is just the most repetitive playstyle I can think of.

I don't mean to be telling people how they should play or what they should or shouldn't run, mind you, do whatever you like with what you have, but seriously, considering all the times we saw things being toned down or upgraded, it feels ridiculous to see how this perk has only good sides with decent if not great rewards (you know, often you may get 5% out of a gen just by kicking a gen as many times as you'd like + the regression that might build up) for the cheapest investment in the market. See Eruption, Jolt, even Pain Res, these 3 are decent on their own and the requirement is something that requires actual effort (downing after marking the gens, downing the survivor in the area of the gens that you'll regress, hooking on a specific hook), and I won't dare to call Ruin a lazy perk because not only it is a cleansable hex, but it also got demolished with nerfs which were most cruel imo.

Back to the topic, killers do deserve getting things that provide actual value and are reliable, but honestly there's a difference in "regress all the gens you kicked earlier by x% when you get the next down. You can do it again but have to take the steps" and "kick the gen, then kick the gen, then kick the gen, then kick the gen' you get the idea (I hope).


  • D2night
    D2night Member Posts: 224

    Yup this is what I tried explaining to people when the perk was first buffed. It’s way to easy to just kick a gen and pretend to go away and then come back and kick it again repeatedly for some crazy value. I had a game where it was me and a Claudette last alive with only 1 gen left to do and the gens were on opposite sides of the map. It was against a billy and if he didn’t have overcharge the game wouldn’t have lasted an extra 20 minutes longer than it should have. I would go on the gen for a little until I heard him start revving to come back then I would get off and hide. And Claudette was on the other gen across the map doing the exact same thing and sometimes he would look around the area for a little but most of the time he would kick the gen then immediately go back and kick the other one. It was extremely annoying trying to get a gen done because whenever I made any progress he would push me off and I would have to go face the overcharge skillcheck when I got back on it. Half of the time I missed it and had to redo all of my progress that I had made and even when I did hit it, it wasn’t that much more beneficial. This went on for like 15 to 20 minutes before I was actually able to make some good progress on it but he ended up coming over when I was at 60-75% and he kicked it and just sat there for like 20-30 seconds waiting for it to regress a lot. He ended up finding the Claudette and killing her

  • My_Aespa
    My_Aespa Member Posts: 545
    edited August 2022

    I think people dislike it because it's effective. Especially destroying survivors if they aren't good at those sudden skill checks. The key is to always expect them and have your hand on the space bar and be paying close attention. Practicing achieving great skill checks is super helpful in this game. In the end though, perks to assist in chases or locate survivors are much better than gen perks imo. They can only go so far to be helpful.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    This is why we use Call Of Brine or possibly Eruption with it to make Overcharge suddenly substantially more decent, especially if they can't hit checks (or you use Lullaby but who does that)

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    That is impossibly bad advice, my controller doesnt have a spacebar.

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524
    edited August 2022

    but I love doing it with Doc OC, Unnerving Presence, and their madness high enough. It's.... Madness! lol They WILL miss those skillchecks.

  • HarlockTaliesin
    HarlockTaliesin Member Posts: 763

    Overcharge + Call of Brine + Oppression + Brutal Strength. Gen kicker's dream.

    Can swap out Brutal Strength for Dragon's Grip if you want to get spicy.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,383

    If a killer is repeatedly kicking the same gen over and over, then the rest of the team should be able to get other gens done.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Really the increase to kicking was BHVRs answer to the complaints that Survivors just tap a Gen mid chase to stop it or survivors that tap a Gen while the Killer is looking around the area multiple times.

    Yea its not much but I had a match where I had to kick the same Gen about 20 times because the Survivors got cheeky and kept tapping the Gen mid chase.

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524

    Overcharge + Call of Brine + Eruption for some freedom to chase them around and down them

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    True. There's also something behind when a player says something is "boring" or "lazy", in that what they at least partially mean is that thing is difficult for them to deal with. But there is pride at stake, and also a small degree of shame (which is not warranted) that they struggle with something others might not.

    It's okay to struggle at times, so long as it targets them to improve that aspect.

  • remoirel
    remoirel Member Posts: 231

    people who run overcharge call of brine eruption and sit at a 3 gen for the entire game deserve a slap me thinks

  • My_Aespa
    My_Aespa Member Posts: 545

    I've played this game since 2017-ish and I still struggle with looping and great skill checks. I'm getting better but I still lose chases 80% of the time and I get a great skill check 1/4 times maybe, and I still have fun with the game. Overcharge still gets me almost every time but I think it makes the round more interesting instead of just worrying about holding M1.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    The funny thing is the perk is actually worse than having no perk at all if the survivors can consistently hit the skill check and stop the regression before 12 seconds elapse. If you’re against survivors who can do both those things then you’re literally better off having nothing in that slot. Even if you also run Call of Brine, for example, your regression is actually faster for those first 12 seconds if you don’t run Overcharge with it.

    So it’s not even obvious the current version of the perk is really much better than the version before the reworks where you just got normal regression the whole time after a kick plus the skill check. And yet very few people complained about that old version of the perk but now all of a sudden Overcharge is getting complaints. I don’t get it. 🤷‍♂️

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Nerfing regression has already happened... with the Gens taking 90 seconds to complete it'll take 2 and a half minutes to 5 minutes and 47 seconds to undo all of that progression

    Base Gen regression it bad enough... which is why so many Killer are running 2 or more Gen regression perks

    I'm fine with reverting the Gen back to 80 seconds... increasing the base Gen regression and changing the regression perks

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    True this playstyle is the worst, camping 3 gen with call of brine-overcharge-eruption, I tried that build a few times it's really awful I had more fun playing insidious bubba

    I rarely kick gens so I run passive perks like corrupt-deadlock-jolt and it works wonder without me doing anything, I'd rather win or lose quickly than camping a 3 gen in a 30 min game

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    Exactly, and in the end it's a game, so if there are areas where people aren't as good, it's okay; nothing to feel inferior or shameful about. Like I'm pretty skilled at losing killers through confusion and unpredictability, but even now my ability to judge distances is terrible, and my "fast vaults" aren't always helpful. But that's for me to learn to improve on.

  • vanGlasse1
    vanGlasse1 Member Posts: 295

    I had way too many cases thatwere EXACTLY like this as well, it's insane how long this can drag a match. Most recently had the same setup, just me and another random survivor against a Blight and we both kept each at a gen doing small seconds of progress just for this cycle to continue. After almost 20mins (no joke) the Blight finaly gave chase to the other survivor and luckily I had a bunch of progress in my gen and he/she bought me the time to finish it, but still, that lasted way too long with just the same cycle of him kicking the gen, refusing to chase then going around and repeating it 💀

  • vanGlasse1
    vanGlasse1 Member Posts: 295

    no joke. I mean, it is a functional strat and also gets value, but so does PR, DMS, Deadlock, etc, but none is as boring and dragging (and sincerely "easy") as the current Overcharge builds

  • vanGlasse1
    vanGlasse1 Member Posts: 295

    I 100% agree that you're right about all the counterplay in facts, still in most actual scenarios at a match things play out diferently because of many variables and stuff tbf. None that debunk anything you said, but when it is happening at a match you can't help but notice how frustrating it can get.

    I also see it as too much benefits for too little effort honestly.

    I agree with the passive regression being crap except when it is build up, but the killer can still get this to work at his favor.

    There's also the skill check which on its own is counterable and honestly not unfair at all, tho it might be extremely annoying to have to deal with every time over and over.

    In any case, the skill check is fine if you think it is the same as if someone missed a skill check, but considering it is a guaranteed skill check that can be forced again and again it gets a bit problematic. Pros: you KNOW there will be a skill check, thus you have an "advantage". Cons: teammates and even yourself might miss it still cause yeah in normal skill checks not everyone hits only great skill checks all the time so the lack of the "good skill check safe zone" has its impact somewhat (not saying the OC should have a safe zone tho).

    In summary, I see it with the same reason they had to "nerf" Pain Res: too much value in many aspects, plus the factor that it is simpler to apply than PR for example.

    If I were to suggest a change as you fairly pointed, I think if you could only have OC applied at one gen at a time like Dragon's Grip (but without the cooldown) for example would do already, so the Killer would be less rewarded for simply being sloppy and kicking all the gens around and having to consider a bit more which to keep marked. You could also time the skill check kinda like Blast Mine pre nerf, to only be around until the regression hits full effect maybe, tho I don't see this as a worthy change at all. As it is, the perk gives passive and active slowdown, info, and can stall things very effectively in some scenarios, so I think it could be worth taking a better look at it in a way that it is not destroyed (we don't need to take away everything that works from killers as well) but also more leveled with other perks in conditions and effects.

  • vanGlasse1
    vanGlasse1 Member Posts: 295

    indeed! Though it still can lead to very boring matches once the killer resorts to only OC and denies chases and other things that progress the match :/

  • vanGlasse1
    vanGlasse1 Member Posts: 295

    found the guy who knows Candice

    (jk mate suit yourself)

  • vanGlasse1
    vanGlasse1 Member Posts: 295

    not going to lie, I miss going against people that run these niche builds like Impossible skill checks, it does have its place in the game, tho they seem to go rarer by each update

  • My_Aespa
    My_Aespa Member Posts: 545

    True, if the killer only chases you away from it and keeps kicking (especially if it's a 3-gen situation) that can get very boring...

  • vanGlasse1
    vanGlasse1 Member Posts: 295

    god I used to enjoy running a Wraith build like this even before the perks rework, now it only got nastier with some touches


  • vanGlasse1
    vanGlasse1 Member Posts: 295

    you have a point. If I'm being honest, I didn't really put it in these words for this particular reason, but I have been indeed annoyed by seeing the same strat in so many matches lately (not saying it is the same for everyone, but I have been getting a streak of this kind of builds too much that it gets frustrating regardless of the outcome honestly)

  • vanGlasse1
    vanGlasse1 Member Posts: 295

    I guess it being talked about now rather than before might be due to its "overuse" (if such a thing exists), which again gets annoying just like versing the same killer over and over; you eventualy come to notice aspects that are not very fine or don't really make much sense when you consider other things

  • vanGlasse1
    vanGlasse1 Member Posts: 295

    that's a thing I love about this game, you can't really take anything for granted/ mastered. There's always more stuff to get better at and things to learn on both sides!

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    Exactly! And an important thing to remember is that everyone struggles at something, and despite all the flexing there really is no reason to feel bad about something that you find tricky currently.

    For example, currently I'm having issues with the new RPD maps and judging distances as to when to take a vault and not get hit. Others may find this easy, and yes it is annoying, but everyone has their own weaknesses and it's up to them whether they want to improve or not.

    Glad you're seeing it in this light, and yes I do agree seeing the same perks over and over again can become monumentally annoying :D

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    In theory, this perk really shouldn't be that problematic.

    In practice...

    Killers somehow find a way to kick my gen 6 times, never catch me, leave the area to down one of my teammates in record time, procc Eruption AND procc Pain Res on MY generator, even though they've done nothing but proxy camp my gen the entire game.

    I want to complain about this perk, but at the same time... what is my team doing?

    Y'all make killer look so easy, so I finally hop on killer and it's BING! BING! BING! *hook the 3rd survivor* BING! BING! Like, do I really need to run gen regression to not fall back on proxy camping?