Since onryō isn't being killswitched for her facecamping bug, is this now reportable/bannable?

I saw a discussion recently where Mandy explained what was and wasn't a banable offense in regards to holding a match hostage. In that discussion she mentioned that exploiting bugs now typically don't lead to players getting banned because BHVR can now killswitch them.
Well...this killer has been reported multiple times for this bug exploit, which makes it impossible for survivors rescue and play the match normally.
Since this killer isn't being killswitched, and the player doing it is intentionally exploiting the game to get a free kill, can this be reported through a ticket with video evidence and will that player recieve a temporary ban?
I think these grey areas are becoming more and more unclear when the killswitch isn't being used dispite the killer being bugged for players to exploit.
It's not intentionally griefing nor holding the game hostage so I do not believe it's bannable, back in the day survivors could do this exact same thing and the killer would be 100% unable to hit the one performing the bug until the guy was sacrificed and this was never bannable. It will be patched just chill until then.
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Except, there was counterplay to that. Not good counterplay, but they could just keep trying to hit them until they unhooked.
With Sadako's bug, there is literally nothing you can do.
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killing a survivor is the opposite of holding the game hostage. sucks that there's a bug, but the devs haven't deemed it bad enough to killswitch, which likely means it isn't bannable either. since they can literally ban the character and haven't, you know?
wanting something different won't make it real.
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It's using an unintended exploit - it should be bannable if BHVR isn't going to at least take direct action right now.
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That doesn't matter, there is "literally" nothing you can do vs a face camping bubba too. Fact is that it is NOT holding the game hostage and it is NOT intentionally griefing someone therefore it's most likely not bannable. I didn't say it was fun I didn't say it was okay I just said it most likely doesn't break the rules. Chill dude.
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except this very logic, and complaining about something, is what got perks like DS, DH, and CoH/Self-care nerfed into oblivion, instead of people ACTUALLY using their brains as killers, making mental notes of who has what for future chases, or oh i dunno, running exhaustion or slow healing builds (which most of the time also slows gens) but we cant have people learning to play the game, we just want people holding W right?
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The thing is you have to have proof they intentionally knew how to do the bug/exploit and used it vs some random player doing it unintentionally.
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changing the balance of perks and fixing a bug are on such seperate scales of existence that i just do not know how to begin explaining the sheer gulf between the two concepts.
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Clown got killswitched for having Haste.
She needs to get killswitched.
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Like I swear, all those Pigs two patches ago were just chilling out in front of their boxes by pure coincident after a Youtuber made a meme video about this tactic. So if any number of Sadakos are doing this now, its just bad luck and a dumb coincident. Sad times :V
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Who knows with their arbitration. I am not going to lie, I wouldn't be afraid to do it myself. But I am not going to because I prefer the interaction you get from face camping. I sort of enjoy going for grabs even if the validation never works. And I also like to hit them on hook too. So this bug is really not my speed.
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Has a licensed Killer ever been killswitched? Maybe it can't be done because the license doesn't allow it.
The situation seems very similar to the Clown one where it does not make the game unplayable, just gives an advantage. It makes no sense not to use the killswitch.
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if she "needs" to get killswitched then she would have been.
your opinion is different to the devs' opinions. maybe they'll change their minds, maybe not. until then, she doesn't "need" to be anything. you just would like her to be, which is a different thing.
if anything the only thing that "needs" to happen is that you need to stop speaking authoritatively towards me just because i disagree with you. in the same manner, please do not authoritatively demand that she be killswitched. you are asking for this to happen because you think it is the right decision, but that's all you can do - ask. i'm sure the devs don't appreciate being constantly yelled at given they run a pvp game and therefore everything they do steps on somebody's toes, and this isn't even a decision they've made, it's a bug that's cropped up super late into the patch. i am sure they don't need the stress and the mods don't need us treating each other poorly over differences in opinion. let me go.
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Isn’t the first time this happened (Huntress could pull it off for a bit) but i’d say idk as its technically using an exploit that prevents a survivor from being unhooked at all (Bubba you can still unhook a survivor, its just very unwise if he is sniffing a survivor)(old old unhooks only had one direction you could unhook from iirc so face camping with that was sort of an oversight) this also leads to me wondering why a fail safe for this kinda stuff doesn’t exist
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Anyone going to explain what the bug is? Ideally without also saying how to do it.
Just "Sadako has a bug so killswitch her" doesn't seem good enough.
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I stumbled upon the Sadoko glitch last week before I knew about it existing. I would of been mad if I got banned
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She can do a thing that causes the onesurvivor on the hook to be unable to be unhooked.
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You're not real are you? 😭
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Could be. Haven't considered that.
Licensed maps can be killswitched tho
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probably is bannable, since it's exploiting.
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Normally using a known exploit deliberately and being reported with proof, yes it can be bannable offense
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Just FYI "holding a game hostage" isn't the only criteria for being bannable. Intentionally using a bug to gain an advantage is alone enough to get a ban.
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absolutely. as long as it's intentional, and people on those videos were intentionally doing it, so it's an offense which can be reported and possibly will be addressed.
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I don't think they're going to make it a reportable/bannable.
For example:
Look at when breakdown was bugged. It allowed hooks to no longer respawn. So it's usage went up, but they didn't make it reportable/bannable.
We will just have to wait.
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Clown wasn't a licensed killer, so people wouldn't have generated such great an income for being able to abuse the bug. Onryo on the other hand is probably skyrocketing in sales as we speak.
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i remember when breakdown permanently broke hooks and i had to deal with 3 survivors running it per lobby and there were no bans.
i don't think this level of bug abuse is ever going to face punitive measures. i just think the devs see it as a temporary issue that they'll fix and everyone will get over it. because we will, tbh. just like we got over breakdown.
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I never understand people like you. It’s behaviors fault for it being in the game and shouldn’t be bannable
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In my opinion, people should keep doing this until BHVR does something
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yeah but in those case how you will prove that they know about it, plus using a perk isn't an exploit at all even if they know about it. They didn't make that perk. And you are allowed to use anything the game provides. You can't be banned for a faulty perk. But there were for example situations where there were map bugs and survivors couldn't be hit or reached, and may were just trolling those spots and pretty much knowingly using the exploit to take the game hostage for unlimited time. So those were bannable offenses. And people were actually banned for that. It's a behavior involving an exploit, not a faulty perk.
I remember once also teh basement hooks were bugged, the survivors ended up below the map, but as a killer you weren't able to see it happening. That was another case where you couldn't report it, because you can't prove the killer knows about the bug.
In this case the person knows very well how the exploit works and he's actively using it, which can be reported with a video proof according to the rules
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Hopefully it's bannable if they aren't going to killswitch such a broken issue
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Exploits aren't and shouldn't be a bannable offense. It's all devs' fault.
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We have Reassurance tomorrow to fix thi... Oh yeah.
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And yet they killswitched Clown for having a bug that allowed him to see survivors auras at all times, and go zoom-zoom permanently. I see zero reason Sadako should not be held to the same standard.
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My brother in Christ it is literally listed as a bannable offense
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I duobt anyone will get banned of using this as same hackers keep hacking dbd again and again and posting videos on yt.
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On the flip side I think people were banned a while back for exploiting a bug with Legion, I don’t remember the details though.
Nowadays though with the killswitch system I think they simply killswitch anything which is problematic enough that exploiting it would result in a ban. I don’t know the details on this Sadako thing well enough but if it makes it literally impossible to rescue people against her then they might killswitch her until it’s fixed, but who knows? 🤷♂️
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I never said anything about kill switching or deserving or anything other than talking about if it can get you banned. You should read what I said instead of just assuming I'm some idiot killer main justifying something very obviously not intended. I for one think it absolutely should be killswitched, I just said it likely won't get you banned for doing it.
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It was infinite mend bug
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Survivors got banned for abusing the Breakdown exploit, so I'm pretty sure they are reportable.
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probably it is. Report it, if you see it and send a clip.
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People saying that this is the same as a facecamping bubba... #########...
A facecamping bubba is there and will wait for you to try and save because you still CAN... CAN = ability
Sadako blocks you and removes the ability of unhooking from you. You don't get a prompt. You CAN'T unhook even if you'd like to... CAN'T = impossibility
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Intentionally using exploits are explicitly one of the main categories of things you can be banned for.
Advertising exploits
Exploiting bugs, errors in design, or undocumented features to gain access to what otherwise would not be available or to obtain a competitive advantage
In-game report REQUIRED / Customer Support ticket OPTIONAL
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You can try to blind a face camping bubba. With teamwork, it's difficult but not impossible. This is 100% uncounterable.
She should be killswitched. Banning players, even temporarily, is a bad solution. Killswitching her is necessary. I think BHVR are a tad too cautious with using their Killswitch.
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no since the game can end, its the same reason, the afk pig or the Breakdown exploit where never banned.
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Just FYI this was fixed in the patch today, that’s probably why they didn’t bother killswitching it.
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The bug has been fixed
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I had hope that this was the case, but that's a relief to hear it confirmed
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if it is a bug, should not be bannable, they should simply fix and not punish those who benefit of their mistake
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I'm pretty sure it's fixed right now